Ball of Nothing

Chapter 304 Garden Eden

Chapter 304 Garden Eden

The entrance to Garden Eden reminded Zero of a very long walk to the front of an abandoned mansion. The pathway was neat and well maintained but the atmosphere was slightly eerie as if nobody had taken the road in a long time. The plants by the side of the pathway were slightly overgrown. Still, the young doctor was not able to see any signs of withering. Perhaps, the withering of Garden Eden was merely exaggerated?

The white iron gates covered in green vines came into view after ten minutes of walking from the winged carriage station. Merlin was panting slightly from climbing up six flights of stairs and Zero slowed down for his teacher to catch his breath. The Garden Eden was the only garden in Heaven that wasn’t readily available to the public but the security measures in place didn’t make Zero think that the Gods were serious about keeping people out.

Surrounding the garden was a wall that was only slightly taller than Zero made from red stone bricks. The white iron gates remained steady even as Zero tried to push it open. There were no doorbells to ring or people in sight. The young doctor decided to circle the garden’s perimeter and told his teacher to wait for him at the entrance.

Merlin made himself cosy by sitting on a bench by the pathway not too far from the gate so that Zero knew where to look for him when he returned. Cooped up in Arabesque for way too long, the wizard was unable to recall if there was another way into Garden Eden. He only knew that they had to talk to the snake who guarded the Tree of Knowledge but the magician simply couldn’t remember the method of getting that elusive snake out of hiding.

Zero didn’t dally and ran off in one direction to circle the garden’s walls. In fact, Zero tried to jump and take a peek inside of the garden. However, no matter how high Zero jumped, all he would see is a brick wall. The young doctor even used jump boost magic to help him get as high as twenty metres into the air but he wasn’t able to see what went on inside. It was obvious that there was a very strong illusion barrier.

The next thing the teen decided to try was climbing the walls. Sadly, the bricks were very smooth and didn’t allow Zero to climb it. Since jumping over them and flying over them were impossible with the illusion, the teen took a short break to think. He circled the perimeters twice and came back to the entrance. Merlin looked deep in thoughts so Zero didn’t want to disturb his teacher.

There didn’t seem to be any other ways into Garden Eden apart from the main gate. Zero tried calling out to the guardian or for anyone’s attention to help them open the gates but nobody responded. Zero knew that there was a snake guarding the area. He tried to remember what he learnt about snakes. Hua Tuo mentioned that sulphur can help to repel snakes and make them irritated. However, nobody told him what snakes could be attracted to.

Zero sighed in frustration. How could he make a trap to lure the snake out if he didn’t have a bait?

Merlin shivered suddenly while Zero was talking to himself, trying to think of a good plan to lure the guardian out. How could he have forgotten who the guardian of Garden Eden was?

The snake’s name was Ouroboros and was known to be very sly. Its favourite food is the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge. Over the years, that snake had eaten many fruits from the tree and became a deity of its own, proclaiming itself the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge. Not wanting to disturb the peace, Gaia sealed Garden Eden away from the general public.

Ouroboros was a very possessive snake who would do everything in its power to chase visitors away. It didn’t like anyone touching the Tree of Knowledge and was very smart. He managed to trick even demigods into their demise when they tried to steal a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Ouroboros was also infamous for his games. The snake had eaten many poor souls who gambled their lives away after being forced to play games with it.

\"Zero,\" Merlin called out to his student. \"I think we should leave for today. The guardian might be asleep. Let’s come back another day.\"

In truth, Ouroboros was already watching them ever since they set foot on the pathway. Merlin just didn’t want his student to be caught in the snake’s trap. He wanted to be better prepared and come back the next time. Merlin wanted to give his student a protection charm of some sort that would allow him to escape the sly snake.

Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on Merlin’s side. The guardian made its appearance when it knew that Merlin wanted to retreat. Ouroboros wasn’t going to pass up the chance to ensnare two very powerful fertilisers for his precious tree. The Tree of Knowledge wasn’t in a very good state and the mana Ouroboros managed to secure simply wasn’t enough to save it. Ever since Gaia sealed the place, the guardian snake had no chance of securing fertilisers. This is the first time in centuries that anyone was allowed to come close. It wasn’t going to let them leave so easily.

\"Leaving so soon?\" it slithered over the wall and down the iron gates to rub noses with Zero who was frozen.

Merlin felt his blood pressure rise as the dangerous snake touched his student. He didn’t know what kind of snake Ouroboros was but if Zero became poisoned from that, he doubted that even Hua Tuo could rescue the teen.

\"Hello,\" Zero greeted, quite startled by the friendly greeting. The snake felt cold against his nose when they brushed earlier. He was too busy talking to Mii and Wii that he didn’t notice the snake. They were scanning the area using Mii’s map function when Ouroboros appeared. According to Mii, someone had been following him for a while now ever since he started exploring the perimeters.

Ouroboros was amused. Unlike the wizard, this teen didn’t emit a scent of fear. Merlin tried to get to Zero and put some distance between the snake and his student but was immediately tangled by some vines that Ouroboros controlled. The wizard was silenced quickly much to Zero’s alarm.


Zero wanted to run over to blast those vines away but the guardian was faster, tangling itself on Zero’s body, causing the teen to fall into a heap on the ground.

The young doctor landed with an oof and felt the air leave his lungs. Ouroboros had a very long body and Zero didn’t know how long the snake really was. However, he couldn’t move any of his limbs with the fat snake coiling around them so tightly.

\"Relax, I won’t harm any of you. It’s just that it has been such a long time since I last saw visitors that I want to spend more time talking. If you promise to play with me, I will release you.\"

Zero didn’t mind accompanying the snake but he was more worried about Merlin. \"It’s fine if you don’t release me. However, you have to release my teacher.\"

Ouroboros didn’t like the tone of Zero’s voice. He didn’t take orders from anyone. Who was this rude brat? Also, how did he enter the restricted zone? Ouroboros could understand Merlin doing it. However, he never heard of any powerful individual who looked like a human teenager going by the name of Zero. He might not be up to date with the things happening outside of the garden but the Tree of Knowledge should have some sort of information pertaining to someone as powerful as Zero.

Even now, the guardian knew that he could be ripped to ribbons if Zero truly wanted it. The teen was merely humouring him while keeping his true strength under lock. Ouroboros weighed his options. Merlin wouldn’t remain so pliant if he was released. Ensnaring the wizard was something he managed to pull off due to the factor of surprise. If he released Merlin now, Ouroboros would definitely suffer his wrath.

\"I want to make a deal,\" he said and Zero listened. \"If I release your teacher, I want him to leave this place. You and I can have a chat without interruptions. After all, you must be here because of the Tree of Knowledge.\"

The young doctor smiled serenely and agreed. Merlin was released and wanted to rush over to blast that fat cunning serpent but was stopped by his students piercing stare. Reluctantly, Merlin retreated but not before telling Zero to be back by dinner.

\"I’m not joking! If you’re late by even a minute, I’m calling Gaia to tell her you’ve become snake food!\"

Zero laughed airily at that and assured his teacher that everything would be fine. Merlin left with heavy steps and a heavier heart. He turned back a few times to check on Zero who was still sprawled on the ground until he could see no more. Zero didn’t even struggle in Ouroboros’ grasp and waited patiently until they were truly alone.

\"Can you get off me now? I think I’m going to be crushed...\" Zero wheezed. Although he wasn’t hurt, having a heavy snake pressed on his chest made it hard to breathe, not that he needed to breathe. The pressure was just highly uncomfortable and the position he was in didn’t help.

Ouroboros got off without an apology and let the teen get back onto his feet.

\"Merlin’s not here now. I think we can talk? Gaia told me that there was a keeper for this garden. That’s you, right?\"

Ouroboros flicked its tongue. \"That’s right. You should also have heard the rumours about me if that was the case. Aren’t you afraid?\"

Zero laughed. \"Do you want me to be afraid of you?\"

The snaked smiled. \"Answering a question with a question? Interesting. We can do this. How about a game and then I’ll answer your questions if you win.\"

Zero felt his spirit burn at the mention of games. He loved playing games. As a competitive person with Gugu and Jevy’s memories, he couldn’t afford to lose. Gambling was his Divine Fragment’s speciality.

Ouroboros chuckled. This young one might be talented but he sure was naive. If you could fool this teen into agreeing to sell him his soul, it would be so easy to take this boy into the garden and make him the fertiliser for his precious Tree of Knowledge.

\"Let’s make things more interesting by making bets. If I win, you will not resist any magic I cast on you. After all, nobody who enters Garden Eden leaves alive or remembers it.\"

Zero agreed in a heartbeat. \"If I win, you will let me into Garden Eden to check out the situation and give me control over the garden to do whatever I want with it, including the Tree of Knowledge.\"

Ouroboros bristled at that and hissed menacingly. Zero still remained calm with a slight smile on his lips. The nerve of that brat to demand such a thing from him... as the arrogant guardian of this garden, Ouroboros decided to raise the stakes. He agreed to it and proposed a simple game that was going to be obviously rigged.

It didn’t matter what options Zero chose, he was going to lose and become fertiliser.

\"Let’s play a game called two truths and one lie. I will tell you three facts. Of these three facts, you need to choose the one that is a lie and bring up evidence for it. Lucky guesses don’t count.\"

Zero sighed. Did the snake really think he was that foolish as to not know what the intention was? Still, the young doctor agreed. He had an ace up his sleeve anyway.

\"Alright. As long as I have the evidence, you will concede defeat, right?\"

Ouroboros grinned. \"Exactly. Shall we begin?\"

Zero was given three facts and raised a brow. Did the snake not even bother to hide his intentions at all? It was too obvious which ones were lies.

1. The Tree of Knowledge is at least as old as Gaia if not more

2. The Tree of Knowledge can bear 118 different fruits

3. The Tree of Knowledge is the only tree in Heaven that doesn’t wither without water

\"So all I have to do is identify the lie hidden within these statements?\" Zero asked.

Ouroboros grinned. \"Too difficult?\"

Zero laughed. \"Not at all. However, I think you need to be a little clear on the definition of a lie. If two half-truths make a lie then I guess this is alright. However, if it doesn’t then I would like you to make some revisions.\"

The snake didn’t move for a long time and stared at Zero with its eyes. Was this brat actually really smart and simply hiding it? How could he tell?

\"Simple,\" Zero answered the guardian’s unasked question. \"I have something that you don’t. Why don’t you use your appraisal on me? After eating so many fruits from the tree of Knowledge, surely you would have attained a certain level of intelligence capable of doing so.\"

Ouroboros did that and nearly fainted. The number of blessings and skills this child had was terrifying to even a deity like him. This brat was as powerful if not more powerful than the wizard he let go earlier. The true monster between those two wasn’t the old man but the young teen. How unexpected!

Knowing that he was caught in a trap, the snake tried to flee but Zero was faster. He caught Ouroboros in hand and added sealing spells so that the snake couldn’t try anything funny.

\"Let me explain. The second fact is the truth. The Tree of Knowledge must have been able to produce that many fruits over the years. However, the first fact and the third fact are tricky. They aren’t necessarily lies but the way you phrased them made their meanings ambiguous. I know for a fact that the third statement isn’t true because there can be fake trees that do not need water and wouldn’t wither without it. If you require evidence, I could simply create on now to make that statement a lie. As for the first fact, because you are unsure about how the tree came about, you simply used Gaia’s unknown age as a comparison and made a gamble that it could be older. However, I know for a fact that this isn’t true. The Tree of Knowledge that you are guarding right now has actually died once.\"

Ouroboros’ eyes widened at that claim. This was something that not even the Great Gods knew about. Indeed, the Tree of Knowledge had died once when the plane broke apart. If he didn’t fuse his spirit with the tree, it would never have lived till now.

Just how did Zero find out?!

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