Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 240 Final Kingdom Battle: Uxtan Officials Vs Twilight Officials (2)


I cut it in half with my scythe, causing black flames to devour the reddish-orange fire that threatened me.

It seems Lan was surprised for a split second before his expression returned to a sadistic smile that obviously showed greed.

"Ah, now that is something that I want," Lan says before summoning thousands of magic spells made of all the elements.

Lan created spears, swords, axes, and condensed balls of [Wind Magic], [Water Magic], [Fire Magic], and [Earth Magic], and without a second of hesitation, Lan sent them flying at me.

[Tangible Bloodthirsty Aura]

I instantly summoned my red halo, and it began its counter against the volley of spells I was currently dodging just barely.

They weren't all that fast but as they were so closely packed together, dodging them was a pain, especially when I was worried about my wives below me who received part of the volley of spells created by Lan.

My halo shot darts made of red tangible bloodlust and began to negate the magical attacks while I pushed forward with my scythe in hand.

Should I activate my ally buff skills, or will I need to reserve that mana for this guy?

"Are you sure you should be focusing elsewhere," I hear a voice appear from behind me?

Turning around, I see Lan reaching out at me with a hand coated in what seemed to be [Abyss Magic] as when I stared into it, all I saw was space. The endless void that wraps around planets, solar systems, and even universes.


I immediately flew back but realized Lan's hand had already reached too far, forcing me to swing up with my scythe, hopefully blocking it.


My scythe bounced off Lan's hand, surprising myself and Lan as I thought it would cut straight through him, while Lan thought his hand would destroy my scythe.

Our faces crumbled in disappointment before we set up another attack to weaken the opponent by just the slightest to get an advantage.

[Weather Manipulation: Wind, Rain, Sun, and Snow]

It's been a while since I used these skills…

A massive dark cloud hovered above the battlefield with a collection of lightning, rain, and snow brewing within it, and in the next second, they all came bursting out with two more variables behind them.

A massive gust of wind threatened to topple me over while in the air, and it seemed Lan was struggling to stay levitated within the air as well.

Finally, a large beam of sunlight came bursting through the cloud, creating a massive hole within the center of it that immediately caused Lan to shut his eyes for a split second while he summoned thousands of different weapons made from magic.

I saw this opportunity and immediately used [Forbidden Magic: Hermes] to close the gap and swing my scythe down towards the top of Lan's head with all my force.


I could hear a cracking sound as soon as I reached Lan, taking me by surprise as nobody had ever contested with [Forbidden Magic: Hermes]... besides myself, of course.

Lan's eyes had twitched towards me, but they were bloodshot, and he immediately began to bleed, but as soon as my scythe was about to come in contact with the top of Lan's head, a burst of wind sent me flying back.


"So close…" I muttered as soon as Hermes ends.

Lan had gathered a condensed tornado within his hand and shot it at me, but it seems it was a bit too powerful for his body as his hand was entirely red and had a few cuts on it.

"Wondering how I did that?" Lan asks before healing his hand with [Healing Magic].

"Nah, tell me when you're dead," I respond before using [Twilight Dragons Vampiric Breath].

A flame made of twilight came bursting out of my mouth, and it immediately disintegrated the rain and snow in my way.

Lan clicks his tongue before sending his newly created volley of spells right at me while using some of them to block my attack.


Lan levitates through the air and enters my massive twilight-like flame, but it seems he didn't get hurt as his spells destroyed my spell just as he was about to be burned.


I blocked Lan's void-covered hand with my scythe before summoning Raiu in my other hand and swinging it down on him.

Lan noticed my sword immediately, and after clicking his tongue, he retreated before muttering,

"[Grand Seal],"

Suddenly, my body felt immovable, and when I looked down, I saw that dark purple chains had restrained my body, and when I tried to tug at them, they would only get tighter and tighter.

My wrists didn't even have enough rotation to cut the chains with my weapons which I had just barely gripped onto with the tips of my fingers.


My face was assaulted with hundreds of spells but,

"Weak," I mutter after using [Grand Assassins Perfect State], which allowed me to enter the shadow of the cloud surrounding me.

I managed to slip out of the chains, but this forced me to un-summon and then resummon my weapons which caused an opening to appear as soon as I came out of the shadow while still in the air.

Lan noticed this and immediately flew in, while flexing his right hand into a knife-hand that he aimed straight at my neck.

I barely managed to dodge it while receiving a slight cut to the shoulder, which took a chunk of flesh from me.

I could feel a throbbing sensation without the pain in my shoulder, but I immediately used [Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei] to heal back up.

"It seems this will be a test of mana to see who has more," Lan says before dashing in once again.

We didn't exchange any blows but instead kept blocking each other's attack while Lan created thousands of spells that he used to hinder my movement as even though they barely did any damage, the impact would make my muscles tense or send my body a bit backward.

Even Hermes stopped working as Lan figured out a weakness that I only realize with the skill.

Whenever I used it, a large amount of mana would flow to my brain and heart before exploding out, and as Lan could obviously see mana, he would then create a tornado to knock me back.

My summons were also useless as they died to the onslaught of continuous spells that rained down on me.

Am I really going to have to use it... my divinity domain- wait, let's try purgatory first, though I doubt it will work due to him creating thousands of spells that could easily counter my soul monsters...

[Throne World: Purgatory]

We appeared in my throne world, and I immediately sent my soul creatures dashing towards him with everything they had.

Lan was confused for a second before realizing that he was in a throne world, causing him to levitate high in the air and summon thousands of more spells that took the form of weapons that slaughtered my ground monsters.

But, he had trouble with the monsters flying in the air, especially the dragon and phoenix, which I had killed, as they were pretty strong compared to their original power.

I continued to wait for an opening that my monsters created as I wanted him to waste as much mana as possible while I wasted as little as possible.

Wait for it... Wait for it...

"Now-" I say but was cut off by Lan suddenly recovering from his stumble and using it to fall to the ground to where I was.

There's no way this guy is just a mage.

Lan seemed fully confident that he would beat me as he nose-dived towards me and coated his arms, hands, and shoulders with the void-like material.

I'll take a step back, and once he lands, that's when I'll attack.

I immediately followed my quick plan, so I took a flash step back, causing Lan to click his tongue before crashing to the ground.

A golden glow could be seen, signaling that he was trying to heal, but as I had already dashed in and injected medusa into my scythe and sword, he couldn't even retaliate as he was forced to barely dodge it while getting his left arm and leg cut off.

He didn't scream in pain but still seemed calm as he used [Levitation] to try and create some distance between myself and my monsters which were just inches away from swallowing him whole.

"Don't think I'll let you escape," I mutter before flying towards the injured Lan.


Suddenly, a slight clear purple box surrounded Lan where he fell to the floor of the box and regained his stamina, and caught his breath.

I was confused for a split second before realizing that he had used [Magic Barrier Creation: Tier 4] around himself.

"That's one way to use a barrier," I say before tightly gripping my scythe and readying it above my head.

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