Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 165: The Ball (2)

Chapter 165: The Ball (2)

"and by the time the others appeared, I already put down a dozen men, burned their supplies and saved'' Anton looked through the crowd and pointed at Michelle who was giving a short glare and said, "That redhead mage who did not know what to do. I put her on the back and ran away with Jake here while hundreds of men who were chasing after us." 

Anton's chest looked broader than usual, and he looked taller than usual as well. He felt the glare from Michelle, but chose to ignore it and focused on the noble ladies that were fawning over him and Jacob. Well, at least he thought they were fawning over him.

Abruptly, he felt he would be hit by a flame spell at any moment. He pulled Michelle closer immediately and showed her to the noblewoman and young lords. "Flame girlI mean, Michelle, please share your experience with us." 

Wrik shook his head self consciously, looking at Anton. He could confirm surely that he would have to sleep today with a few burn marks and it appeared Jake would not have a good night as wellsimply because he had joined with Anton. 

Wrik sighed and transferred his view to admire the decorations and the wealth of the nobles. Everything here was extravagant and wondrous. Even the pillars were not normal columns, they were carved well with colourful stones embroidered into it. 

The first-floor hall was far more crowded with noblemen and women compared to below. Couples matched each other gracefully, according to the soft music. Each of their motions seemingly showed their class and origin. The ladies stood out most in the dance. Maybe it was their dress that took the space of two more humans or their effortless motions and fine hair moving according to the steps.

"I think you should go to Tanya," Byul said. In her arm was a glass holding red coloured drinks. Probably winehe was never good at their names. 

Wrik arched his eyebrow at the short-haired girl who looked a couple of years older with all the dress up and makeup. Without a word, he took away her glass saying, "Alcohol is not good for your health."

Byul snorted silently and peeked at Tanya, who was surrounded by a lot of suitors. In another corner, Davin and Kevin were enjoying their drinks. And as for Anton, Jake and Michelle, they seemed to be having fun.

"Anton would get cursed tonight," she said. 

"I can see that," Wrik said, sipping the red wine. The taste was somewhat bitter and sweetmore like the tea he drank with Ryat, though it brought a flare in his chest and all the way to his stomach. 

"I think he would not be the only one that would get the curse," she said, peeking her eyes at him and Tanya. 

Now Wrik had to be overwhelmingly dense to not know what this girl was talking about. Wrik thought for a moment and brought another glass of wine with him and got ready to move towards Tanya.

"Dn't pick up another glass, or you would be with me during the cursing," leaving those words to Byul, he moved towards Tanya. And it appeared as quite a demanding job. Now he knew the meaninga beautiful lady will catch the attention of men like honey caught the attention of the bees.

Wrik apologised and moved around all suitors of Tanya. Among them were the Young Lord Tharoar, Rogard and a few others and, most importantly, Kelek Silfarethe one that took care to introduce them. In the first impression, Wrik had not thought him to be a flippant young Lord, but now he was appearing as one. 

He came before Tanya and told all suitors around courteously. "Please excuse me, Young Lords, I have to borrow Lady Tanya for a moment. 

"Enjoy the evening," Kelek left those words and put his head in another direction. The noblemen did not voice out their displeasure and left one by one. 

"Took you long enough," Tanya said, and took the glass he offered.

"Well, I'm here," Wrik said and found himself in those moments he had nothing to talk about. His mind was not blank, working up with anything that he could converse with her. 

"Your brother seemed to be having fun," Tanya said again, gesturing with her eyes at the dance floor. 

Wrik looked and found Anton dancing with some noble lady, hands holding together and another one was at the young lady's waist. He did not know Anton would be so smooth among the nobles and it had not been an hour since they had appeared here. On the side of the dance floor was Michelle, her eyes glaring at Anton while Jacob was doing his best to appease her anger.

"Are you not going to ask me for a dance?" Tanya said, still looking at the dance floor. 

Wrik looked at her eyes and worked up some words, "I would have asked, but unfortunately for I never tried this sort of sport before." 

"Sport?" Tanya raised her eyebrow at him. "Do you think this is a competition?"

"Well, by the way, they were trying so hard and continuing it does appear like a competition," Wrik said, and pointed with his gaze. "Look carefully, I think that the youth is from House Sanyal, dancing, yet his concentration was somewhere else, stealing glances towards that couple. I can give you more examples if you want." 

"My lord," Tanya said, putting her arm to her heart. "Are you spying on them or something?"

"Well, it is one of my quirks," he answered. "I can't undo it. I notice things unconsciously. It appears some invisible tension is going on here, though I'm not sure what it's about." 

Tanya took another sip of the red wine and sighed.

Wrik was no master at knowing the situation, but he could tell Tanya was annoyed and it might very well be at him. "Do you want something?" he asked.

"No," Tanya said, and took another sip. The glass of wine was almost finished and Tanya was looking for another one. She called one of the manservants and was about to take another glass when Wrik caught her arms. 

"Let's dance," Wrik said, gesturing with his other arm. 

"Didn't you say you can't?" 

"I said, I don't know how to, but I can learn it as well," Wrik said with a wink. "And I don't know if you have noticed it yet, but I'm an insightful man."

Tanya raised her brow and did not decline him. She let him pull her onto the dancefloor.

Wrik caught her left arm with his right while his left was on her waist. He considered the other couples with the corner of his eyes and found he was not terrible. Well, at least, not at the first step.

A small curve held in the lips of Tanya and she whispered, "Relax your shoulder, and move your left palm a little above and more firmly."

Wrik released a breath and followed the instruction.

"Now follow my lead."

Wrik arched his brow. The couples he had seen so farthe men were in the lead while the ladies motioned gracefully along with them. Don't get him wrong, the ladies did steal the show, but the men led the movements. But he was not a geek in this direction, so he let Tanya do what she wanted.

Wrik was good at taking hints with a little manoeuvre from Tanya. He moved along and let her show the graceful motions. The layers of her gowned danced with her, sweeping the glass marble.

"You are not half-bad," Tanya whispered. 

"Well, I have an excellent teacher," Wrik answered and motioned her in a circle around her. His focus was on the steps and on the girl he was dancing with. 

"But the important question," Tanya whispered again as their eyes met again. "Are you having fun?" 

"My eyes have not wandered off once." 

The curve on her lips broadened, and the two of them continued on the dance.

"This is quite relaxing," Wrik commented. After all his nervousness was gone, he was found to be in a comforting situation. "Is this why nobles dance?" 

"Probably," Tanya said, and they slowed down their motion, enjoying the dance together. After a few moments, she brought her head on his chest and their legs still moved according to the soft waltz. 

"Are you tired?" 

"A little," she mumbled. "Not because of the dance, it's just that I do not like new environment where i have to adjust properly with my every move."

Wrik considered her words and found he did not know her pretty well. Even though he knew her for three months now, he was still far away from knowing the inner self. He recalled the first day when he saw her and on that first meeting; he was attracted by how carefree she was. 

But he had not seen her like that for a long since. The last time she was like that was when she was with Sophiaher sister.

"I'm sorry that you have to appease so many suitors on your own," he said, sucking in a deep breath.

"Mmm," Tanya indicated she had listened. The two of them did not exchange any words in the dance after that. Move gently along like the mist with the soft music. 

Her face was on his chest and Wrik brought her slowly towards a dim-light lit balcony. 


Oh god, this is hard. Harder than writing fight scenes. 

Check out: Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis.

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