Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1129: Six Minutes (5)

Chapter 1129: Six Minutes (5)

The Null Devil King had roughly 400,000,000 units of Null Life Essence at his disposal.

This number would have been at least two hundred times higher if he retained his Dominion and was fighting in the Null Verse. However, because Serenity had made it so that any attempts to rebel by leaving the Null Verse, for instance, would result in the Four Authorities losing much of their powers, Caxellac as the Null Devil King was left with nothing but his innate prowess as a Null Lifeform.

The ability to freely control the sections of the Null Verse he ruled over, quite like how Incandescent Stagers and above had full reign over their Imaginary GeoScapes, would have also helped, but Caxellac didn't have such a luxury.

It had been lost, and thus, for the first time in his life, he actually had to work hard for something.

The BoneTender had fully mastered the physical properties of the Null Devil King's body, but had been nowhere near matching Caxellac's skill in Null Life, Class and all.

A simple example of such a difference was...


Time seemed to come to a stop.

The many, massive buildings in the city - clearly built to house beings innately larger than the normal ones on Feinheath and Opungale - Caxellac had come crashing into, were suddenly stalled midway through their fall. The tonnes of rubble and debris still flying all over while awash in great bursts of heat, hung in the air.

A great pool, mysteriously persisting against the desolation in the city, located in the centre of it, turned so still that it might have actually become a broad layer of glass.

Dust, flying mandatorily in the wind because of the destruction also came to a hold, and it was as though the entire airspace was painted with a hint of brown.

Replicus, who had been coming in for another critical attack against the Null Devil King frowned. His body wasn't stopped in its tracks like everything else, but he found that his vicious burst of speed was tempered with adversely. His immense body suddenly got relegated to approximately two-fifths of its amplified speed granted by the Fallen Reincarnator's Shadow!

It was as though he was suddenly traversing through pools of thick jelly!

'What is it now?!' he grumbled furiously, only to realise that the Null Devil King was rising from the crater he had been lying in. 'Is this Static Limbo?'

Null Life Essence washed over Caxellac again, and in an instant, it was as though he had not been roadkill plastered in a ditch a moment ago!

'Damn it!' Replicus cursed just as he managed to drop the Fallen Reincarnator's Shadow on his opponent.

The Null Devil King flashed out of the way and appeared over one massive building which looked quite like a gazebo. It too was frozen midway through its pitiable fall.

He twiddled his fingers and cracked his neck.

"You know, there was a better way for me to capitalise on my advantage with the [Rune of the FIRST]. I could have spent the next six minutes running around, making it hard for you to actually engage me in any meaningful combat. I am, after all, a King. I have the luxury of forfeiting battles as I wish and resuming them when I wish. It doesn't matter that you are the successor of a prestigious figure in our world who was once an Authority," he said with a chuckle right before a great arrow of light flew and obliterated the gazebo he was standing on. Next, Caxellac flashed before the giant figure of Replicus.

"I decided against that. I no longer hold a title, as difficult as that is to swallow. And as a general Null Lifeform, I can't show myself to be a coward or engage in cowardly tactics. But then again..."

The Null Devil King hurried to raise a hand to defend right when Replicus' large fist, no longer as fast as it was before, came down like a twister with Ju`wtte crackling around it, intent on smashing him to bits!

His palm was tinged in an intense blue glow and he used it to block the Progeny's attack with a terrifying degree of ease!


Replicus' frown turned deeper.

There was hardly any feedback.

Large bursts of Ju`wtte surrounded the Null Devil King from the raging impact, but this time Replicus noticed something concerning.

Thick tiles of glass-like Null Life Essence appeared around Caxellac just as the harbingers of Crush and Shock damage emerged.

As they erupted one after another, the advanced Reflective Null Cages - or tiles - blocked much of their intended damage, keeping the Null Devil King perfectly safe!

Caxellac grinned viciously and looked up at Replicus' large, stunned face.

"...then again, you, PROGENY OF THE WARMOTH, have yet to ignite the fire of thrill that comes with senseless, unwarranted, barbaric battle in me! At this pace, I might as well stay alive for longer than I intended!" he shrieked just as Replicus raised his top arms and struck the Ju`wtta wrapped around them together.


The sound of two metallic entities clashing resounded, and then Replicus became encased in a great ball of thick, eager bolts of Ju`wtte!

The Null Devil King's grin turned even more twisted.

The city the two were battling in was overwhelmed by a yellowish red radiance and the intact structures close to the burst of Ju`wtte were turned to dust!

The mountain onto which the city was set on obtained intense cracks that had Ju`wtte running through them, and finally, it started groan, crack and tilt!

The intense light faded, and Replicus' massive figure emerged, its missing arm restored and his skin which had been torched by Caxellac's flames earlier mended perfectly!

This was a result of the skill [Ju`wtta Resounding Restoration]!

Whenever Replicus knocked the bracers known as the Ju`wtta together, all bodily damage he had suffered would be healed instantly regardless of how severe!

The Null Devil King took note of this.

"DON'T MAKE MY LAST MOMENTS DULL, WARMOTH!" he cried jubilantly.

In the next instance, Replicus threw his free fist down, then his other!

The Null Devil King blocked with his palms packed with so much Null Life Essence they were glowing. Many Reflective Null Tiles also appeared around him defensively.

Replicus didn't let up.

He threw a flurry of deadly punches nonstop with his bottom arms and Caxellac met them all without taking even a shred of damage!

Great popping and booming noises erupted in the thousands, demolishing the great Giant city

as it fell off.

Mana was eradicated as hundreds of thousands of exchanges ensued.

Great gusts that only grew worse with time rolled all over Edagon, whipping about with such great force that they eroded the landscape at a terrifying rate.

The clouds above turned tenebrous, dropping bolts of regular lightning and rain on the land

of Giants as it suffered.

But Replicus and Caxellac didn't care.

They kept their engagement alive for the better part of ten seconds, a blistering heat building

up around them!

'Damn it! This bastard is unbelievable!' Replicus thought begrudgingly. 'He's using Static Limbo, not to freeze a living thing like I'm used to, but to freeze the surrounding space! Even with all the strength I can master, I can't assume my full physical capabilities anymore!' 'To make matters worse, he's condensing Null Life Essence so finely in his palms that my punches are barely doing anything, much less the Shock and Crush damage which he's beating with the Reflective Null Tiles!'

Replicus was both impressed and terrified.

But he couldn't have been more mortified by the Null Devil King's skill than in the next


Midway through the exchange, he saw the Null Devil King's hand quickly swipe the air as an intense blur... and his upper right arm - where one of his Ju`wtta grew from - went flying!


Was that... was that a slash from condensed Null Life Essence?

Replicus couldn't ponder over this, even in his horror, because Caxellac immediately drew

back, extended his hand forward and pulled on the Null Life Essence in Replicus, drawing the

Progeny in his direction!

Null Extraction?!

His grin then covered his entire face once more and he then applied his Class, the Forcemancer, in a way that the BoneTender could only ever dream of!

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