Binding System

Chapter 252 Prayer Of Healing Card

"What?! Lord Dezmavas? Destroy our city?" the city guards said in surprise.

Ace only told Scarlett, Layla, and Valeria about Dezmavas' plans, so it was normal for them to be stunned.

"Haha. You can enjoy your victory now, but you will feel terror soon. Haha." After saying that, the White Bear stabbed his own heart, killing himself.

Like the White Bear, the Golden Gorilla also committed suicide. They did not want to be interrogated, so they chose to end their lives. 

"Ace, do you know about this?"

"Ace, who is this Dezmavas?"

"Ace, is what he said true?"

One by one, the city guards threw a question at Ace.

Ace was their city mistress' boytoy, so they thought he knew something about it because they lived under the same roof.

"I kno-" before Ace had finished his words, the sound of horses running toward them could be heard in their ears.

One by one, they turned their heads toward the source of the sound.

"It's Lieutenant Valeria and her subordinates." The red-haired man spoke.

Valeria was startled when she saw Ace.

'Ace and his underlings?'

She did not expect to see Ace and his underlings in that place.

After Valeria got off her horse, she inquired, "Where are the others?"

"Captain Noah and Captain Lia took them back to base to treat their injuries." the red-haired man responded.

"Are there any casualties?" Valeria threw another question.

"There are no casualties, Lieutenant." The red-haired man answered.

Valeria shifted her gaze from the red-haired man to Ace. "Ace, why are you here?"

"I suddenly had a bad feeling earlier, so I decided to help them." Ace could not tell her about the quest because it was related to his system. 

"Lieutenant Valeria, we would have died if Ace and his subordinates had not come to help us because two 3-star magical beasts suddenly appeared earlier." The brown-haired man uttered.

"Two 3-star magical beasts?" even though Valeria was shocked, she did not show it on her face.

"Yes. It's them." The brown-haired man pointed his right index finger at the corpses of the White Bear and Golden Gorilla.

"I see." Valeria uttered, "Take all the beast cores and go back to the base now."

"Understood." They responded in unison.

After taking the beast cores, they returned to their base.


City Guard Headquarters, Scarlett's Office.

Six people were sitting on a couch. These six people were Scarlett, Valeria, Noah, Lia, Ace, and Layla.

Scarlett gathered them in her office after they returned to headquarters because she wanted to discuss Dezmavas' plan with them. 

After discussing for several minutes, they finally decided what action they would take next.

"Captain Lia, your task is to find the treasure." Scarlett spoke and paused for a second before she continued, "You can take five hundred soldiers with you later."

"Understood, city mistress." Captain Lia responded.

Scarlett shifted her gaze from Captain Lia to Captain Noah. "Captain Noah, your job is to investigate cases of missing people and keep the city safe."

"Understood, city mistress." Captain Noah answered.

"Lieutenant Valeria, your task is to dig a moat in front of the wall." Scarlett uttered, "Bring several mages with you so that you can finish it in a day."

"Understood." Valeria replied.

"Scarlett, when are you going to tell your subordinates and people about Dezmavas' plan?" Ace inquired.

"My subordinates already know about this, so I will inform them after this, but…" Scarlett stopped and paused for a second before she continued, "I can't carelessly tell my people this bad news because it would be troublesome if they panic."

"But they need to know about this immediately because it's also related to their safety." Of course, Ace could understand Scarlett's feelings. 

"I agreed with Ace's words, city mistress." Captain Noah added. 

Captain Lia and Lieutenant Valeria nodded their heads, giving a sign that they also agreed with Ace's words.

"I will tell them about this tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Scarlett could not immediately tell them the bad news because she had to prepare everything first.

"City mistress, when will Colonel Louie and Lieutenant Alex return?" Captain Lia asked curiously. 

"They will return today. Maybe they will arrive tonight." Scarlett responded.

Ace shifted his gaze from Captain Lia to Scarlett.

'Colonel Louie and Lieutenant Alex?' 

He had never met them before, so he did not know anything about them.

"Who are they? And where are they now?" Ace inquired.

"They are on their way home." Scarlett told Ace about Colonel Louie and Lieutenant Alex.

She said Colonel Louie traveled to the capital city of Xiriel kingdom to treat his wife's diseases.

Lieutenant Alex accompanied Colonel Louie because Colonel Louie's wife was his elder sister.

In other words, Colonel Louie was his brother-in-law.

"I see." Ace responded.

Scarlett looked at Lieutenant Valeria, Captain Noah, and Captain Lia. "Alright, you guys can leave now."

They saluted before finally walking out of her office.

"Ace, you said you were close to Grandmaster rank. Are these beast cores enough to help you break through to the next level?" Scarlett said as she pointed her right index finger at the sixty beast cores in the box.

These sixty beast cores came from the magical beasts they killed a few minutes ago.

Before answering her question, he asked his system to guess it.

[Host, you need thirty 2-star magical beast cores to break through to Grandmaster rank.]

"Thirty 2-star magical beast cores are enough for me to break through to the next rank." Ace did not take all the beast cores because Scarlett's subordinates also needed it. 

"Then take it. I hope you are already at the Grandmaster rank before the magical beasts attack our city." Scarlett decided to invest in him because he could change the outcome of the war.

"Thank you." Ace responded as he smiled.

"Scarlett, how about I take the rest?" Layla inquired. 

Instead of answering her question, Scarlett inquired, "Are you close to breaking through to the Grandmaster rank?"

"Well, no." Layla gave an honest answer.

"Then I will give the remaining beast cores to my subordinates." Scarlett responded. 

Layla crossed her arms over her chest and pouted her lips. 

"Alright. You two can leave now." Scarlett was busy, so she could not keep chatting with them.

Layla grabbed Ace's right hand and uttered, "Ace, let's go home."

"I will be waiting at home." Ace said before leaving.


Ace's Mansion, Backyard.

Ace was currently sitting in a lotus position.

After training for several minutes, he decided to rest.

'Let me check the reward card now.'

He did not have time to check the reward card earlier because he was busy.

'Sacrifice card?'

He was startled when he knew the reward.

However, his surprised face immediately turned into a smile after reading the card description.

Basically, he would get a random card after sacrificing one card.

That random card would be much better than the card he chose to sacrifice. There was even a high possibility of him getting a skill card later.

This was the reason why he smiled happily because it was a good card.

'System, activate Sacrifice card.'

[Ding! Sacrifice card activated.] 

[Ding! Please choose the card you want to sacrifice: Judgment card, Unlimited Stamina card, Divine Throne card, Lie Detector card.]

'I chose the Unlimited Stamina card.'

He chose the Unlimited Stamina card because it was an erotic card.

This card was given by the God of Lust, and the use of this card was to have unlimited stamina in bed.

In other words, this card was only for sex!

This was the reason why he decided to sacrifice the Unlimited Stamina card because this card was useless. 

[Ding! Unlimited Stamina card is being sacrificed.]

[Ding! Congratulations Host, for getting the Prayer of Healing card.]

'Prayer of Healing card?'

The smile on his face grew bigger when he read the description of the Prayer of Healing card.

The prayer of Healing card was area healing magic. 

After activating the Prayer of Healing card, countless sparkling little green stars would fall from the sky.

These tiny, sparkling green stars would heal those they touched.

Of course, Ace could choose who would be healed because this card was connected to his system.

With the help of his system, he could increase the range of the healing area, but he needed more mana to do this.

The more mana he used, the larger the area.

His system told him that Prayer of Healing magic belonged to Tier 8 magic.

'Good! This card will be very useful in the upcoming war.'

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