Book Eater

Chapter 159: One Year Later (5)

Chapter 159: One Year Later (5)

Baek Jongmyung admitted his defeat with a feeling in his heart that he hadn’t felt for a long time. He had been able to cut through Theo’s mysterious spell, but his method had been the issue. His instincts had led him to cross the line they’d set for the spar.

Baek Jongmyung apologized to Theo with a red face, “I am ashamed, Sir Ted. I broke the rules… I shouldn’t have done it.”

That’s right. The fearsome blow which stabbed through Theo’s magic was his Aura Ability. This was the unreasonable equalizing ability of a sword master, who could not match a magician’s firepower, that went beyond tactical magic and the power of a god.

Magicians who faced it for the first time usually panicked or were traumatized. However, Theo was far from normal.

Master Baek’s ability… Is it 【Penetration】or 【Breakthrough】? No, I can’t be sure after only seeing it once...

Theo was busy analyzing the abnormalities in the auras, rather than being angry at Baek Jongmyung’s foul play. The audience watching them from afar might not know, but Theo, who had faced Baek Jongmyung’s sword, had been able to see it clearly. The fusion of two magic powers had created an explosion, but a silver aura had sliced right through the center.

Despite the fact that both Randolph and Baek Jongmyung were sword masters, Randolph’s ability was completely different from this. However, a magician would only be excited by new information in an unknown subject.

Thus, Theo’s answer to Baek Jongmyung was delayed by one beat.

“... No. Thanks to that, the spar could finish without injury, so I am thankful.”


“Besides,” Theo said with a bitter smile, “Look around. If Master Baek broke the rules, I did as well.”

Baek Jongmyung looked around with a bewildered expression before realizing what Theo meant. According to the rules, Baek Jongmyung had sealed his Aura Ability while Theo hadn’t been allowed to use area of effect magic which affected more than half of the battlefield.

However, the center where the two people were standing was relatively intact, but the shock wave had destroyed the ground, reached the forest outside the open space, and torn up a few trees. Baek Jongmyung might have cut most of the magic with his Aura Ability, but the residual had spilled over to affect the spectators.

As Theo gazed down at his hands, he admired the power of the magic.

Is it still too dangerous to be used in practical situations?

Technically, it wasn’t a proper spell, but an explosion induced by colliding two high density sources of magic power. At best, it was a primitive application of his resources. A more proper application of this would not have resulted in an explosion.

Yet, this basic application had been able to threaten a sword master. If he could properly control it, then he had one more weapon against master class opponents. Theoretically, he could even defeat a 5th stage Pride using this.

His right arm had become Blizzard by using Aquilo’s power, while his left arm had become Inferno by using Muspelheim’s power. It had circulated according to the concept of Yin and Yang, an eastern philosophy which referred to the combining of two opposing forces, amplifying the unique magic. Unlike Fusion Magic, this was a new spell that Theo invented. Theo was convinced that the completion of this unique magic was closely related to reaching the master level.

“Hahaha! Indeed, Sir Ted’s words are right!” Baek Jongmyung spoke with a much lighter expression. “Today’s confrontation is a draw! I am blessed to be able to face a mage of the west.”

“I am also honored by my confrontation with an expert,” Theo agreed. Sometimes it was better to compete once than a hundred times.

Theo covered his bare upper body with a cloak as Baek Jongmyung asked him, “With this, the second condition is over. Then can I hear the third condition?”

“Umm... The third condition...” Theo fell silent as Elsid and the others approached.

There was no need to conceal it, but it was best not to get caught.

Theo swallowed his words and said something else, “Master Baek, I’ll tell you after we return to the mansion. Today, there are other guests.”

“Hmm, I understand. It hasn’t even been three weeks, but I shouldn’t let my liege wait for me. Sir Ted, thank you for your deep consideration.”

Theo blinked as he had suddenly become a thoughtful man, but there was no chance to clarify the misunderstanding as the crown prince came within earshot. It wasn’t bad to be remembered as a good person, but he couldn’t help feeling bad about the misunderstanding.

In any case, the crown prince was now more amenable than before.

... Perhaps watching the spar with Master Baek changed his mind.

It was an unintentional display of force, but Theo didn’t need any favors from the prince. After the guests left, Randolph and Theo had a heated debate about what had happened during the spar with Baek Jongmyung.

Then exactly three days later, the rest of the Baek Family arrived at the harbor and knocked on the door of the mansion. Theo, who had gone to Baek Jongmyung to present the third condition, was faced with an unexpected person.


As expected of a warrior family, all of them participated in moving all the exotic furniture. The empty rooms that Theo and Randolph had neglected were quickly filled, and the estate quickly bustled with noise.

Theo swirled his tea as he listened to the chatter. The tea that Baek Jongmyung gave Theo was an impressive emerald green and emitted an intoxicating scent. Theo took a slow sip and was impressed by the tea.

“... This is a good fragrance.”

“It is called Longjing Tea. We only have a little bit, but it is worth giving to Sir Ted.”

“Thank you.”

Theo had no knowledge of tea and simply thought it was expensive, but he was wrong.

Longjing Tea, one of the so-called four seasons, was divided into seven classes, and every class was far more expensive than the one below it. Things may have been different in the Baek Family’s prime, but this tea was a rare luxury for them now. The cup of tea which Theo had just drunk was worth dozens of gold coins. It showed just how much Baek Jongmyung appreciated him.

The peaceful atmosphere in the room continued until...

Knock knock knock!

Baek Jongmyung sensed who it was and called out with a frown, “{Stop! Didn’t I tell you not to come when I’m with a precious guest?!}”

Just like the west continent had their own languages, so did the east continent. Baek Jongmyung’s Chinese was a language which the central regions had created and spread, and it had permeated the entire east. However, Theo felt something off with the strange pronunciation. But the door opened before Theo could discover the source of his discomfort.

“{Father!}” A man stood beyond the door. No, his features were immature enough for him to be called a boy.

It was one of the two children who had come to the mansion with Baek Jongmyung a few days ago. Theo had forgotten his name, but he was the third son of the Baek Family.

“{No, Baek Dongil! You are too rebellious!}”

That’s right, Baek Dongil!

Theo was surprised to notice that he understood Chinese. He had inherited Lee Yoonsung’s memories about Chinese, but he had never actually used them. Perhaps he had digested more of Lee Yoonsung’s memories once the Baeks had come. Maybe there’s more knowledge to be unearthed from those memories.?

Meanwhile, as he was analyzing this, the father and son quarrel was getting louder.

“{Father, please listen to my request just once!}”

“{This kid!}” Baek Jongmyung’s incensed growl was enough to horrify a tiger.

However, Baek Dongil just shook his head. “{Why don’t you understand how humiliating it is to live like this! If you won’t allow it, just throw me away right now!}”

“{T-This...! You really are crazy! What will Sir Ted think of this situation?!}

“{I will apologize directly to him!}”

Theo didn’t know what the situation was, but he could hear the urgency in Baek Dongil’s voice. Baek Jongmyung was no longer angry as he let out a deep sigh and stroked his beard. As soon as the argument stopped, Baek Dongil looked in Theo’s direction.


Was Theo imagining it? He could see a trace of his past self in the boy’s eyes. They were filled with a blazing desire and unwillingness to lose. It was the face of those who had fought off despair many times.

After looking at Theo for a moment, Baek Dongil fell to his knees and kowtowed to Baek Jongmyung. Theo knew that in the east, this was regarded as something shameful to do and was only used when people saw the emperor.

Baek Jongmyung’s anger soared at the sight of Baek Dongil.

“{Stand up!}”

“{Father! Please pass on my words!}”

“{Foolish kid! I never taught you to be like this!}”

“{That’s right! You didn’t teach me anything!}”

The squabble had started again, and Theo was worried he might see a sword emerge. So, he opened his mouth and said, “{Both of you, that is enough.}”

The Baeks stopped with shock at his one sentence.

“{Sir Ted, this is our family’s matte… Huh?}”

“{I won’t give up until Father accepts… Eh?}”

The two of them stared at Theo in amazement.

Theo cleared his throat. “{Master Baek, I will listen to your son.}”

Baek Jongmyung was so amazed by the fluent Chinese that he nodded, unable to refuse. “{Uh, umm, I understand.}”

Theo looked at the frozen Baek Dongil and said, “{And Young Master Baek.}”

Baek Dongil nervously said, “{Y-Yes!}”

“{I don’t know what it is, but if you have something to say to me, tell me directly.}”

“{... Yes, I understand.}” Baek Dongil seemed to regain his composure as he stood up. He turned to face Theo and took a deep breath.


He fell to his knees and bowed. “{Please forgive my rudeness! I hope you will teach me, Sir Ted!}”

Baek Jongmyung cursed, “{Huh, this kid!}”

He took a step forward, intent on forcing Baek Dongil to his feet, but Theo caught his eye and subtly shook his head. Inwardly, Theo was smiling in satisfaction.

Things might be better this way.

This could save him the third request, and in some ways, he might be able to get more.

Besides, he didn’t know if it was a coincidence or inevitable, but Baek Dongil’s request would allow him to fulfill his third condition. He could feel an energy from Baek Dongil which seemed to be different from that of a warrior. It wasn't magic, but it was similar.

This was an opportunity for Theo to investigate that power.

“{... Raise your head, Young Master Baek.}”


“{Let me hear your story.}”

Theo looked serene, while a strange expression formed on Baek Dongil’s face. This was Theo’s first encounter with a shaman!

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