Binding System

Chapter 313  Go Back to Your Place

313  Go Back to Your Place

Even though Aidan tried to scare her, Alicia still acted calmly. Sure, he had over ten thousand troops under his command, but it did not scare her one bit.

The strongest among them was only at the Grandmaster rank. They even only had one awakener at the Grandmaster rank.

She and one of her bodyguards were also at the Grandmaster rank, so they would not be able to stop her if she wanted to leave that place.

"Hey, you fucker! Are you unable to understand human language? My lord asked you questions. Hurry up and answer it!" Lieutenant Joe was enraged because Alicia did not answer Aidan's questions immediately. Alicia only had five subordinates with her, yet she dared to act arrogantly as if they were nothing in her eyes.

The mature lady on Alicia's right side looked at Lieutenant Joe coldly. This mature lady's body was covered in golden armor, but her armor could not cover up her impressive figure.

And even though she wore a golden helmet, a large portion of her face was visible. Like Alicia, she also had a pretty face.

Due to how beautiful she was, most women would be jealous if they saw her because she was so pretty.

The name of this gorgeous knight was none other than Elsie Gallagher, Alicia's trusted bodyguard.

Elsie was unhappy with Lieutenant Joe's rude behavior.

Alicia was the saintess of Goddess Teressa's Temple.

She was a holy woman.

But instead of behaving well, Lieutenant Joe acted rudely to her.

If Alicia did not stop her, she would have killed him on the spot because his behavior was unforgivable.

"Hey, are you mute? Why di-" before Lieutenant Joe could finish his words, a deadly slash flew toward him at an incredible speed.

Elsie could no longer stand his rude behavior, so she attacked him. She did not care whether Aidan would be angry at them or not.

If someone dared to act rudely to Alicia, she would attack that person instantly because no one was allowed to act rudely to their saintess.

"Uaakk…" Lieutenant Joe could not block her attack and was sent flying several meters from where he was.

'Her attack is so strong!'

Blood splashed out of his mouth again when his body fell to the ground.

"What?! She dared to attack Lieutenant Joe?"

"Who does she think she is?"

"My lord, let's attack them!"

"My lord, let's kill them!"

"Yes. Kill them!"

Aidan's subordinates were furious.

Alicia's subordinate dared to attack Lieutenant Joe, so they wanted to kill her and her underlings.

Kevin, who was standing close to Lara, shifted his gaze from Lieutenant Joe to Elsie.

'Grandmaster rank?'

Aidan and his subordinates could not tell how strong she was because they were only at Master or Elite rank.

'Are they all at Grandmaster rank?'

He could not tell how strong Alicia's other subordinates were because they did not use their energy or aura.

'This is not good.'

He believed Alicia was from a big family or a big organization because she had an awakener at the Grandmaster rank as her bodyguard.

"Cough…" Lieutenant Joe coughed up blood after standing up.

"That is your first warning." Elsie said coldly. "If you act rudely to our saintess again, I will kill you immediately." "My lord, she dared to act arrogantly."

"My lord, give us order. We want to kill them."

"That's right, my lord. That woman dared to injure Lieutenant Joe. We have to kill her right here right now."

"I agree, my lord."

Like before, Aidan's subordinates voiced out their anger.

They were not afraid of Alicia.

Alicia only had five subordinates with her, while they had over ten thousand people. They believed they could kill Alicia and her subordinates easily because she only had five people protecting her.

However, Aidan ignored them and paid attention to Alicia carefully. Alicia dared to come to the battlefield despite only having five subordinates.

That meant she was confident nothing bad would happen to her, or she could leave that place easily.

That was why he did not attack her immediately because he did not want to make a mistake.

"Saintess?" Aidan mused as he stared at Alicia.

'Which organization is she from?'

He was shocked when he learned that Alicia was a saintess.

It would not be a problem if they were from a small organization because he was confident that his subordinates could wipe out a small organization easily.

However, it would be a different story if they were from a big organization. His city was only a small city.

Facing a big organization would be the same as digging their own graves.

He must not cause any trouble to big organizations or big families before becoming the ruler of the eastern part of the Luvrela region because they had many powerful awakeners.

As he was looking at Alicia and Elsie, Kevin approached him.

"City Lord, that woman in golden armor is at the Grandmaster rank." Kevin told Aidan how strong Elsie was. "What?! Grandmaster rank?" Aidan knew Elsie was a powerful awakener, but he did not expect her to be at the Grandmaster rank.

'What should I do now?'

He began to waver whether he should attack Alicia or not. At this moment, the citizens of Nightshire City saw a glimmer of hope for life. Aidan did not attack Alicia and her subordinates immediately, so they believed they were powerful.

'City mistress and general Valeria are injured and fainted. Colonel Louie can't defeat them alone. I hope that woman can help us survive this disaster.'

One by one, they began praying to God.

"I will repeat my words one more time." Alicia said and stopped for a second before she continued, "Go back to your place now."

Like before, Aidan's subordinates voiced out their anger.

Aidan gritted his teeth in annoyance when Alicia cornered him again. He was the city lord of Alselian city, yet she dared to act arrogantly when all of his subordinates were with him.

It was as if he was an ant, someone she could kill whenever she wanted. 'Damn it!'

At that moment, he began to lose control.

He was the city lord, so he would lose face if he did nothing to her. "How dare you act arrogantly in front of me. Attack them! Show them the consequences of offending Alselian City."

One by one, his subordinates used their range skills to attack Alicia and her subordinates.

The giant eagle avoided their attacks by flying to the left and right. The eagle grew up in the Goddess Teressa's Temple, so he would not let them injure Alicia.

As Aidan's subordinates were attacking her, Alicia lifted her staff forward.

'Meteor Storm.'

She used her Tier-5 magic to attack them.

Aidan and his subordinates refused to go back to his city, so she attacked them with powerful magic.







Twenty big meteors fell from the sky.

In a short amount of time, a thousand of Aidan's subordinates were killed.

Meteor Storm was among the top ten strongest Tier-5 spells, so it was normal if this magic could kill many people in a short time.





The people who survived Alicia's magic were heavily injured.

Some of them even could not stand up anymore. They were only at Elite or Master rank, so they could not block Alicia's powerful magic.

At that moment, they finally realized that Alicia was a terrifying mage because she could kill a thousand people with one attack.

"Fuck!" Aidan cursed venomously. Aidan was still fine because his subordinates protected him earlier.

'Is she also at the Grandmaster rank?' He could not tell how strong Alicia was because his rank was lower than hers.

As he was looking at his subordinates, Kevin approached him.

"City lord, that saintess is also at the Grandmaster rank." Kevin knew Aidan could not tell how strong Alicia was.

"Fuck!" Aidan cursed venomously again.

Not only did they have two awakeners at the Grandmaster rank, but they were also on the giant eagle.

He would not have a headache if Alicia and her subordinates were not in the sky because he had more than ten thousand subordinates.

She could attack them easily, but it was a different story for them because they were high in the sky.

"I will repeat my words." Alicia spoke and paused for a second before she continued, "Go back to your place now."

Aidan gritted his teeth and looked at Alicie with an angry face.

'Damn it. Do we have no other choice?'


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