Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 348 My Child Is Wanted

All these siren things… These sirens are something that is a mystery to the world and myself… But I won't let them take my child away from me.


Titans didn't do much. A dragon barely did anything. An entire war across the plane barely phased her. But, when Arpious birthed her child, something shifted within her… and she was humbled.

After a few hours of cuddling, the nurse came back in and saw the baby crying and wailing everywhere relentlessly, so she immediately gave me a paper that had all the information I needed to know.

And apparently, Hepha was hungry, so I immediately took off my shirt, and without hesitation, she latched on.

The weird feeling coursed through my body as she sucked… and sucked… and sucked… and sucked…

"Nurse? How long is she supposed to be like this?" I asked.

"It shouldn't last longer than five minutes… But, I've never seen such a powerful child, so she probably needs much more nutrients,"

"So much nutrients that she needs to suck on my tit for thirty minutes?" I asked once again, and the nurse began to sweat.

"I-I guess… I'm sorry. As I said, I don't have much experience with powerful children born from races I'm unaware of. This could be due to her nature as a siren, but this could also be due to her nature as a… ummmm…."

The nurse was completely confused at the situation, but as she began to wrap up her mumbling, I began to hear light snores coming from the little baby in my arms.

"Well, I guess it's done," I muttered before laying back on the pillow, completely exhausted.

It felt as if she had drained all the strength from my body… like a vampire… or like my skill… wait.

My eyes shot open, but I soon realized I was in a pitch-black room with my inner demon, who was sleeping peacefully like a baby.

I walked up to her and wiped the bit of drool from the side of her mouth, causing her to wake up and slowly look around.

"Did you call me?" I asked but she just silently stood up, slowly rubbing her eyes as she walked over to a yellow ring with a massive black X in the middle.

"Yeah, but hold on a second," She muttered before charging up a punch that slammed against the circle, slightly cracking it.

"Oh, is the seal finally breaking?" I asked.

"Yeah… but that's because we're on a plane where there is now an imbalance in angelic and demonic energy… and of course, it favors the demonic side. If we ever went towards the angelic side, otherwise known as going up, this seal would've become like the thickest steel wall we've ever seen," She said.

As I looked my inner demon up and down, I noticed her body had changed a bit from my current body right now.

"Is that the work of the seal?" I asked as I pointed at her demonic goat-like horns that protruded straight from her head.

They replaced my own staggering blade-like horns that protruded more from the sides of my forehead rather than the top.

"Yeah, I'm regaining my original form… though, my gender… isn't returning," She muttered as she glanced at her chest, which was-

"Well, maybe I am,"

"*sigh*... Just tell me what you called me here for," I said.

"Oh, you didn't blurt out anything… interesting… Anyway, your child is in grave danger. Like, not from the demon army but from your own original race… But the sirens might lose interest if they see that your baby doesn't actually have wings, so just keep raising her for now. Just be wary that there are people after your child now," My inner demon said before snapping her fingers.

Just as I was about to say something, I reappeared in my bed, Hepha, Loni, and Lisa sleeping right beside me.

"I knew it," I muttered.

I grit my teeth as hard as I could before going back to sleep, after giving everybody a kiss on the forehead once more.

The next morning, it was like magic.

The tiny little infant that I had held in my arms was now the size of a toddler and was even trying to walk around while grabbing things.

She kept grabbing the maid's dresses, the bedsheets, tables, pillows, even me, especially as she wouldn't release her hug that bound me.

"It's alright, I won't be going anywhere," I said after moving her hug away and picking her up by the armpits, and placing her in my lap.


All of a sudden, the door swung wide open, and I saw Amanda huffing and puffing in anger, but it soon turned to sadness as she saw Hepha rubbing her face against my belly.

She dropped to the floor, crying into her hands.

Just recently, she had come back from a long business trip, so she was unaware that I was giving birth or even already gave birth.

"Big sis. Say hello to Hepha," I said with a smile, and Amanda immediately dashed over to me before pulling on my ear and shouting straight into it.

"Why didn't you tell me! You could've got an assassin to send the message or something!" She shouted, but before I could say anything back, just like with my inner demon, I was interrupted by her pushing me out of the way and hugging Hepha tightly.


"Shut up for a second… Oh, you cute little thing. Mommy must've been starving you, huh? I'll have a feast for you by dinner, so eat as much as you want~,"

"Ga!" Hepha shouted, raising her tiny arms into the air.

But, it seems Amanda noticed her tattoos as she immediately shot a glare towards me.

"T-They came with the package-"


"Don't refer to your child as a package! Now big sis is going to spoil her, so expect her back in a few weeks!" Amanda said after slapping my shoulder and then stealing Hepha as she began to give her a tour of the palace.


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