Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 367: A piece of everyone's soul

Chapter 367: A piece of everyone's soul

They also saw what happened to the beings that they have tried to save through the magical transportation circle.

So in the event, anyone tried to escape through the sky, they will get fried. They just hope that their cultivation restriction will be removed so they have a higher chance of surviving.

At this time, Sung Zhi Ruo is also just silently listening to the complaint coming from the others. She is actually wondering why they never noticed that the spiritual energy that they are already using is above the Mortal Domain standards.

Sung Zhi Ruo personally does not want to announce that the paper that she had given earlier will help on over ridding the cultivation restriction talisman that they are wearing.

She looked at Ma Fei Hong with a frown. Sung Zhi Ruo eyes seem to be asking until when they are going to be on their current position.

Ma Fei Hong just shook her head before looking around. "Sister, almost done?" She asked Gao Lan Mei, then her face darkened after a while when the deacon was not able to hear anything from Gao Lan Mei.

"Damn it!" Gao Shen suddenly exclaimed as he felt his limit to be reaching. His voice so loud that the others cannot help but do a quick glance.

"Brother, how are you?" He then asked Gao Qi, who was resting for a moment behind Li Mao.

"I can try again. Why is the reinforcement taking a while?!" Gao Qi asked no one in particular. However, this was clearly heard by Ma Fei Hong.

"Husband, you should just go to the palace, to assist..." Li Mao offered silently. Her eyes already showing slits of red which means she is already using all her strength to keep everyone safe.

Gao Qi shook his head, as he made sure that the others are not looking at Li Mao or able to see her eyes are red as of the moment. It is just a good thing that the beings from the Immortal Domain are far enough.

Ma Fei Hong certainly cannot miss any of this. However, she did not comment or stop Li Mao at all despite knowing that Keepers should still stay hidden because they need all strength and cooperation from everyone.

Right now, she is more concerned if someone decided to give up on helping hold the barrier.

Ma Fei Hong also realized that something is wrong at the moment that Wei Jiayi arrived at the Shizi Empire with a delegate that is.

That only means that their reinforcement was delayed and judging by this situation, there is a high chance that they cannot stay wait further but just fight head-on.

"Hold on for some more. I am almost done." Ma Fai Hong heard Gao Lan Mei speak with confidence.

"I will trust you on this." Ma Fei Hong uttered with worry. Though their situation is already dire, after seeing the defense walls that Gao Lan Mei made, she still has hope.

Ma Fei Hong's only worry is how in the world will Gao Lan Mei create such defense in the whole Shizi Empire alone. Are they suppose to learn the chants?

"I was serious when I mention about the payment actually. Can we get that now?" Gao Lan Mei asked suddenly.

"Sister, this is not really the time to be greedy..." Ma Fei Hong tried to explain to Gao Lan Mei with patience. "I will give you all the payment you need after this, I promise!"

Gao Lan Mei released a deep breath, before replying, "That is the thing, the payments I am asking for are exactly what I need to create the defense walls."

"What? You should have told me that from earlier. What is this? Quickly!" Ma Fei Hong exclaimed.

"I need a piece of everyone's soul..." Gao Lan Mei uttered carefully.

Ma Fei Hong is startled, "Are you joking me?" She said with disbelief.

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