Celestial Peak

Chapter 481: An Elf

Chapter 481: An Elf

Tang Yu was no longer smiling, and he was no longer drunk. His words echoed though it was not loud and the City of Thousand Gods that was usually bustling with laughter and chatter of "Experts" was silent, no words uttered not even a single cough.

Wang enjoyed the silence. He didn't want to move on his own because he was too weak. The people below them would only laugh at him because of his ignorance, and the nightmares he wanted to bestow upon them would not happen.

[But that does not mean I'll keep quiet.] Trouble always finds him, and trouble always ends with his means. Wang Ling loses, but he never truly gives anyone an enjoyable victory, and in this case where he had a stacked hand with a lot of moves, he didn't even need to do anything grand, [But I have got to say, that kind of Domain is eerie.]

Wang Ling observed the thousands of swords oozing with nothing but tranquility. There no killing intent imbued in these words, but that somehow made it even scarier, this was the First Sword's Emperor Domain: White Silence.

Pin drop silence could be heard all around the City and Wang Ling was smiling, "So this is your disciple, Chang Ping? I like him, he's a fine young man."

Chang Ping smiled as well, proud of Tang Yu. Bringing out a Black and White Mask with the Word God on its forehead, she nodded, "He is, isn't he?"

"Roan, keep the ship away while they are not paying attention to us." Wang Ling instructed and Roan complied. Everyone jumped off the Sailer and floated on the skies, except Wang Ling, who had yet to grasp flying in this Era. It was different now, "I feel old."

Wang Ling rode on Butler Sun's spear and in a manner of seconds, the Sailer was quickly compressed into a tiny version of itself. The Sailer was kept into the Spatial Ring and then, Butler Sun motioned to Butler Sun about something.

Butler Sun picked up what he was trying to say and shouted aloud, "Absolute White Sword, that is enough please."

Butler Sun's voice was heard all around. When the silence was broken everyone turned their attention to the group flying right above them. The Shabby Sailer had disappeared, replaced by six people looking down on them.

"Please, let us depart. Forgive them for now, they didn't know who it was that was aboard the Sailer." 

The people around them all had their eyes shine. Their smiles found hope that they will not be implicated by this little mess. They thanked the unknown old man deep in their hearts.

Seeing those smiles made Butler Sun grin widely. A sadistic side of him appeared, [I am going to enjoy these next seconds.]

"The Sword God no longer wish to dawdle in this place. I have already made a mental note of who everyone is and where they came from." As Butler Sun's words started to settle, everyone's expression turned dark. 

It was then that they noticed the figure wearing a black and white mask floating above them. Seeing that figure made their faces warped, felt their stomachs,  churning and their worlds collapsing. They actually just laughed, not only at the First Sword but also at the Sword God.

"Sw-sword God?" 

Chattering teeth resounded all over. Butler Sun's words reached Tang Yu who smiled seeing and hearing how the others reacted. He decided to play along.

Tang Yu looked at Ancestor Lei and retracted his sword from her neck. She fell to the ground and then looked straight into Tang Yu's eyes, she wanted to ask for forgiveness but was ignored.

Tang Yu brought out a jug of wine to drink as he turned to the old man, "BUTLER SUN if you and the Master say so. Oh yeah, seeing how you already kept the COMPRESSED SAILER, then we have nothing more to do now."

Tang Yu turned back his attention to the ever-growing dismal faces of the fools who laughed, saying, "Well then everyone, I bid you farewell, and I just hope all of you, know who you laughed at today and learn from it."


Seven figures disappeared without so much as leaving another word, they have said enough. Later that day the entire City of Thousand Gods would be thrown into a massive disturbance. News of the Sword God's appearance finally surfaced after months of remaining missing from the public's eyes.

The ones who laughed felt like eating horse shit because they welcomed the Sword God's arrival with jeering laughter. Which, to make things worst might had a member of the Primordial Race onboard. This led to many Sects, Clans, and Factions trembling.

The Sword God was a mysterious person. Nothing much was known about the Sword God, not even pertaining to gender. A mystery thus making the Sword God unknown and frightful. If the Sword God was to decide to pay them a visit, then it would be easy to say annihilation would be the only end they would receive.

The Sword God was one of the few who already formed a Domain that is leagues above the norm. A master through and through, a legend that surpasses even that of rumors.

But that alone was not enough because aboard the Sailer was the Slaughter Emperor Spear. On that Cosmic Sailer were the Sword God, Absolute White Sword, members of the Primordial Race, and the Slaughter Emperor Spear, and they laughed at them they laugh.

Sufficed to say, many would be doing their best to beg for forgiveness in the coming days before the Congregation.

On a Private Manor owned the Roan.

"Did you foresee him saying all that, Master?" Chang Ping asked as she and Wang Ling drank tea on an open pagoda surrounded by beautiful and fragrant flowers.

"Hmm? No, I did not. Though I did deduce he'd be able to suppress the laughter and establish the standing of the Sword Tower and the Wang Family's connection if he ran rampant." Wang Ling answered as he drank tea.

Chang Ping creased her brows, "So all this is for us to gain as much leverage as possible by the time the Congregation begins?"


"That must also be why Butler Sun said all that obvious thing about my current situation. Did you say to tell him all that before? Wait, did Master foresaw this all happening, and was that the reason why you had Roan used his Shabby Sailer?"

Wang Ling was very tempted to say yes, but he shook his head, "Close, but no, nothing was planned. The Sailer was a coincidence, the laughter a nice prize, and the laughter was not something I liked so I used them to elevate our position. Though I have to say, Tang Yu was more eloquent than I thought, I like him. Also, give Butler Sun a credit, he managed to read my intentions clearly."

"That gives me joy, Young Master." Butler Sun showed up from the manor carrying a platter with biscuits as he offered them to the two, "I just baked them, please, have some. It goes well with tea."

"Thank you, Butler Sun." 

Chang Ping began keeping to herself only to come to the conclusion of, "Then all of that was improvised?"

"Of course, it is. Though to be fair, I did already make some planning on how to use Tang Yu's "drinking problems" that you referred to back on the ship. I heard that and thought that could be useful in some cases. I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but here we are now. And surprisingly some things never change some people are just too foolish that they fall for every bit of taunting and setups."

Chang Ping did not know if she should be impressed or scared. For someone to be able to control public opinion in a few seconds of arriving in a brand-new world, treating beings who lived for thousands of years as pompous children.

[But I supposed not everyone is so shortsighted and without the ability to properly scheme something. I think some people are competent enough to play.] Wang Ling's thoughts wandered as an elven woman appeared right behind Chang Ping.

"Might I ask who you are, Miss?" Wang Ling said in leisure while his face remains uncovered.

"Huh, you don't seem surprised, boy and you look awfully similar to those revenants." The elf said as she hugged Chang Ping from behind.

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