Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 439: What if?

Chapter 439: What if?

(Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!)


"Yo-You traitor! I cannot believe that you can betray your clan!" Cuojue exclaimed almost hysterically.

Sung Zhi Ruo placed a hand over her chest, mocking hurt, "Don't be ridiculous. I am just doing what is best for the family. Of course, it is common sense not to keep something that does not work to your wishes." She replied, implying Cuojue's refusal to submit to her.

For Sung Zhi Ruo, even if she is not competent enough to control Cuojue fully that gave way to the guardian spirit to cause all these damages; it still does not mean that it is all her fault.

The Sung clan will not allow it's supposed to be strongest treasure to lose them face. This incident is just proof that Cuojue cannot be used anymore that is why for Sung Zhi Ruo, it is best just to destroy it. She is just lucky that someone else can do that for them.

"What do you think, Miss Gao? Can I perhaps have the Soul Eater as it will contain Cuojue's original spirit?" Sung Zhi Ruo softly asked Gao Lan Mei.

Before Gao Lan Mei can even answer, Yin Bai snickered, "How shameless can you be?! If you do not have this treasure, all this will never happen!" He said furiously as she gestured to his clan members that are injured.

"Yes. This will not happen if do not have the treasure but if that happen Cuojue was also not present earlier to save you all from the YinYings! I hope you all remembered that!" Sung Zhi Ruo reminded everyone to clenched teeth.

Sung Zhi Ruo added, "With the Cuojue spirit inside the Soul Eater, it would be easier for me to channel on it and refine this taboo weapon to our advantage. Regardless, we need all weapons or treasures that we get our hands on so we can fight our enemies outside! "

She wants the Soul Eater not only to appease her clan elders but also to aid them for their escape plan. Sung Zhi Ruo also owes Xiao Shi her life after saving her when the explosion happened inside the Justice Affairs building when she got out of the prism.

Also, the lesser advantage the YinYing's have against them, the higher the chance for them to leave the Shizi Empire alive.

With that, no one can refute Sung Zhi Ruo further as they are aware that what she is saying is the truth. If not for the Sung family treasure, they probably would have more death after the YinYing's had a full force attack on them.

At this moment, the YinYing's are still outside undefeated and them fighting their allies will cause them more damage than dying in the hands of the impure beings that are waiting for them to either be slaughtered or be sacrificed alive so they can complete their plan.

"Fine. You can have the Soul Eater as long as 'you' can control it properly." Gao Lan Mei finally spoke.

Sung Zhi Ruo cupped her fist to show her gratitude to Gao Lan Mei before seating on a lotus position next to Xiao Shi's body. Her hands raised towards the Soul Eater but not intending to touch it, she then spoke with determination. "I am ready."

"Heh. Make sure you know what you are doing or else, I will send you directly to the Underworld and take care of you 'properly' for all eternity." Yen Mingjue uttered dangerously which Sung Zhi Ruo ignored.

"No! No!" Cuojue wailed, as the powder like shards of mirror started moving around them as well. Now they are slowly surrounding her and Xiao Shi's body.

She does not have any idea how Gao Lan Mei would be able to force her out, but Cuojue can only guess that the treasure named after her will be the key!

Cuojue resisted with all of her remaining strength, "I will not allow it! You all cannot do this to me!" She exclaimed before closing her eyes and losing consciousness.

The mirrors around them started to vibrate vigorously. Large mirrors and even the small ones that can still show reflection then started to move erratically like they are coming into life.

"Sister, what is going on? Is that alright?" Ma Fei Hong asked with concern as the moment the mirrors starting moving is also the same time she felt a dense hostile spiritual energy around them. "Sister Gao?!"

Gao Lan Mei did not respond, which made all of them anxious. However, they can only wait.

What if something went wrong and the one that replaced Xiao Shi inside the Soul Eater is Gao Lan Mei?

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