Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 911 Break The World! (2)

Chapter 911 Break The World! (2)

Terrible, multi-coloured lights that seemed like severed cords, flailing and dazzling out after their function was disrupted, boomed from the sky as well!

Some of their remnants fell as balls of light – in pink, scarlet, orange, blue – onto the ocean only to explode or cause blindingly thick waves of vapour that threatened the lives of everyone here, much like the Scorching Tears that fell alongside them!

In just a moment, the situation had turned from being a scenario where the Severed Union had cornered the masked man, to a situation where they were scrambling to find safety amid the rain of malevolent colours!

The skies groaned deafeningly, adding a pinch of existential dread to the faint of heart!

Truly, the world seemed to be coming undone.

Who was this man to be capable of such things?

Who was the necromancer?

And why was he even doing this?!

Only people like Eaniss, who squinted at the necromancer amid everything, her hair changing from velvet to havana brown, could be bothered to wonder things like this at a time like this.

She took the time to look at the sky and ocean break apart, the space in-between warping as the two parts of Aigas that now existed, drew further away from each other!

'Incredible...' she thought, but there was no tone of excitement or admiration.

The Factions who were on the side that seemed to draw away – along with Feinheath and Opungale – were either two puzzled or frightened to attempt to leap towards the rest who were stuck with the necromancer and his gigantic monster.

In all fairness, after learning that the enemy they were after was capable of not just summoning thousands of undead, but also doing something like breaking the so-called bodies of the Deities – Suzamete the Skies and Listafelle the oceans – was it cowardly to just want to stay put?

It was madness.

The pitch black void in which the falls on either part of Aigas fell into were another reason to stick still. They could be seen in the sky as well.

They looked as though they would spill unspeakable threats at any moment, and with each passing breath, they grew wider.

Many were terrified.

This was absurd.

Is this what they signed up for?!

Replicus didn't find anything deterring about the circumstances, however.

Amid the falling Scorching Tears and the balls of light that whistled elegantly only to explode like bombs and cause the ocean to turn more chaotic, with sparks and hisses flying everywhere, the Penetrator raced forth, his figure streaking across absurdly quickly.

The boons of [Sage Save] and [Sage Strain] were rather useful right now, since the Reverse Clusters hampered even his ability to utilise the Astral Blizzard tunnel for extra speed.

'I need to get to the ship!' Replicus thought, leaving his phantoms to exclaim and express his shock towards what the masked man had done, and finish his immense surprise at the fact that he had been charitable to the wrong person all this while.

The sheer ridiculousness...

The world being cleaved...

It could all wait.

Otherworldly as the phenomenon seemed, Replicus had experienced things comparable to it.

Because of the many variables right now, Replicus lifted his hand into the air as he blasted forward, and with his mana churning, fifty spots of intense light ignited all around the battlefield.

This was the skill, [Brilliant King's Adoring Stars], a skill Replicus used to heal himself and enhance his attack power by 210%!

As if to spell that his decision to summon this skill was spot on, a downpour of Scorching Tears splashed in a wide range, a net of liquid heat that Replicus couldn't have dodged unless he could teleport or use Astral Blizzard Motion, spilling forth!

Half of the Penetrator's right side was molten through instantly, and it couldn't put up a fight!

However, one of the fifty stars hanging in the air shot a bolt of glinting light at Replicus and he, as well as the Hollow Dusk's Prison were restored to perfection immediately!

Replicus dashed towards the beast coiling around his ship and a burst of fury lit up in him.

This bastard...

'You dare take my ship!' Replicus thought.

Ever since he heard the narration from Kenno, he had grown more eager to meet the masked man.

Unlike others, watching the necromancer tear the world wasn't enough to intimidate him into cowering.

He drew closer, intending to fling himself against the unmasked man when...

A fist that seemed to carry the force of seven others of its kind slammed into Replicus' abdomen!

The Penetrator's fist – which was itching from release since the infuriating ordeal with the Ardent Curses – countered a fraction of time after Replicus received blow, and he felt something groan under the odd immensity of his jab!

He and the assailant drew back, but between the two, it was clear that Replicus was practically unharmed.

The old undead Incandescent Stager was bleeding from his nose, a dark bruise visible on his chest, even though Replicus had hit him only once on his face.

"You never learn, huh?" the Penetrator said coldly before shooting forth.

His Trigger Deviant Build had once again returned most of the force of the blow to his enemy!

The old undead sucked in a deep breath, and with his eyes showing an annoying degree of composure, he sent a lightning fast palm strike towards Replicus, but when it reached his armour, its momentum died.

Replicus was alarmed.

This time, the old undead wasn't aiming for a crushing blow.

The Penetrator's body became unresponsive, as in a moment too miniscule for the average perception to perceive, the old man's Aura invaded his body and temporary shut it down!

'Crafty, but stupid!' Replicus thought.

Who said he needed to move to attack?!

His sockets flared bright.

Brighter than usual.

As he faced the old undead, Replicus' four sockets crackled and a four glaring beams smashed into the old undead Incandescent Stager quickly, sending him flying!

The old man managed to block with his Aura, and soon, he found his footing.

However, a great, shattering blow struck him in the back of the head, a torrent of purple fuming behind it!

There was a boom, and the old bastard sank into the ocean so fast that there was a hole over its surface for a moment.

The figure of Aurolio emerged. He cracked his knuckles and grinned at the water as it closed up, then at Replicus.

"You're welcome," he said.

"Spare me," Replicus who felt his ability to move restored quicker than it should – because he had employed [Sorcery of Essence] to drive out the old undead's Aura – said. "He's not going to go down that easily."

Sure enough, the two found the old undead emerging from the water before them, sizzling and burnt. He was blocking the last few thirty meters to the unmasked necromancer.

"I'm not dense," Aurolio said with a relaxed smile. "You got done in good, didn't you? You reckon your little simps are dead?"

Replicus didn't reply to the insult immediately.

Their enemy looked to be going for a bigger move.

The Penetrator had the impression that when guarding his master, the old undead was a lot more capable, but he didn't want to waste more time with him.

He doubted the necromancer was going to stick around after what he had just done, and it seemed he had every intention of taking his ship.

"Yeah, they're alive," Replicus said, and burst ahead.

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