Celestial Peak

Chapter 509: True Blood Seeking Sword I

Chapter 509: True Blood Seeking Sword I

Tempered for thousands of years, the sword evolved through the sheer dedication of two God Beasts. The sword infused by their qi and existence, Wang Ling could feel them dwelling within him through the sword, it called out to him, it wanted him to pull them out, to pull the truth of his Natal Weapons!

"Fine I'll let you two out Blood Seeker" 

The Blood Seeker, the first form of his Natal Weapon wished to be unleashed. The shards used to craft the swords screeched in unison calling out the parts! Wang Ling brought out the remaining shards of Blood Seeker.

Calling upon his flames, Wang Ling melted the remaining shards so he could infuse them to the Swords.

The Revenants who saw this immediately knew what Wang Ling was planning, their eyes widened in unison, "H-he's planning to put Blood Seeker together! STOP HIM!"

"Don't let him use the Weeping Blood!" 

The Revenants were thrown into a panic. Seeing what Wang Ling was doing, their lives existence felt threatened. If Wang Ling was to be allowed to do what he wants to do, then their chances of surviving would drastically plummet.

The Revenants darted forth tanking the flames from the two God Beasts. They redirected the flow of the flames. The Revenants brought with them a massive tsunami of Abyssal Demons!

They all roared and so did the Revenants. They all passed through the flames, the God Beasts roared in return, the blasphemy these rejects wished to inflict on their Father was beyond salvation.

The two thrashed about on the Portals. Space itself on the Origin World began to seem flimsy! The strength of the two God Beasts that took over parts of Heaven and Hell showed. Flame Towers erupted from their wrath sending out waves of heat across thousands of kilometers. But that alone was not enough to stop the Holy Revenants.

Though they were fakes and could not use Heaven and Hell Flames, in some way, they were still their creators. The Holy Revenants did not directly attack Wang Ling, instead, they faced the God Beasts.

"Back off!" 

They screamed and pushed them back to their worlds. Of course, the God Beasts fought them back, but using their qi and lineage to the utmost limit to the point of bleeding through the orifices, the Holy Revenants overpowered Suzhen and Fer!


The two God Beasts roared in defiance, but the remaining Revenants closed the Portal. The World's temperature did not immediately return to normal, but that alone was enough, the two beings actively protecting Wang Ling was finally gone.

The path opened and the tsunami of Abyssal Demons finally found the path they were looking for to Wang Ling, the Revenants led them, they brought out their swords and swung the swords.

The Revenants smirked, and Wang Ling responded with a single phrase, "Let us recreate the past that all of you seemed to have forgotten show it to all of them show them who I am Blood Seeker."

Wang Ling was besieged from all sides by Abyssal Demons. Everyone below watching felt worried, but their worries did not last for long because they felt something had terribly wrong.

They could taste its blood in the air, and they could hardly even breathe naturally. For them who stand at the peak and fight beings who cultivate killing intent for so long that they could suffocate their enemies.

Since time began, the Primordial Races who had been fighting also had killing intent so thick that it turned black. It was torturous to fight them and it felt like the very soul gets corrupted with every strike.

However, what they were feeling was something different entirely. They could feel something familiar yet wasn't the killing intent, the bloodlust they sense, all of it was melding with the world itself, manifesting to reality.

The Sword that sucks the blood of it kills, the sword that hums with every life taken, the sword that took the life of his own master.

Blood Seeker was born from Wang Ling as his first Natal Weapon. For seventy thousand years it fought with him, absorbing the hate and rage he kept within for so long. This sword saw him topple empires, and decimate Sect.

For so long this sword kept Wang Ling alive, and this sword alone fed! Once, it was broken to several pieces and alone shard's killing intent could turn even a sane man to commit slaughter if the heart was not strong enough.

With the pieces reunited, Wang Ling could finally unleash the being kept within the sword. Wang Ling's eyes turned sharp amidst the stab wounds he received, he could feel his soul being ripped apart, but he could feel the familiarity of the sword in his hands.

"Now we shall kill, once more Blood Seeker."


With but a single unstoppable sword split thousands in half freeing Wang Ling. The mountains over the horizon were rendered to smithereens. The flame of the sword now innately had blossomed with the awakening of the killing intent that had long slumbered.


Wang Ling flapped his wings and gained distance from the rest. His passive expression turned and twisted, melancholy plagued him as his mind wandered about the time when he killing so much.

A memory, an unpleasant memory that lasted for thousands of years, a time when his despair echoed throughout the nine heavens.

It was a time when Wang Ling spent ten thousand years creating a single movement...

The story of the Seventy Thousand.

The Story of the one who seeks blood.

The story, of the Blood Seeking Sword.

The remaining thirteen Revenants saw him raise his right hand, and they all instantly knew what was about to happen, "From the crashing waves"


The Revenants with the Demons rushed Wang Ling.

"From the Heavens to the Earth the bodies fall like a Waterfall made of Blood the first signs of my transgression [Blood Falls]."


Thus began the First Movement of the Seven.

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