Binding System

Chapter 308 Arriving at Nightshire City

Chapter 308 Arriving at Nightshire City

"Why do you suggest we return to Nightshire City, sexy lady?" he inquired, "Are you planning something now?"

"Yes." Layla admitted it instantly. "If we return tomorrow, I can be alone with you for at least three weeks."

"What makes you think Evelyn and Nova won't return with us?" he threw another question at her.

"Evelyn won't return to Nightshire City with us because her master still has not finished her treatment. As for Nova, I will beat him up if he dares to return with us." She did not feel shy when she gave an honest answer.

"Hehe." Ace chuckled after hearing her words. "You look like an innocent lady when you act like this. Hehe."

"So, what is your answer?" she inquired.

"Let me think about it first." He still could not make up his mind, so he wanted to think about it again.

Layla looked at him for several seconds before finally kissing him. 

Even though they did not have sex in his room, but they had a lot of passionate kisses, causing him to be unable to think about Aurelia's words carefully.

That night, Layla's room was empty again because she slept in Ace's bedroom.


Time went by quickly, and without realizing it, it had been four days since Aidan and his subordinates left their city.

At this moment, they were already close to Nightshire City. 

Even though they would go on a war against Nightshire City, none of them felt scared or anxious.

Some of them even laughed happily.

Nightshire City was in a weakened state, so they believed they would win the war easily later.

And they also had Kevin, an awakener at the Grandmaster rank.

So, the possibility of them conquering Nightshire City was one hundred percent.

Unless a miracle happened, it was impossible for Nightshire City to defeat them in war because their numbers were greater, and they also had an awakener at the Grandmaster rank.

"My lord, we will reach Nightshire City soon." General Xavier, who was riding a horse on the left side of Aidan, spoke abruptly.

"Tell everyone to prepare themselves." Aidan responded calmly.

"Understood, my lord." General Xavier slowed his horse to tell his subordinates to prepare themselves.

At the same time, the atmosphere in Nightshire City was as cheerful as ever.

The city guards patrolled around the city, and the citizens were busy building their homes and city.

None of them felt worried or anxious because they had no idea that Alselian City would attack them soon. 

"Finish! I've finally finished building my house." the blue-haired man sat on the ground and smiled happily.

'I will help the others rebuild our city now.' 

With that idea in mind, he rose to his feet and helped the others rebuild their city.

As the citizens were rebuilding their city, Lieutenant Alex ran to the city guard headquarters with a worried face.

He saw Aidan and his subordinates when he monitored their surroundings in the lookout tower.

And from the number of subordinates he brought with him, he was sure that Aidan had bad intentions toward them.

This was the reason why he went to the city guard headquarters immediately because this was an emergency situation.

'I have to tell city mistress about this.'

He ran as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Scarlett was talking with General Valeria, Colonel Louie, and Captain Lia in the front yard of the city guard headquarters.

They were discussing their city and the magical beasts around their city because three magical beasts attacked the citizens again earlier.

"City mistress, should I take my subordinates to clear that area?" Colonel Louie inquired.

"Yes. It would be better if you cle-"Scarlett stopped her words halfway when she caught sight of Lieutenant Alex.

'What's wrong with him? Does magical beasts appear and attack the citizens again?'

She wanted to know why he ran with a worried face like that.

Colonel Louie and the others also turned their heads when they noticed someone running toward them.

After Lieutenant Alex was in front of her, Scarlett inquired, "Lieutenant Alex, why did you run like that? Is it about magical beast again?"

"Report, city mistress." Lieutenant Alex responded, "Aidan and his subordinates are currently heading to our city. They will arrive soon."

"Aidan?" of course, Scarlett knew who Aidan was because she had visited Alselian City before. "Then why did you run like that? Isn't it only Aidan and his subordinates?"

"City mistress, he did not bring a small number of subordinates, but he brought all of his subordinates with him." Lieutenant Alex also told her that they all held weapons and wore armors as if they would go to war.

"What?!" Scarlett was startled after hearing his explanation. 

Not only Scarlett, but Colonel Louie and the others were also shocked by the news.

"City mistress, I believe they have bad intention toward us." Lieutenant Alex uttered, "Otherwise, he won't bring all of his subordinates with him."

"His suspicions are reasonable, city mistress." Captain Lia stated. "If he only wants to cooperate with us in business, he won't bring all his subordinates."

"Let's meet them first." After saying that, Scarlett headed to the entrance gate.

Colonel Louie and the others exchanged glances before finally following her from behind.

At the same time, Aidan and his subordinates were already in front of Nightshire City. Like before, he was still on his horse.

He was waiting for Scarlett to appear because he knew her subordinates must have reported their visit to her.

"My lord, why didn't we attack them immediately? Didn't we come to conquer Nightshire city?" Lieutenant Jeo's hands were feeling itchy.

He had never participated in a big war before, so he almost could not suppress the desire to kill the citizens of Nightshire City. 

"I want to give them a chance to surrender first because they are our neighbors." Even though they had never worked together with Nightshire City before, Aidan acted as if he was a good neighbor.

"I don't think we ne-"Lieutenant Jeo stopped his words halfway when he saw Scarlett and her subordinates.

"She has come." Aidan's lips curled up into a grin.

'Oh! She became more beautiful than the last time I saw her.'

He added in his head.

Scarlett clenched her fist when she saw Aidan and his subordinates.

Of course, there was not the slightest sign of fear in her eyes. She was the city mistress, so she could not show the slightest sign of fear in front of anyone.

Like Scarlett, Colonel Louie and the others were also unhappy. 

At that moment, they believed Lieutenant Alex's suspicions even more because they could see their bad intentions in their eyes.

"Alex, go back to the city guard headquarters and ring the bell if they really want to attack us." Colonel Louie said while looking at Aidan and his subordinates.

"Understood, brother-in-law." Lieutenant Alex responded instantly.

After Scarlett was in front of the entrance gate, she stopped her footsteps and inquired, "Aidan, what is the purpose of your visit to my city? Why did you bring all your subordinates with you?" 

But instead of answering her questions, Aidan threw a question at her. "City mistress, I will give you two choices now. Surrender and be my slave or die?"

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