Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 174: 173 The unexpected law

Chapter 174: 173 The unexpected law

Chapter 174 173. Unexpected Law

You two, bandage him first.

Lann took back Arondette and gave orders to the two intact cavalrymen.

The actual results made these two warriors who had a good relationship with Lan En now obey his orders. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as a reflection of personality charm.

Ill give you the dagger. The shooters trachea was cut by the blade and he choked to death on his own blood. How are you?

After Lan En found the shooter's body from the woods, he walked to Ed. While handing Ed the gorgeous dragon bone dagger, he asked about his injury.

The Duke of the North gasped and waved his hands.

"The dagger was given to you. Without you, all of us would have had our heads removed. My injury is not bad. The bones in my arm were not damaged. Just bandage it."

Lan En nodded slightly and inserted the dragon bone dagger into the scabbard of his hunting knife.

I see you look relieved. The demon hunter raised his eyes and looked at Ed, It seems that [Magic Mountain] died here, which made you very relieved?

Ed sat down on the body, took out the gauze and wrapped it around himself, while putting on a smile on his face that was covered in cold sweat.

"The reputation of [The Magic Mountain] resounds throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Even he died here this time. It is unlikely that Tywin will send a stronger team to stop us. Even if he wants to send one, someone must dare to take it. Who dares to say that his small team can be stronger than [Magic Mountain]?"

As for taking turns to harass? If Tywin Lannister can send troops into the Riverlands and the Kings Realm one after another, I dont think we need to fight him, so we might as well admit defeat.

"You have been a great help, Lan En. After this, our journey back to the north will definitely be much smoother. I want to give you the reward you deserve, let me tell you the number, Lan En. Stark will make his friends satisfied."

Lan En smiled and patted the handle of the dragon bone knife on his waist.

You paid the bill, Ed.

"That's not enough," the Duke of the North said seriously. "That's far from enough to repay your help, whether in King's Landing or here. You deserve more and better."

Lan En curled his lips helplessly.

As for gold coins, he is actually not very good at holding them.

The 10,000 golden dragons in the tournament are already quite heavy, plus I have to carry the dragon bones. If I want more gold coins, I have to worry about whether I can get home.

Moreover, as a demon hunter wandering the world alone, asking for too many gold coins to go back doesn't seem to be of much use.

But looking at Ed like this, he must have wanted to repay himself.

The old-fashioned knight is not easily persuaded.

Well, if you really want to give

So as a joke, Lan En said something in a very nonchalant tone.

When you get back, give me the first thing you see, the thing you already have but dont know about it.

According to Lan En's estimation, this thing is most likely a roast rabbit or deer steak that Jory put on the fire.

But as soon as he finished speaking, an inexplicable breeze blew through the forest, making the leaves rustle.

Ed was obviously stunned when he heard this request.

Is this a custom in your hometown? Its a bit strange.

If the Duke of the North had not received a good education, he would not even be able to understand the grammar in the sentence just now.

Lan En nodded naturally.

This sentence once turned him into a de facto slave, but at the moment of Bordon's death, Lan En personally said to him "Liangqing".

So at the moment, Lan En didn't have any grudge against this sentence in his heart.

Yes, a custom. When we are not too attached to reward, we tend to let the gods decide what to give us.

Its a custom! What a shame!

How can you reveal your secrets?

Seeing Lan En's casual look, Ed nodded and agreed to the reward.

"Sir! We found the horses they brought here in the woods. There are too many dead among them, so we can't ride them all away, so it's just for you."

The two fully intact cavalrymen finished cleaning up the battlefield and shouted happily towards Lan En and Ed.

The two of them looked at each other, nodded to each other, and prepared to get up and leave.

In the simple camp set up by Qiao Li, they were setting up a pot to boil water and then prepare to put wheat and dried meat in it. The things on the cart were piled together and covered with tarpaulins.

Jory Kelso looked at the water line in the pot and frowned.

This firewood is not enough, I will get some more.

One of his men was cutting dried meat and raised his head and said something back.

I got it, go ahead.

After saying that, Qiao Li took out the hatchet from the pile of debris and prepared to chop some.

Contrary to the common sense of many people, the xylem of plants causes great damage to the blade. Therefore, a sword that is used to cut people will not double up as a hatchet unless there is no substitute.

Qiao Li walked toward the woods behind the camp with his hatchet in hand, but when he passed by the pile of boxes on the car, he suddenly slowed down his steps.

Because there was actually a "clattering" sound coming from the box that was supposed to be just a pile of dead things.

Qiao Li bent down slightly, put down the hatchet in his hand, took out the long sword from his waist, and moved towards the pile of boxes.

At the same time, the experienced guard captain was also guessing what was going on.

Beast? Rat? spy? assassin? .

No matter what, under the current situation, whoever hinders the Duke of the North from returning to mobilize troops will have a huge impact on the war situation.

Then Jory Kelso should be ready to kill all the enemies he encounters on the road.

The guard captain's footsteps moved slowly.

The scene behind the box is about to come into view.

No matter who is behind the box, he can't leave today.


Qiao Li, who had looked "fighting to the death" just now, now his eyes widened, his face was frantic and he couldn't help shouting.

Behind a pile of boxes, I saw a thin and small shadow, followed by a pair of gleaming wolf eyes, standing on the edge of the box and taking out dried meat.

In this dark night, Jory could recognize this little lady of the Stark family without even using a torch!

The little girl who was taking out dried meat from the box froze, then slowly and tentatively turned back, giving Qiao Li a flattering smile.

By the way, her mouth and Nymeria's mouth both had a piece of dried meat stuffed bulgingly.

Ah, ah ha! Uncle Jory!

Alia said hello awkwardly, while Qiao Li had started to hold his head and have a headache.

He knew what was happening without even thinking about it!

What a shame he said that the box was unusually heavy! It contains a direwolf and a child!

Jolly knew exactly what would happen to Alia next. She would definitely find a bunch of reasons to make people laugh, intending to show that her coming here was a complete accident.

And seeing as you have been running away for so long, you probably dont have time to send him back, so you might as well just keep him with you.

Uncle Jory, it was all an accident

Qiao Lis face started to turn dull as soon as he heard the beginning.

Sure enough!

Aliya, shut up!

Oh. The little girl nodded obediently and closed her mouth.

"Wait until your father comes back." Qiao Li covered his face frantically, "You can tell your father yourself."

So, when Ed and Lan came back with the three surviving soldiers covered in blood. The first thing I saw was the little girl and the direwolf sitting by the fire.

The Duke of the North first called out "Alia" in surprise, and then he seemed to remember something. He opened his mouth and turned to look at the witcher behind him.

Then he discovered that the witcher's expression was very different from his.

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