Blood demon leveling

Chapter 88: Fight on campus

Chapter 88: Fight on campus

As Mike walked to class with Michelle and Karl there suddenly was a yell

"Stop right there! Is that you Shil!?"

Mike's face hardened slightly for an instant before it went back to normal, then he continued walking, which clearly was to the anger of the one that had yelled

"Hey I told you to stop right there!"

Mike heightened his control over Snow to keep her from flinching as he turned his head and saw that a professor was looking right at him and so he finally stopped before he asked

"Are you speaking to me?"

"Yes I have some business with you and... Your servant Shil"

Mike tilted his head slightly before he asked

"Shil? I don't have a servant named Shil?"

"You can't fool me! Her name is Shil and she's my slave!"

The professor then proceeded to grab Snow's hand which caused Mike's Elina's and Rebecca's mana to flare up as it began churning, this caused the surrounding students to pale and back away

"...I am only going to say this once, let go of my servant"

Mike looked at the professor with his eyes and horns glowing red, the professor was taken aback and backed up after he let go of Snow's hand, then Snow quickly hid behind Mike that spoke calmly

"I brought her from a certified slave merchant off this island, her name is Snow and she's mine and mine alone"

The professor glared at Mike for a moment before he gave a huff and turned around before he walked away while yelling

"I'll remember this!"

Mike gradually calmed his mana down, as did the two servants that stood behind him, as they did the route to the school gradually turned back to normal, Mike looked at the retreating back of the professor and asked Karl that stood next to him

"Who's that professor?"

Karl furrowed his brows and thought for a few moments

"I don't know I have never seen him before What about you Michelle?"

"...Nope, I haven't seen him before either"

Mike gave a sigh before he spoke again

"Well I have a feeling that I'll see him again Well let's just go to class, that reminds me what class are you in Michelle?"

Michelle gave a cute frown as she complained

"I am in your class Blockhead"

"Well sorry They're white noise, people I mean I tune them out"

Michelle was a little stunned before she quickly recovered as Mike continued

"Well, by that I mean I don't tune out friends and acquaintances"

Michelle showed a small smile as she figured that she at least considered was an acquaintance by Mike, the three of them went to class like normal and was on their way to lunch when Mike suddenly got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and stopped walking, the three servants behind him also stopped and spoke to no one in particular

"...This seems bad"

Elina narrowed her eyes, so did Rebecca as they mana started circulating slightly faster, Mike looked up and gave a sigh before he muttered once again


""Yes master""

The two servants behind him were suddenly clad in full demonic armor as Mike continued

"...Formation 12"

""Yes master""

The three servants formed a triangle form with the two in armor in front of him and Snow behind him, then Mike gave another order

"The two of you go ahead and stealth I'll leave the timing to you, just don't mess it up"

""Yes master"

Elina and Rebecca went into stealth while Snow walked behind him, Karl and Michelle looked at Mike oddly before Michelle asked

"What was that about?"

Mike circulated his mana at a slow, ever increasing rate as he spoke

"...Just listening to my gut feeling"

Mike had already called Serina and she was already rushing towards their location

"Sorry but could you go ahead and ea---"

Just as Mike was speaking a loud shout was heard over the plaza

"SHIL! I found you again, you disloyal slave!"

Snow flinched but Mike kept his control over her to keep her from turning her head as he himself turned to see who called out Snow's old name and saw the professor from yesterday, this time he was followed by five members of the disciplinary committee, including the redhead Mike had met in the cafeteria, she walked beside the professor with the other four walking behind them, the four of them carried wooden sticks cowered in formation runes which Mike couldn't decipher at a glance but he still figured it would be bad to be hit by them Mike yelled back at the professor

"Haven't I told you, her name is Snow!"

"Don't listen to the slave thief, grab the disloyal slave!"

The professor ordered the disciplinary members as such and they looked at each other before one of them gave a smirk and yelled as he swung the wooden stick threateningly

"You heard the professor, hand over the slave!"

The redhead was about to say something when Mike suddenly started circulated his mana at max speed, around 130 circulations a minute before as he yelled back with a voice that boomed outwards with a shockwave


The professor and the disciplinary members all took a few steps back, as did the watching students, one poor guy even bend over and puked as the rest of them went pale, the professor pointed his finger at Mike

"Who are you calling inferior, you dirty non-human!"

The four disciplinary members began churning their own mana to withstand Mike's, Mike narrowed his eyes when he discovered that all of them were level 5 going by their mana circulations as one of them yelled

"Let's beat this dirty non-human into submission!"

The four charged forwards and completely ignored the redheads instruction to stop and charged at Mike with frankly pathetic speeds for a level 5 that is, they clearly didn't train their bodies like Mike had nor did they have the same level of combat experience as he did so Mike was sure he could wipe the floor with them and he was ready to prove it as he stomped the ground and closed the distance to the one in the front of the group in a mere moment, the man showed a surprised look on his face as Mike's fist rapidly closed in on his stomach and hit him right in the so called solar plexus and send him flying backwards as he spurted out blood and crashed right into another disciplinary member that followed right behind him which resulted in knocking the two of them to the ground, another reached the effective range for his wooden stick and stabbed it forward towards Mike's chest, Mike pushed the stick aside by grabbing his wrist with his hand and then he twisted his body bringing the man's arm over his shoulder, from there he simply twisted and pulled down on the arm which resulted in a staffing snap and a heart wrenching yell as he snapped the elbow of the man, then he swept the legs of him which caused him to fall over backwards landing on his back which knocked the air out of his lungs cutting his yell short.

Mike ducked down as a wooden stick passed right over his head and then he spun around while sending out a kick that landed on the disciplinary member that had just swung at him with the rune covered wooden stick, the kick that carried enough force to smash the skull of a bear landed on the side of his knee, shattering the kneecap and bending the joint sidewards as she screamed in pain Mike stepped in and grabbed the rune covered wooden stick and stabbed it right at the collarbone of the already disabled disciplinary member, then the stick made contact with her uniform it sent out an electric shock that swiftly ended her pained cry as it knocked her out

"What the fuck, this is a taser! And you tried to taser me in the head, you bitch!"

Mike's rage boiled over and he sent and roundhouse kick to the already unconscious woman's body which resulted in a series of snaps as her ribcage fractured and she was sent flying into the crowd, then Mike turned to the last remaining disciplinary member that had managed to remove his friend from him, he looked at Mike with rage clear in his eyes, clearly, rage had blinded his reason as his mana churned up a notch and he used a spell with clear intent to kill, he slashed the wooden stick through the air forming a vacuum blade that raced towards Mike that once again ducked out of the way, when he returned his posture he heard the sound of flesh being torn by the wind blade behind him as it had crashed into the onlooking students.

A few seconds of silence followed before screams were heard, the disciplinary member paled instantly as he saw the bloody scene of his own causing behind Mike and he hardly reacted when Mike instantly approached and passed him as he spun around on his foot sending a roundhouse kick at his chest knocking him back and unconscious, then Mike turned to the bloody screen behind him and mentally counted

'At least 4 students dead, multiple maimed for life and the rest traumatized Well this is perfect, now for the next act'

Mike showed a thin smile that quickly turned into a concerned expression as he rushed to help the wounded

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