Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 287: 286 Geralt of Rivia

Chapter 287: 286 Geralt of Rivia

Chapter 287 286. Geralt of Rivia

Take it easy, Carrot. Take it easy, shh~

He has a vicissitudes of life but is still heroic and deep. His long milky white hair that reaches his neck makes him look a little sickly. He has cat eyes and a silver necklace with a roaring wolf head hanging on his chest.

Geralt of Rivia, a wolf witcher. At this time, he was calming his horse.

"Miss Eliza, could you ask your servants to put down the pitchforks? These things are not safe for living animals. The horses will be scared."

He was making requests, but the face of this wolf sect demon hunter, like most people in this profession, remained unchanged.

This is also the origin of the rumor circulating among the people that "witchers are a group of emotionless and cold-blooded killers".

Farmers who are driven to death by monsters will be very simple and honest, but once the monster dies, this temporary simplicity will most likely disappear with it.

Faced with an emotional demon hunter, farmers will not be stingy with a few pitiful expressions and a few words of moral kidnapping. Just to escape the balance of the demon hunting commission.

Most witchers will learn Geralt's current cold expression within a year after completing training and actually entering the industry.

This expression can save the witcher from a lot of trouble.

Of course, the above professional dilemmas and sorrows are limited to ordinary demon hunters, and have little to do with a bear cub who can live in Arethusa College permanently.

Put down the pitchforks, everyone, put them down!

In the largest manor in the village, a pretty lady clutched the handkerchief in her hand and stuttered to ask the servants to calm down.

After these servants temporarily retreated, she cautiously approached the witcher on horseback.

This distinguished gentleman? You are

Geralt not only had no fluctuation on his face, he was also very calm mentally.

He knew very well how much panic his sickly white hair and cat eyes would cause to unsuspecting farmers.

So he simply took out a parchment roll from the horse's backpack and handed it to Eliza.

"This has King Aiweier's seal and order on it, please check it yourself. I'm just here to work according to King Aiweier's entrustment. You don't need to be so guarded against me."

His voice is slightly hoarse, but has the deep charm of a mature man.

The leather rubbed, and Geralt smoothly rolled off Carrot's back.

The Wolf School is an eclectic and comprehensive school. He currently wears a medium-weight armor mixed with leather armor and chain mail.

It can't be compared to the Bear School's heavy armor that can move dozens of kilograms, but such smooth movements still made the servants who were holding the pitchforks at him slightly stunned.

Two long swords were tied to the side of the horse's belly, with only the plain hilts exposed.

He reached out and patted the restless mare again to calm her down.

"Let's make a long story short. I think the process of lifting this curse shouldn't be too dangerous. At least it won't make me need to draw my sword. The only important thing is that you have to give me information."


The beautiful aristocratic lady clutched the handkerchief in confusion and repeated it.

Yes, information. Also called intelligence. Everything is good. Anyway, you have to kill this cursed person.

Fishnet, my brothers name is Fresnet.

"Okay, you guys have to tell me the causes, consequences, and manifestations of Sir Freixnet's curse, all in one detail. Only in this way can I find a solution."

Geralt patiently explained to this noble lady who obviously had no experience with witchers.

Even though most demon hunters have a cold face, this industry is actually a service industry. Patience with customers is as important a quality as professional skills.

Who was he cursed with, what curse was used, why he was cursed, and where he often flies after being cursed and turned into a cormorant, I have to know them all.

And the information must be true and reliable. Otherwise I have to say

At this point, Geralt shut up and paused for a short while, as if to give the cursed man's relatives some time to understand.

Otherwise, I have to say, you may decide that becoming a cormorant is not a bad choice.

He told a cold joke, but except for a servant who had just held a pitchfork and made a "puff" sound, no one smiled at all. Instead, he looked nervous and worried.

Geralt scratched his cheek when he saw this.

Okay, he muttered. "This joke does go a bit cold."

But the joke had a remarkable effect.

Miss Eliza summoned many people who were idle in Hamm just to put together a rough outline of the incident so that the witcher's method of breaking the curse could be used.

So in this cold winter wind, a lot of people actually gathered outside the manor to have fun.

Although Geralt looked like a ruthless Scarface on the outside, in fact he was almost whistling in his heart.

In the past, when investigating the situation of the mission, he had to stretch his legs, walk through the streets and alleys, and step on the cow dung and dog excrement in the village before he could find such a person in a dilapidated wooden house or a leaky tavern, and drink it. Not even a drunk insider.

Then endure the other party's bad breath, stammering, and assumptions caused by lack of knowledge, and get the information you want from the tiny clues.

Now, people waiting to ask are queuing up.

I have to say that the last time he was treated like this, he was helping Foltest solve the curse on his daughter.

When working for the kings, you must be careful to avoid falling into some invisible political whirlpool. But on the other hand, convenience is really convenient.

Okay, are you sure you saw Sir Fresnet having a tryst with a lady for a long time?

Tui, of course Im sure! The farmer tilted his head, spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and then said loudly with a confident look on his face.

I could even clearly hear how long Sir Sir was screaming when he stabbed that witchs a**! They always do things in the haystack near my house! Believe me, theyre right!

The vulgar shouting was greeted by a burst of exclamations from the peasant women, which were mixed with curiosity and desire for knowledge.

At the same time, there was a burst of laughter from the farmers.

These reactions made the person being asked look even more complacent.

Geralt was unconvinced about this confidence.

Im not sure its a witch yet.

His voice was as calm as ever.

But the person who was asked laughed.

What else can she be if shes not a witch? Could it be that shes an honest woman? Lord Sir has turned into a bird! Do you understand?

Maybe, Im just a witcher.

very good.

Geralt thought calmly.

Things quickly progressed to the stage of lay people questioning experts.

This is also a part that witchers are accustomed to. After all, this is a world where even the princes and nobles firmly believe that "turtle-shaped stones can invalidate magic."

The more stubborn a person's worldview is, the more difficult it is for him to accept a reality that he cannot understand.

Farmers world view is very simple, so they are particularly stubborn.

Geralt has become accustomed to "digging for gold" in the ocean of information.

But after basically sifting through the testimonies of the onlookers, he still sighed under Miss Eliza's nervous eyes.

"damn it"

The witcher pursed his lips helplessly and looked at the noble lady.

Havent you stopped the spread of rumors? I cant tell whether this information is true or false!

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