Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 107: Cooperation

Chapter 107: Cooperation

Before we knew it, we had arrived at the Gold One Hotel.

Even at a glance, there were more than 200 college students lined up in front of the hotel.

Although it’s called a hotel, it’s not just a single building; they’ve purchased a large site and set up various auxiliary facilities and hotels together.

Most notably, the casino.

In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Gold One was built for casino customers.

“I heard that employees can enter the water park and ski resort for free on their days off?”

“Wow, amazing.”

The Design and Theatre departments students, chattering while lined up outside the hotel.

I thought it was about time to learn their names, but the distance between us only grew due to what happened earlier.


As they said, Gold One was operating a ski resort and water park near the hotel.

From what they say, it might not just be a hotel for the casino, but something like a resort.

“It’s all bait.”

I muttered while shoving my hands deep into my coat pockets. It was the coat I bought with Choi Yiseo yesterday, and I felt satisfied as if I had become better at dressing.

“What bait?”

Senior Ju-hee, standing next to me with arms crossed, had just joined us after arriving on a different bus.

She looked more like an employee today, not wearing her usual dragon jumper, but dressed neatly.

“The ski resort and water park. They’re both bait products.”


I continued to explain with a smile to senior Ju-hee, who tilted her head as if she didn’t understand my words.

“Imagine if there was just a casino. The image wouldn’t be great, and it would be a bit off-putting to come here. Parents with kids wouldn’t be able to come either.”

“Well, that’s true.”

If you go near Gold One, you’ll see pawnshops and loan sharks lined up, for people who have lost money at the casino.

“Right? So in the summer, they have the water park and water sledding. In the winter, they have the ski resort, hot springs, and indoor swimming pools. They’ve created things for kids to enjoy.”

“Isn’t that too much of an investment?”

“In the long run, it’s not a big deal… It just means the casino’s revenue is that substantial.”

The fact that kids tell their parents they want to come here has a bigger impact than you’d think.

The ski resort and water park change the image from just a casino to a place to play.

After skiing and playing in the water, what will they do next?

At night, with nothing else around, it’s almost natural to visit the casino.

“They must make a lot of money.”

Senior looked up at the huge, glittering hotel building with an expression of awe.

Gold One is a hotel located in the mountains. It’s situated within a literal mountain valley with nothing to see around it.

Ironically, it has better welfare for its employees and higher salaries than any other hotel in South Korea.

It’s nothing else.

The existence of the casino alone made it that way.

“Well, it must be hard to get in.”

I shrugged my shoulders, and senior Ju-hee nodded. Though she was tempted by the high salary, it wasn’t something she could do just because she wanted to.

At that moment, the person who introduced themselves as the representative grabbed the microphone.

It seemed the headcount check was over.

“Alright, the line on this side, follow me to the banquet hall. The line next to you, keep following.”

Like a train ride, a long line formed, and we entered the hotel together.

“Did you bring everything I told you to?”

Senior Ju-hee, who turned around to check on us, nodded as we all confirmed the documents in our bags.

From now on, there would probably be a briefing about contracts and room assignments, taking up the whole day.

‘It’s going to be boring.’

As I yawned, Seo Yerin, who was behind me, lightly slapped my mouth with her palm.


I wanted to ask what she was doing, but she passed by with cheeks puffed out.


It seemed like it wouldn’t be boring.

‘I’m sleepy…’

I remember arriving at the hotel at 3 PM, but it was already 7 PM.

Gathering in the banquet hall for nearly 4 hours to listen to explanations and wait our turn was tiring.

There are three hotel buildings at Gold One.

Divided into Buildings A to C, the part-time workers were to reside in Building C.

There is a separate building for employees, but due to the large number of part-time workers, they had to use hotel rooms instead.

At first, everyone was excited, but Building C is actually the cheapest and farthest from the casino.

It’s an old building that existed before the casino was built and doesn’t take many reservations except during peak seasons.

“You look very tired.”

Chan-woo, next to me, asked with a smile. His skin was gleaming with oil, which was a bit annoying.

Unlike me, he had been very busy in the banquet hall.

“Ugh, you bastard, how many layers of cologne did you put on?”

“I-Is it too strong?”

There were so many girls flirting with Chan-woo in the banquet hall that the mixed scent of their perfumes was emanating from him.

Without Yu Arin to restrain him, Chan-woo seemed to be enjoying the attention from the girls, which was initially nice to see, but now it was getting irritating.

‘Some people are just suffering…’

Thanks to Seo Yerin and Yu Arin sitting on either side of me, I couldn’t even sleep. Whenever I tried to doze off, they would keep waking me up and talking nonsense.

Seo Yerin often gave off a creepy vibe, and Yu Arin was constantly irritated, making it hard for me.

‘…I miss Choi Yiseo.’

I suddenly missed Choi Yiseo.

‘I want to touch her chest.’

I wanted to bury my face in it.

Damn, if I hadn’t come here, I would be having a steamy night with Choi Yiseo today.

For the next two months, I would be living with four people, including Chan-woo, so I wouldn’t be able to relieve my sexual desire alone.

Approximately 60 days.

Since I was forced into abstinence, I planned to endure it till the end.

‘Choi Yiseo, you’re dead.’

Just know that you’ll be dead when I get back.

“Wow, is this the place?”

Finally arriving at Building C.

The sparkling lights in the spacious hall were so luxurious that it was hard to believe this hotel wasn’t used often.

We tried to get the card keys at the reception desk, but our roommates had already taken them, so we took the elevator.

Our room was 801.

Staying on the 8th floor for two months was more exciting than I thought.

“Oh, here it is.”

As we walked down the hallway on the 8th floor, we found a wide-open door. When we peeked inside, three people were already unpacking.

Two seemed to be friends like Chan-woo and me, and the remaining one looked a bit older.


As we greeted and entered, the three people turned their gazes towards us. Then, the two who seemed close whispered something to each other in surprise.


The older, kind-looking man nodded and greeted us.

“Since everyone’s here, let’s introduce ourselves briefly and decide on the room arrangements.”

The older man addressed everyone skillfully, showing his experience. We stood in a circle as he introduced himself first.

“I’m Oh Dae-sang. I’m twenty-six, and I’m here for practical training from Gahyeon University’s Department of Food and Nutrition.”


‘He’s a lot younger than I thought.’

He seemed to be the oldest among us, but he looked younger than his age.

“I’m Jegal Jaemin. My surname is unique, so it’ll be easy to remember. I’m from Sesin University’s Department of Hotel Management. I’m twenty.”

He’s the same age as us.

Jegal Jaemin, who had his hair slicked back with wax, seemed very interested in grooming himself.

“I’m Min Dong-geon. I’m in the same department as Jaemin and the same age. Nice to meet you.”

Min Dong-geon, who had a slightly larger build.

He had a naturally large frame but didn’t seem to exercise.

“I’m Kim Woojin. I’m from Gahyeon University’s Department of English Literature. I’m not here for practical training, just part-time work. I’m twenty.”

They seemed a bit surprised that I wasn’t here for practical training. Finally, Chan-woo introduced himself awkwardly and stiffly.

“I’m Jeong Chan-woo from Gahyeon University’s Department of Architecture. I’m also twenty and here for part-time work.”

Chan-woo seemed unable to speak comfortably with new people. Thinking back, he was also quiet when I first met him at the PC café.

“This makes it easy to divide the rooms.”

Jegal Jaemin immediately suggested a plan, as if he were executing a strategy.

There were two rooms in total. It looked like two people would share each room, and one would sleep in the living room.

They were friends, so they wanted to share a room, and since Chan-woo and I were friends, we could share a room, leaving Dae-sang to sleep in the living room.

“Hmm…I’m not comfortable in the living room.”

Dae-sang seemed uncomfortable with the living room.

“I’ll take the living room.”

I immediately raised my hand and intervened. No matter what, we should show respect to our senior. Chan-woo seemed to understand and didn’t say much.

Besides, I was just a door away from him.

“The living room is spacious and nice. I can watch TV while I sleep.”

With the arrangements decided, we quickly started unpacking.

The two from Sesin University kept looking at Chan-woo.

They seemed to want something from Chan-woo, and he noticed it too, approaching me quietly.

“…Those two keep staring at me.”

“They seem interested in you.”

“What are you talking about! A bald old man would be enough for that!”

“Speaking of the bald old man, hasn’t he contacted you?”

I asked with a smile, and Chan-woo responded with a serious expression.

“Yeah, I wanted to talk about that. He sent me a text like this last time.”

“…Get lost, you pervert.”

“I’m telling you, it’s not like that!”

As we were joking around, the Sesin University duo came out of their room and asked.

“There are some restaurants in the hotel basement. How about having a gathering to bond as roommates?”

Jegal Jaemin suggested confidently, as if introducing a strategy, and his friend Min Dong-geon nodded vigorously.

Dae-sang hyung didn’t seem to mind, so he agreed and changed his clothes.

We agreed, so we simply threw on our outerwear and were about to head out when Jegal Jaemin approached us sneakily. Behind us, Min Dong-geon was exhaling heavily, looking somewhat excited.

“Um…could you dress up a bit?”


Chan-woo took a step back in surprise, but I immediately understood what he meant.

‘Chan-woo is the bait?’

They planned to catch at least one fish from the flock.

It was a very twenty-year-old male-like desire to pick up the crumbs from Chan-woo’s bait, making me smile without realizing it.

While the men’s room was busy arranging the rooms.

In the women’s room, 403, they had already decided on the rooms and were unpacking.

Since they all knew each other, they decided to stay together.

Seo Yerin, Yu Arin, and the students from the Design and Theatre departments made four, with Min Ju-hee joining to make five.

Min Ju-hee’s easygoing personality meant she didn’t feel left out, even though she only knew four of them.

The room layout was the same, so Min Ju-hee decided to stay in the living room, and Seo Yerin and Yu Arin shared a room.


Seo Yerin, who was unpacking, called out, and Yu Arin, who had changed into casual clothes, turned her head.


Except for trips like school excursions, they hadn’t stayed together much, so Yu Arin felt a bit excited.

As she shrugged, Seo Yerin’s contemplative eyes met Yu Arin’s.

“Do you like Woojin?”

Yu Arin was speechless at the direct and heavy question.

But Seo Yerin didn’t wait for an answer.

“I saw you holding Woojin’s hand on the bus.”

“No, that was just a joke…!”

“A joke?”

Seo Yerin tilted her head slightly and stepped closer to Yu Arin.

Was she always this scary?

Yu Arin felt a sudden chill.

Despite being the epitome of innocence, Seo Yerin’s disheveled hair created an eerie atmosphere.

“I don’t think so.”


What should she say here?

Yu Arin barely managed to open her mouth to deny it.

“No- it’s not like that! Why would I like him?”

“You seem to like him?”

“I said no!”

Trying to deny it vehemently, Yu Arin’s appearance made Seo Yerin pause and then whisper softly.

“Arin, if we stay like this…we’ll lose Woojin.”

“I said I don’t like him!”

“I don’t want to lose him.”

Yu Arin, who was making excuses to her friend with a tearful face, wasn’t heard by Seo Yerin.

“How about cooperating? Especially since Yiseo isn’t here now.”

“Really, Yerin!”

“Just for the two months we’re at Gold One.”

After patting Yu Arin’s shoulder and asking for cooperation, Seo Yerin turned around.

“Guys, let’s go eat chicken! My treat!”

“Yay! Chicken!”

Watching Seo Yerin, who was happy like a child at the mention of chicken from Senior Ju-hee, Yu Arin wiped the cold sweat that had unknowingly formed.

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