Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 874 The King's Timid Decree

Chapter 874  The King's Timid Decree

Agmold, the Royal City, one of the three large cities in Pelian, welcomed a host of guests that were not entertained by the millions of anxious commonfolk and nobles that it housed within its walls, different from an event that occurred months ago.

The Royal Mansion seated in the very midst of the great, powerful city, looked as though it had been given a new neon paint job, because of the barrier stuck to its grand, clean walls, which, in contrast to the magnificent walls, were unsullied by cracks, caves.

Despite the city remaining relatively untouched during the great trembling a day ago, the hexagonal tower – dark, and with ancient sculpting on its exterior –its height a staggering hundred meters, cast an ominous shadow into the city.

It was horrendously, thick, its base torn to reveal the hollow within from whence a cruel and mighty creature had emerged to assault the city, only to be beaten black and blue until it fled.

The battle had caused no small amount of panic, but there were no casualties, thankfully.

Be that as it may, the unrest continued to grow thicker from the rumors about how this was going on all over Pelian. Rather, it had been a rumor, until surviving merchants and nobles had landed in the city after the dark creature had been driven away by the Capital Service.

It was harrowing for those with family outside these walls.

Unlike Agmold, what were the chances that others were still standing?

Hadn't there been a tragedy yesterday as well, which took a large chunk of Pelian's population?

Yet, that seemed to have not been enough as news came that told of the fall of many cities.





All of them, even though they were small cities, were confirmed to be gone, their populations erased.

The panic, unfortunately, was not only limited to the common folk and nobles.


A man adorned in funny clothing marched freely between the rows of Royal Knights expressing appalling degrees of power. All of them were accomplished Masters bred to be the finest of the fine, but they all gave bows when the oddly dressed man passed between them, walking through several sets of open double doors I'm the castle.

The colors attached to his outfit made anyone untrained to keep a straight face at weird sights grimace, as even to one without any attainments in fashion, what the man wore was blasphemous.

The man did not care though.

In fact, the less every bit of him made sense – even his clothing – the better, after all, it was part of his Technique.

The man finally crossed into the last set of double doors, guarded on both sides by four valiant Knights of the Incandescent Stage, over their figures that flared with ready-to-surge volumes of power, what was likely Mythical-grade armor...or perhaps higher.

"My King!" the man called as he skipped into a vast hall; what was called the throne room.

He wore a big smile at the sight of the King's throne, ever encrusted by rare jewels and gems, and the two smaller, only slightly less impressive seats on either side of it. Those who sat upon it – the King, his wife to his left, and his daughter to his right – did not look so offended at the antics of the funnily dressed man even as his colors clashed against their eyes.

"Shannazah. Please sit," the King spoke in a demanding... yet pleading tone, his hand gesturing below the rise onto which his and his family's seats were placed, where five extravagant chairs – set opposing each other with three on one side and two on the other – could be seen.

Four of them had already been occupied.

"Very well, very well!" the man addressed as Shannazah said before skipping towards the empty seat.

He gave a quirky salute to the others with a giant smile, but unfortunately received no reciprocation.

"Thank you for responding as quickly as you did. To the threat, I mean. The damage would have been much worse if not for your intervention," the King said timidly.

None among his guests said anything.

The King looked to his wife and daughter who remained as stiff-faced as rocks, before giving a light cough.

"H-how has been the progress in finding out the cause for all this?" he asked. "Surely, the great Houses, fine calamities such as yourselves—"

"We've found him," one of those seated said coldly. "The one responsible for all this, as well as his location wasn't that difficult to find. I managed to convene with someone who survived the Premium Age Royale, the event YOU allowed to occur without a thought, and he told me as much as I needed to know."

The King gulped at the unsubtle accusation.

"Y-yes. Yes. G-good work! Please do tell. Who is this person and where are they?" he said in a dodgy manner.

There was no response, however, which made the King all the more nervous.

"Before that, I would like to know how you intend to deal with EverSword... Your Majesty," the one who spoke gave a piercing glare to the King, who shook. "Our losses because of them are far too many to ignore. As of right now, only two great cities remain. Genhuis has fallen, along with its people, and a great degree of our collective interests."

The King was startled.

"Genhuis? Genhuis fell?"

"Indeed. Of course, most of its inhabitants had already perished beforehand, but there were further losses. The City Guardian managed to escape with only a hundred or so people. Surely, this must have you seething... Your Majesty."

"Oh don't tease his Majesty, Desmonn," Shannazah chimed in with a laugh, slapping his thigh while at it. "The King is also furious. He even called us to gather and discuss everything."

The one addressed as Desmonn raised a brow at Shannazah, wondering if the oddly dressed man was being sarcastic.


"Well, as it so happens..." the King suddenly said with an anxious face. " is indeed imperative that we get to the bottom of our current predicament, but there is another reason why I called you all."

The five looked I'm surprise at the King.

Another reason?

His Majesty was speaking as though the current situation was paled in comparison to what he had called them for.

What could it be?

The King cleared his throat, looking at his wife and daughter nervously again, and then spoke:

"Maqi has declared war on Opungale. Their forces are already on their way."


The five expressed silent and almost imperceptible shock at the news. It was absurd and ill-timed!

However, the King wasn't done speaking.

"I have been torn for the past few hours, but...since we have a formal alliance with Opungale, I would like two of you to sail there, and help defend them."

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