Celestial Peak

Chapter 501: Miscalculation IV

Chapter 501: Miscalculation IV

"What in the hell" Butler Sun saw the Golden Bell and the moment that he did, he hesitated. The remaining three of the eight Devil Revenants made their moves and swung their swords at Butler Sun, but he only answered with a smirk, "God's Domain Slaughter Grounds: Spears of Oblivion."


The Devil Revenant's eyes widened as their bodies were soon riddled with holes. From Butler Sun's back sprouted spears that skewered their limbs and head killing the Devil Revenants immediately.

Black Wisps floated and disappeared like the rest somewhere, "Hoo, that took longer than I expected but I have got to say, they were moving too recklessly other than this Pseudo-God's Domain what are they planning?"

Butler Sun creased his brows but, in the end, he shook his head as he had something else more important to do, "The situation has blown out of proportion, I need to get the First Young Master out of here."

The Holy Revenants did not immediately make their moves. They instead raised their hands instead and directed their qi into Golden Bell overhead.

"They are still making preparations! Kill them before they can do anything!" 

The Immortal Law Sect's Leader said and the others agreed. Other than Tang Ai who was still incapacitated and Tang Yu who was watching over her, everyone moved even their children and disciples.

All of them decisively left the unconscious experts. The threat had changed, an unknown variable presented itself and right now, they were trapped. To live, they needed not to care for the unconscious, but to kill the Owner of the Domain.

All of them had the same collective thoughts.

None of them called upon the power of the elements, only the strength of their bodies and weapons. Quintessence and killing intent spread out they swung their weapons at the defenseless Holy Revenants only to be greeted by the Devil Revenants flapping their wings and swinging their swords.


The Devil Revenants blocked the attack of the Heads and Leaders.

Blood Seeking Sword: Blood Falls

Seven of the remaining eleven Devil Revenants swung their swords. A blast of killing intent was met by Dang Gu and the others who master the way of the Fist.

"Grand Fist Technique: Heaven's Might!

"Immortal Sun Fist: Blazing Sun!

"World Dominating Fist: Crushing Reality!"

Their fist technique roared and once it clashed, the air was silent until an explosion that threaten to devour the city appeared.

"Blast Dissipating Grand Formation!"

"Thousand Needle Work Formation!"

"Hungry Beast Formation!"

Lu Tian and his disciple of the Formation Tower quickly threw formation poles all over the city and activated several defensive formations to stop the destruction of the city saving hundreds or thousands.

The remaining of the Revenants who was staying on the back, finished their preparations, as they gathered into one single place, they all clashed swords creating a resonating blast, "Blood Seeking Sword: Slaughter Arts: Demonic Tune!"

"Cosmic Echo: Lulling the Universe!" the Han Ji and Han Zhiling father and Son pair blocked the attack of the Demonic Tune.

Of the remaining conscious experts, they also moved to face against the Abyssal Demons flowing from the Abyssal Gates. 

A war suddenly transpired in the City of Thousand Gods. 

Kareem also saw this, he would join the fight if not for the fact that he quickly left for the plateau where Wang Ling.

"Father!" he shouted.

"I am all right, do not worry about me. We are far from the fight, after all." Wang Ling answered as he turned his attention to the fight, "I knew it wouldn't be so simple. Abyssal Demons, Stronger Revenants, and a Domain keeping us inside." 

Wang Ling looked at the Revenants and the Golden Domain he was brought into. He looked around and saw Yan Renhuo's disbelief, "I am guessing this is the first time something like this happened? The pseudo-God Domain, I mean."

"Mm." She nodded her head, "A Domain is the culmination of one's path. Even if you are twins who have the same cultivation method, train in the same way, and talks in the same wavelength, a Domain would always be unique to their own."

"That's not true."  All the while Yan Renhuo was explaining, Yuan Qing interjected and shook her head, "Though not to this degree and with this many people there are those who could combine their Domains. The Black Turtles could do it."

Yuan Qing nodded on the side. She agreed with her sister's words, "Before you say anything, these Revenants are also the clones of Wang Ling and have the same intent and the same cultivation method. The Purest Holy Qi is also more malleable and attuned to the elements like water, seeing something like this shouldn't be that surprising if you think about it, really."

Yan Renhuo could not say anything to the twins. Their words were right, but the way they said it was so annoying that it resembled someone she knew.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not that bad, I at least show respect to others, these two don't know the concept of respect in the first place."

"We know it, we just don't care for it. It is a waste of time especially when fighting."

Wang Ling just stayed silent and didn't bother talking. Gathering the qi in his Immortal Soul. In his Immortal Soul, he began forming the basis of his qi and his intent, "Now, let's see, how can I turn this situation around?"

"Don't even think about it, Young Master." Butler Sun who was casually reattaching an arm said. He had a serious expression as he spoke.

"Hmm? What did you just say, Butler Sun?" Wang Ling creased his brows, "Butler Sun, this is against the Revenants, they have two dozen God Domain users, and its effects remain unknown. I'm staying here, I can provide assistance if needed, and direct the flow of combat. The Family Heads cannot face the Revenants on their own."

Wang Ling was not panicking, he was simply concerned. Looking at it rationally, him being here would increase the likelihood of their chance to survive. Wang Ling was already in the middle of the city, he knows everything these beings could throw at them, and other than him, no one understands the Holy Qi better than him.

"I understand all of that, Young Master, but you cannot go out there. In the off event, everything goes out of control and you die, the Cosmos will lose all hope. The best thing for us to do is for you and Chang Ping and the Deities to escape. I will be sure to cover your tracks. Both Yan Renhuo cannot use her flames against the Holy Revenants and Elder Kareem cannot hurt your Clones, so they will open up the path for your escape." 

"So, you are saying you're going to sacrifice your lives against the Revenants?"

"That is correct." Butler Sun did not even hesitate to admit his plans for Wang Ling. The situation was hopeless, the Revenants were too strong and it would be impossible for them to live, Butler Sun had his hand rest on Wang Ling's shoulder, "You know this is the best of survival of not only you but everyone in this Cosmos, Young Master."

"I cannot have the Family Heads dying here. They are too valuable for the Universe, to die and"

"Young Master, leave! We can't take the risk! If you escape now, you can use this as leverage to start the War you desire! What is keeping you from going!? Aren't you more decisive than this!? Know the importance of the situation!" Butler Sun's outburst was a surprise to everyone who only knew him as a calm person.

Wang Ling knew that what he was doing was stupid, but, as he looked at Butler Sun he hesitated.

Butler Sun noticed Wang Ling's eyes, the old man was surprised but he just leaned over to the child he took care of all those years ago and hugged him

"Thank you, Young Master, but it must be done."


Wang Ling's eyes widened as Butler Sun struck him in the solar plexus. But, Wang Ling had experienced much worst something like that was enough to knock him unconscious. Wang Ling grit his teeth and was ready to fight, but

"Sleep, Wang Ling, you can't die here." The twins moved in to help Butler Sun. Wang Ling finally fell after two sneak attacks and as the twins threw Wang Ling's body over to Kareem to take care, they looked over at Butler Sun, "You are more admirable than we heard, Sun Wu it would be a shame for you to die here."

Yuan Qing began rummaging around her storage ring and then threw a black spear at Butler Sun, "Here."

"This is?" 

"It's called Dark Tempest, it's a [World Treasure]."

"World Treasure?"

"Yes, it's one of the Seven World Spears. I won it in a bet from our Mothers, lose that and I won't forgive you, so live and give it back to us no, we should be returning to the Beast World now, so return it to Wang Ling. We'll get it from him so live."

Buter Sun clutched the black spear. He smiled at the twins' awkward way of saying, "don't die and come back." Truly, they did not know how to express themselves well.

Butler Sun shook his head, "Okay, that's enough, everyone, step back, I'm going to make a tear in this Domain."

Abyssal Demons could not escape a Domain because they did not know how to do it. However, cultivators know a way to open a Domain and that was to, tear open the space with their own Domain and Space attribute.

Butler Sun gathered his qi and then activated his Domain, however, there was no change in his surroundings. His Domain was special for one reason he could alter its size to the extremes and with a God's Domain that materializes their path to reality, Butler Sun's Domain was actually sustained around him and the spear he's holding.

"God's Domain Slaughter Grounds End of the Thousand Spears!"


Space bent and then tore open. With a single movement of his spear Butler Sun tore open a tunnel for them to cross and for it to remain open Butler Sun needed to hold it from this side so they could cross it without dying.

"Quickly, leave! This thing, is stronger than I thought!"

"Thank you, Sun Wu."

"Good luck, Butler Sun."

"I wish to see you again, Slaughter Emperor."

Everyone said their farewells, and as they crossed the path, Sun Wu looked at Wang Ling on Kareem's arms, "I wish you the best of luck, Young Master."

Butler Sun let go of the opening and at this very moment, a black figure passed him by and in split-second entered the closing portal.

And though the being was too fast for him to completely follow, Butler Sun saw, something that made his palms sweat, "He had Five Pair of Wings? A Devil Emperor Revenant?"

The wisps that died finally found their uses.

A Devil Emperor Revenant goes after Wang Ling.

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