Binding System

Chapter 343 It’s Them!

Chapter 343 It’s Them!

As Ace was looking at Kane's corpse, Fyre approached him from behind.

"Boss, we have killed them all." Fyre gave his report.

Ace turned around and uttered, "Take all their space rings."

"Space ring? Why?" Fyre did not understand why Ace wanted their space rings.

"Just do it." Ace was too lazy to explain it. "Give it to Silvia later."

"Understood, boss." After saying that, Fyre told the others to take their space rings and give them to Silvia.


Ace was currently sitting under a big tree, alone. He did not chat with his followers because Kane's words kept ringing in his head.

It was related to him and his city, so he could not forget it easily.

'Is he telling the truth?'

He kept asking the same question in his head because Kane's facial expressions and behavior looked like he was not lying to him.

As Ace was thinking about Kane's words, Silvia's voice rang out from his right side.

"What are you doing here, leader?" after throwing a question at him, she sat on the opposite side of him.

"I keep remembering Kane's words." Ace told her what Kane said when he was dying. "What do you think about it, Silvia? Do you think he is lying to me?"

"From my point of view, the possibility of him lying is small, leader." Silvia told him the reason why she suspected that Kane was telling the truth.

First, the Shadow organization said the person who made him a fugitive was from the Xiriel kingdom.

And lastly, Kane spoke ill of the Royal family and said he was furious at them. He even said he regretted sacrificing many things for the Xiriel kingdom.

If the Royal family had not done something cruel to them, he would not have said such a thing because they lived in the Xiriel Kingdom.

"If he is really telling the truth, then the mastermind behind all of this is…" before Ace had finished his words, she uttered.

"The king of Xiriel kingdom." Silvia stated.

"But why? Isn't our cit-" Ace suddenly remembered Kane's other words.


Kane said there was something the king wanted in Nightshire City.

'Don't tell me…'

He thought of something.

"Rainbow Pool. It seems like the King of Xiriel Kingdom knows about the Rainbow Pool." Ace suspected this because magical beasts also wanted the Rainbow Pool.

"I think so, too." Silvia had the same thought because Rainbow Pool was the only treasure in Nightshire City.

"Silvia, take out the communication token from my space ring. I need to inform Scarlett about this." Since Ace turned into a dragon, he gave his space ring to Silvia.

Not only his space ring but all the space rings he got from his enemies were kept by her. He was a dragon and couldn't transform into a human, so he couldn't wear a space ring.

"Here." Silvia gave the communication token to him.

"I will go to a quiet place now." after saying that, he flew into the sky.

Once he was in a quiet place, he called Scarlett using a communication token.

Scarlett was startled after hearing his explanation.

She did not expect the royal family of the Xiriel Kingdom to be the mastermind behind everything.

"The situation is more dangerous than I thought." She stated.

"Scarlett, you should focus on making the city guards stronger." Ace uttered, "You can also let the family heads of the three big families use the Rainbow Pool because they are loyal to Nightshire City."

"Alright." She agreed instantly because Aron, Alvaro and Melissa were different from Henry.

"You also need to thoroughly screen all travelers before allowing them to enter our city. Ask them their purpose in coming to our city and how long they will stay." Ace uttered, "I don't want any spies to enter our city because that would put us in a more dangerous situation."

He then continued, "If the situation doesn't allow it, just refuse all visitors. We can still live without them."

He gave all the money and valuables he got from Alselian City to the citizens, so they had a lot of money now.

And the population of Nightshire City was ninety thousand people, so they should be able to survive without money from travelers.

"Hehe. You look like a city lord when you are like this." Scarlett giggled. "How about you become a city lord after you return later?"

"Sorry, but I have to decline your offer." Ace did not want to become a city lord because he would be very busy later.

"What a pity! I thought we would have a young city lord earlier. Hehe." She teased him.

"I won't fall into your trap." He said as he laughed.

"Hehe." She giggled again.

After informing Scarlett of everything, Ace returned to where his underlings were.


The following morning, they went to the forest near the Xiriel Kingdom.

They needed information about the Xiriel Kingdom, so he decided to conquer the magical beasts that lived there.

Unfortunately, all the magical beasts did not know exactly how strong the Xiriel Kingdom was.

They only knew that the Xiriel Kingdom had two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand troops.

Other than that, they knew nothing about the Xiriel Kingdom.

"So, what kind of methods will we use to destroy the Xiriel Kingdom?" Hyzi asked curiously.

"Boss, let's just attack them directly." Fyre saw himself as a warrior, so he suggested that they attack their enemies directly like brave warriors.

"You fool!" Calne stated. "Our number is only seventy thousand. We need more magical beasts if we want to attack them directly."

"How about we play with them first?" Ace inquired, "Once we have more members and killed a lot of them, we will attack them directly."

"Play with them?" his subordinates still did not understand his words.

"It's like this." Ace explained his idea to them.

"I agreed!" Adra responded.

"Me too." Calne added.

Hyzi did not say anything and only nodded his head, giving a sign that he agreed with Ace's idea too.

"Even though this is not the way of a brave warrior, I agree." Fyre responded.

"Then we will attack them tomorrow." Ace uttered.

They nodded their heads again.


Capital of the Xiriel Kingdom, Entrance Gate.

Several troops were checking travelers who wanted to enter the capital city. Like usual, more than fifty people wanted to enter the capital city.

They all came with different intentions, such as selling something, enjoying the capital, buying something and many others.

As the troops were checking the visitors, Ace and his underlings rushed toward the entrance gate.

He did not bring all of his subordinates.

He only brought Hyzi, Fyre, Calne and Adra with him.

He only wanted to cause chaos at the entrance gate, so he only brought them.

"Remember our plan." Ace, who was flying low, uttered,

"Don't worry, boss. I remember it well." Fyre responded.

"Yes. We remember it, leader." Calne and the others said in unison.

Like Ace, Calne and the others were in their beast forms.

It was much easier to create chaos in their real forms, so they transformed back into their beast forms.

"It's them!" Calne was thrilled when he saw the troops of the Xiriel Kingdom.

"Haha. My heart is beating with excitement. Leader, I will go first." After saying that, Hyzi ran faster because he could not wait to create chaos at the entrance gate.

"Hyzi, wait for me." Fyre ran faster too.

"They are like kids." Adra stated.

Ace did not stop them and kept flying.

'Xiriel Kingdom, I will show you the consequences of your actions.'

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