Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 936 Odd, Unrighteous Sides

Chapter 936 Odd, Unrighteous Sides


Thousands of undead were moving around the city, some aloof and some hunched, yet all muttering the same thing over and over again while the glow in their eyes continued to light up the night in red.

"You cannot comprehend the true beauty of death. The only true Divinity among many falsehoods. The truest reality in all the lands. You cannot..."

The city was showered with the mostly annoying buzzing of these voices. It had been for hours, and honestly, to some degree, it was welcome.

Enduring the ominous quiet brought only by death and destruction would eventually become impossible, even for powerful experts. The current circumstances within Pelian added to this.

 That said, one young man felt that the opposite would have been acceptable.

His dark hair with blue fringes, rippling in the night wind, and the narrowing of his large, honey-coloured eyed, all seemed to convey the gloomy, cold frustration he bore towards the chattering dead walking below him.

"Couldn't you shut them up?" Rias said with blatant annoyance.

"I prefer the noise," Fulina said with the sort of stubborn tone that suggested that she wasn't about to fold.

"I see," Rias said indifferently. "So this is the best you could do, huh? A small city like this? It barely looks like steady territory. Would Master Actuass be pleased with this?"

Fulina gave the young EverSword heir a sharp glare.

"You're much too young to know what Actuass needs, boy. If you haven't got anything productive to say, keep your mouth shut," she hissed.

"Uhm... please Rias. I'm sure this woman knows what Master Actuass wants better than we do. Best let her take the lead, no?" a frail looking woman approached hesitantly from behind the two, taking shaky steps onto the balcony of the building.

Rias looked back at her and nodded, saying nothing else.

Millisa sighed in relief.

She hadn't been sure her son would back down, but thankfully he did. Despite how cold he could be, he was quite obedient to her and Rearren.

Alarming so, some of the time.

"Remind me again, why it is that Rearren thought it would be best for you two to come here? Isn't your Estate a much better place to hide than here with us? Not to mention that you travelling here might just end up leaving us worse off if you were followed," Fulina asked.

Millisa straightened her back as best as she could and replied.

"Well, because of the latest... incident, the Houses have mobilised their forces against us. Over the last few days, we have been attacked constantly, but since our mansion is quite sturdy and well-guarded, it's been holding."

"Rearren said he didn't know how long it would last though and he sent me and Rias here."

Fulina rolled her eyes.

"That man is making too many plays off the script. You two won't make our job easier at all, even if you have the strength to back up your reason for being here. If the Houses show up, we'll have to relocate and look for a safer place to stay and that will be highly inconvenient with my arm of undead," she said.

Millisa shrank while Rias flared, a little annoyed.

"Your army should be the least of your concerns," Revia said, emerging from deep inside the house they were in, dimly lit by dozens candles. "If need be, I can transport us all far enough away."

"Hopefully, there won't be any need for that," Fulina quickly said.

The tension rose and died down, bringing with it awkward silence.

Revia found it hard to believe that the increase in company, only brought forth more awkwardness.

She had dreaded being alone with Fulina, but now, she wished it was only them two.

Her eyes fell on Millisa.

Ever since this woman arrived, Revia had felt that she was out of place. She fussed over Rias like a common woman, a common mother, and didn't seem quite like the type to plot against the world alongside Rearren and Rias.

Revia got the feeling that much like her, she had been included in something she didn't want to, though, unlike her, Revia had a bit more free will.

The former Paladin Champion hid away her sympathy and...

"What's that?" Rias said, his eyes squinting at something a short distance away from the city.

Well, rather than something, it seemed like someone... some people, actually.

They approached the city with slow steps; with caution.

Revia saw a dash of shine.

There was white.

There was gold.

There was a three-pointed star.

Before she could even think, her body bellowed with strength, and in the blink of an eye, the silver-haired girl had crossed the crowded three kilometre distance to the outskirts of the city and was standing before the two figures.

The two didn't have an exaggerated reaction to her arrival, but they both donned frowns at the sight of her, as did she.

"Ruhrees..." Revia said while grinding her teeth.

The Paladin Champion didn't reciprocate the dramatic call out, and neither did his female companion. She merely looked at the undead within the city, and then at Revia with disdain.

"When you told me that Revia had gone rogue, I imagined something different. To think she's chosen to surround herself with the corpses of innocents. The words fallen from grace can't do justice for this evil," the female Paladin Champion said.

Revia's eyes lit up murderously.

"Watch your mouth. You're not that different!" she barked.

"Not that different?" Ruhrees spoke before his companion could retort, a look of fury melting on his face. "You dare say that to us after aiding what happened in that stadium?! Did you see how many lives were snuffed out because you sided with that necromancer?! And you say we are NOT THAT DIFFERENT?!"

Revia bit her lips and for moment, she felt as though they had been stapled together. She couldn't speak. She couldn't retort. The only answer she had as for why she was doing this felt like an excuse, yet she stood by it.

She glared at the two and unsheathed a sword that began to rapidly vibrate in her grip.

"I'm willing to pay for it in the end, but not before I expose you all. All your self-righteousness hidden behind a doctrine the Deities didn't ask you teach," she said seethingly. "I was going to hunt you all down bit by bit. But thankfully, you came on your own."

Ruhrees' fury seemed to only rise. The female Paladin Champion by his side stepped forward.

.cοm "Keep using Elita as a crutch. That's what this is about, right? Let's see if that damn Cursed Blood will return the favour, wherever she is. Hopefully in the afterlife."

The trigger was pulled immediately.

Before a second passed, Revia was already upon the two, brandishing her weapon with the intent to kill.

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