Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 111: Harribel

Chapter 111: Harribel

Muyang picked up his pace without him realizing it as the thought of seeing Starrk soon really excited him. Even though he has been friends with Shinji for more than 100 years, he just couldnt help it as he has always admired him.


Muyang suddenly felt a clash of Reiatsu and turned his head toward that direction.

Boom! Boom!

This is Even Kusus Reiatsu is no match against this. Its clearly on a Captains level.

Muyang murmured as he felt the Reiatsu so clearly even though it was so far away from him.

After glancing at the Hollows corpses that stretched out for as far as his eyes could, Muyang hesitated a little. He was wondering whether he should keep going to find Starrk or check out what happened where he felt that Reiatsu..

After pondering for a moment, Muyang decided to go another way, where he felt the Reiatsu earlier. Considering Starrks personality, hed be too lazy to move around too much anyway, so he could always find him later.

Unlike when Muyang followed the Hollows corpses earlier, he couldnt take his sweet time now. He used Shunpo to reach the location where the battle took place.

Since there shouldnt be Arrancar yet now, and the Reiatsu he felt earlier was that of a Captain Level, it had to be a Menos of Vasto Lorde Level.

Who was it? Starrk? It shouldnt be him; Baraggan? If it were him, there must be a large group of Hollow accompanying him. Hes the self-proclaimed King of Hueco Mundo after all; Harribel? Or was it Ulquiorra?

Muyang was smiling ears to ears as he was looking forward to what kind of surprise hed see.

Female Hollows only needs to submit to the strong.

A Humanoid Hollow with 3 pairs of wings and a small hole on his forehead was floating in the air with a condescending attitude. 

That Hollows word was directed to a tall female Hollow with olive skin, aqua green eyes, thick eyelashes, and short golden blonde hair. Most of her body was covered in white armor, and her right hand, which was also her weapon, took the form of a broadsword, which resembled an elongated shark tooth. The sword possessed gill markings along either side of the blade.

Female Hollow, I will give you two options. You can either submit to me or die by my hands!

Tsk! the female Hollow on the ground held her right hand that had several cracks while looking towards the Hollow in the air, with a hint of frustration in her eyes. Clearly, she was losing here.

You got something to say?

The Hollow closed his eyes and reached out his pale white hands toward the female Hollows direction, a complete contrast with his pitch-black wings.

The weak submits to the strong, and females succumb to males. This is the most basic rule here, no?

Female Hollow, submit to me, Lord Vladimir Eric! Only I deserve to claim a female Hollow of your caliber as mine!


The female Hollow immediately assumed her fighting stance with a sharp gaze toward the other Hollow, who claimed to be Vladimir Eric.

Although the difference in strength between her and her opponent was clear, shed rather fight to death rather than surrender to her opponent.


Seeing the female Hollow still planned to go against him despite her miserable state, Vladimir Eric ran out of patience.

It looks like you are going to defy me until the bitter end.

Even though he said it calmly, the female Hollow still shook due to the sheer amount of Reiatsu Vladimir let out.

Since youre insisting, Ill grant your wish to die as a warrior.

Vladimir Eric looked at the woman with condescending eyes, and his tone suddenly sounded cold.

Tell me your name, thats the least I can do to honor your death.

Harribel, Tier Harribel.

Harribel, huh? Vladimir then reached out with his right hand, and a powerful Reiatsu burst out. The intensity of the Reiatsu alone made it hard for Harribel to stand straight. Although both of them were Vasto Lorde, the difference in strength between them was clear as day.

You should be proud to die by my hands!

Inferno Blast!

An overwhelming Reiatsu burst forth, along with scorching hot lava that came out of nowhere.


Harribel was startled when she felt the menacing aura and concentrated her own Reiatsu to the point that she was shrouded in yellow light.

As Vladimir waved his hand, the lava headed straight for Harribel at an unbelievable speed.

Everyones always so dazzling at their last moment. Even the weak and worthless Hollow can display such radiance the moment before they vanished.

Hollow named Harribel, what kind of spectacle will you show me before you perish? Its obviously more exciting to destroy beautiful things, so Im looking forward to it! 

Damn! Seeing a bunch of attacks flying towards him, Harribel mustered all of her Reiatsu on her right hand to the point that it was glowing in a golden-yellow color.


The concentrated Reiatsu was unleashed to counter the attack directed at her. That Cero she just fired was the strongest attack Harribel could use at this moment, so she was out of juice the after she fired it, and if her opponent were still alive after that attack, she would be done for.


Their attack collided, causing an extremely loud sound, and covered the area in blinding light. The impact of their attack was so intense, too, that Harribel was forced to step back and duck as the dust hindered her sight.


Did it work?

Harribel slowly stood back up, with some dust covering her body. She seemed a bit relieved when she saw the smoke in the sky

You wish!

A cold voice came from the air.

What!? Harribel turned pale almost immediately.

An overwhelming Reiatsu surged forth, and a silhouette could be seen floating in the sky.

With one flick of the silhouettes wings, a hurricane was summoned, blowing the dust around him away. Vladimir was floating in the air, completely unscathed. He just seemed slightly dirty due to the dust that stuck on him.

Do you think a Cero of that level will work on me? Just perish before my might like the weak you are.

But its praiseworthy that a weakling like you could tarnish me with some dust, but sadly that wont change anything.

The fiery red lava appeared once again while Harribel was losing her will to fight because her strongest attack didnt even scratch her opponent.

ha ~ ha ~ ha ~ ha ~

Vladimir took his sweet time and teased Harribel as the speed of his attack was slower than earlier, but that wasnt a problem since Harribel had already lost her will to fight.

Seeing the lava was steadily closing in, Harribel closed her eyes in despair, accepting her fate.

Perhaps this is salvation.

A thought suddenly flashed in Harribels head.

Bakud #81. Dank.

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