Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 117: 116 fireball

Chapter 117: 116 fireball

Chapter 117 116. Fireball

Having something thrown in your face.

Count Stesa has never encountered such a situation in his life.

His family is rich and noble.

They hired the most nurturing teachers to educate their children, and these teachers did not dare to touch the children.

And after childhood, when he was the easiest to educate, he represented the face of the Stesa family.

Who dares to slap such a nobleman in the face?

He had never even seen such an action, because no one dared to get angry with his subordinates in front of the count.

What if this behavior is perceived as erratic? Does anyone want to risk their future?

So the moment Stesa was slapped in the face, he was completely stunned.

But he instinctively knew that this was a method that did not focus on physical harm, but instead focused on attacking dignity and personality.

The first thing he felt was not anger, but absurdity.

A person like him should have stayed in a honeypot all his life.

The normal air outside will make them feel bitter.

Fear preceded anger and spread in his heart.

It is normal for people to feel fear when they encounter harm that they have never seen before.

And Stassa now confirmed one thing at the same time: Lann never left an option for him to live.

Fear is like a huge stone weighing on my heart, and now, the pressure of the stone is getting heavier and heavier.

After confirming that he had no choice, the rock suddenly collapsed.

Stessas eyes were originally calm, but his pupils began to wander uncontrollably.

The lips were trembling and bloodless.

The well-groomed face, beard and hair are becoming untidy in this continuous tremor.

Lan En watched quietly as the young and powerful nobleman in front of him gradually turned into a timid and panicked joke.

So you should understand, my lord.

"I have received a good education, and this education has given me a precious global perspective. You want to confuse my thinking with a lot of information and limit my perspective to a mere Temeria. But this information is When I heard it, I just felt like laughing.

With a "creak" sound, Lan En stood up holding on to the armrests of the chair.

Stassa was startled by the voice and trembled.

Lan smiled kindly and walked behind the count, patting his shoulders lightly with the **** gloves.

Every time he took a photo, this handsome middle-aged man would tremble unconsciously.

Dont be afraid, my lord. Im not going to kill you now, actually.

Looking down, the necklace around his neck began to tremble slightly, and Lan En's smile became even kinder.

You can leave now.


The count looked up in surprise and could only see Lan En's eyes narrowed into slits with laughter.

Dont be so surprised, Lord Count. I saw your basement. The children there are well fed and clothed. They should thank you.

When talking about the basement, Lan En's tone was a little strange, but the Earl's brain, already gripped by fear, couldn't react.

I, I can leave?! You wont kill me?!

Stassa asked stuttering in surprise and astonishment.

In fact, even with the IQ of an ordinary person, he should have noticed something was wrong at this moment.

But facing life and death is what a person fears most.

When faced with fear, escape is a natural reaction. No matter how absurd this route of escape may seem.

Stassa tentatively stood up from the chair. He moved slowly at first.

But after seeing that Lan En had no intention of stopping, it became much smoother.

He moved towards the door of the study, his steps getting faster and faster.

Looking back, Lan En was still there, holding the back of his chair with both hands, watching him leave with a smile.

The count immediately turned his head and continued walking, his face turning his back to Lan En began to become gloomy and ferocious.

The closer he got to the door, the more the fear in his heart was transformed into anger and violence.

A witcher. A variant of sweetbreads!

How dare you step into his manor, step into his study, touch him with those dirty hands, and threaten him!

He must die! When you walk out of the room, your own guards will protect you!

At that time, that **** must die!

No. Not enough! His friends in Auriden and the whole people of Auriden are going to be rekindled!

Let them know the anger of a noble man!

With a "click", the door opened.

Stessa felt a heat in front of her face. With a flash of consciousness, he saw that his housekeeper had blocked the door of the study, and in his clasped hands, a bulging fireball was floating.

Behind the steward, there was a large group of people.

There are warriors wearing standard armor and holding swords and shields.

A hammer-wielding knight with full plate armor and armed to the teeth.

There were about ten people in total, and everyones eyes were concerned and firm.

Just like he could bleed at any time for his count.

When he met these eyes, the last bit of fear in Stesa's heart suddenly dissipated.

He remembered that the guards in the basement were on a rotational basis. Even if there is no alarm, judging from the current time, it is still time to change shifts.

So even though the manor was quiet, his housekeeper still brought a group of people to the study.

After hearing the strange voice in the study, he was even more prepared to attack with fireball!

Stetha smiled.

He felt safe.

He knew very well how good his guards were and how loyal they were to him.

Because this is all the power he has accumulated.

As long as you have these powers, let alone just a demon hunter, you can be considered a demon hunter.

Just when the noble count was about to get into the crowd with a look of relief and relief.

A familiar voice came from behind him.

The witcher's voice.

Your Majesty, please squat down.

The smile froze.

I dont know why, but he did it immediately and instinctively.

The moment he squatted down, he felt something flying rapidly over his head.

The wind pressure caused by it even made the hair stick to the scalp!

A "bang" sound.

The thing directly hit the butler standing in the front row under the astonished eyes of a group of people.

That is a chair made of solid materials and elegant and noble shape.

If you were struck from behind by such a chair at a high speed, your unarmored spine would probably be broken.

Stetha just breathed a sigh of relief for his timely dodge.

But the next moment, he saw the expanding fireball in the butler's hand.

One of the common sense of magic: A wizard who interferes with the spell-casting state is a very dangerous thing, both for the wizard and the onlookers.

Under the pained and horrified expression of the butler, he was directly knocked into the crowd of warriors behind him by the chair.

next moment.


The crashing chair, the butler's body, and a plate-armored warrior pressing his back against the butler. After a loud noise, it was immediately blown to pieces by this long-prepared fireball!

Blood, sawdust, and broken pieces of iron exploded violently with the force of impact!

The fireball exploded in the center of the crowd, encompassing a large group of people within the killing range.

Only Count Stesa curled up and squatted down next to the corner of the door frame, holding his head, to avoid being affected.

Those who were directly burned by the flames, those who were locked in the heated armor and howled, those whose limbs were cut off by flying debris

The originally quiet and tasteful corridor outside the study turned into a noisy and hot **** in an instant!

Lan stepped on the flames and walked to the corridor.

He pulled out his hunting knife and held down a dazed but uninjured plate armor knight with one hand.

The opponent struggled in confusion, but Lan just held down his helmet, feeling like he was holding down a chicken and duck waiting to be slaughtered.

Hush, shush. Be quiet, just be quiet for a while.

Muttering in his mouth, the hunting knife penetrated the viewing slit of the helmet along the gap in the plate armor.

A spurt of blood shot up half a meter high.

The limbs inside the plate armor trembled as if twitching, and then calmed down.

After taking care of the only enemy that might still be able to fight, Lan wiped the knife and put it back into its sheath.

He walked over to the Earl who was holding on to the door panel and trembling, and squatted down.

The witcher said with a smile.

"You should cheer up. If you want to survive, Lord Count, you have to escape."

Thanks to this person for being a trap, Amy for the dragon egg, and hunter Dante for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to book friend 160822223948564 for the 100-point reward!

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