Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 209 The Skeletal System Of A Plane (11)

"Okay, thanks… so do I have to exit somewhere, or do you send me out,"

My inner demon doesn't reply even as she snaps her fingers once again.

Suddenly, I reappeared in darkness, and I could feel the thick liquid entering my throat and lungs once again.

It was a strange feeling, and it probably would've hurt if I didn't have my godly immunities.

Scooping my hands in a swimming position, I proceeded to swim up inside the darkness. I could only go so far without oxygen, so I needed to resurface as quickly as possible.


It literally sounded as if I was swimming in the depths of the ocean. Everything was eerily pitch black around me, and it felt like something would jump out at any moment. It was also eerily quiet besides the sound of my arms ripping through the thick liquid while pulling me up to the surface.

"*gasp* HUFF HUFF HUFF-"


I had finally resurfaced but the lack of oxygen sort of clouded my mind, making me fall victim to another crushing attack from above.

I immediately coughed up blood before seeing another attack barreling towards me.

Two hands from beside me came out the walls with the intent of crushing me from both sides.

Deactivating my bat wings and activating my feathered wings allowed me to manage to swoop out of the way barely.

My body felt stiff in some areas notifying me of internal damage, but the only external damage I could see was my broken nose and broken right arm.

"*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*"

I proceeded to cough up all the gray liquid that entered my lungs, creating another opportunity for the gargoyle to get a hit in.


I barely managed to dodge a punch from the massive stone hand, followed by a stone foot from above.


I just barely managed to move out of the way while searching for anything that looked like eyes. Blood red eyes are what I needed to search for.


I snapped my head in the direction of the gargoyles, who was just barely being held off by my quickly tiring maids. They were littered with wounds, and their breathing was heavy, but I couldn't help them now as I was held up with my own problems.

For a few minutes, I was flying all over the room, dodging any incoming attacks barely and sometimes even getting hit, but as this was happening, I tried to search for anything that looked like eyes.

Damn! Where the hell is it!

Another foot came from the side of the room, knocking me against the invisible wall that held back the thick clear liquid.

[HP: 5/700  MP: 11/500  SP: 61/500]

If it wasn't for my defense and occasionally using Ichimei to heal myself, I would've been dead long ago.

Suppose I was to monitor the room, where I would be… the top! I'm an idiot! Why didn't I realize that sooner!

Most of the attacks came from the ceiling as if it was trying to get me to avoid going next to it. And the first couple of attacks that slammed me against the ceiling prevented me from thinking this later on… too smart… way too smart…

I tried to activate my soul equipment weapons again, but nothing happened, slightly frightening me as I was already charging towards the ceiling.

I thought I could summon my weapons again, but there is probably a grace period that prevents me from using them constantly.

I was being pushed to my limits, and I was reacting well until now.

Panic started to set in as I just narrowly missed a balled-up fist from the ceiling, which slammed into the hard stone floor below me.

[Weak Celestial Bone Creation]

I have to settle for this for now…

I created a massive war scythe about twice the size of my body before tightly gripping it. And once I felt it form in my hand, I scoured the ceiling for anything even vaguely resembling eyes.

"DAMN IT! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING!" I shout while just barely dodging a point-blank foot in the face.

Not there. Not there. Not there…

The only places that I could find anything resembling eyes were the eyes of the mosaic angels, humans, monsters, and demons who were part of the massive picture created against the ceiling.

Wait for a second… if it can grow even bigger… does that mean it can shrink… there must be a way for it to shrink as if it gets too big; that would be a massive nerf for the rest of its life.

Rescanning the ceiling, I searched for any smaller details within the eyes of the mosaic monsters, humans, angels, and demons.

Suddenly two feet and two hands tried to sandwich me from all directions, signaling that I was close, but if I didn't dodge this next attack, I would instantly be crushed into a pulp.

Letting out a deep breath, I gather all the information around me and try to figure out the best way… but there is no best way.


I slipped through the space between each limb while only getting out with my legs being broken. This was the best result possible as I thought at least my torso and down would be crushed, but just the lower half of my legs were.

They didn't get ripped off, but you could immediately tell each supporting bone in my legs had been shattered into a million pieces.

It seems the gargoyler used up all his limbs, so I immediately flew back to the same spot and checked every angel as that was where I was next to the mosaic.

There, the eyes of this angel are moving.

But just as I found the eyes of the gargoyler, four more limbs came flying at me, which I couldn't dodge in time, causing me to get crushed from every side.

Blood started to leak from my eyes, ears, and mouth, but I flapped my wings one more time as I put all my power into my newly made smooth stone scythe.



My expression darkened instantly as my scythe shattered into a million pieces upon coming in contact with the gargoylers eyes.

A sense of despair loomed over me as if I was staring into the blood-red, angered eyes of a god.

My life proceeded to flash before my eyes once again.

But I didn't give up just yet as the gargoyler was still reeling in its limbs, and I had a decent amount of stamina left.

"DIE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I shout as I clench my fist and put all my power into one last punch.

And just for the extra cherry on top for my last-ditch effort, I activated [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] with my remaining points of mana.


My fist slammed into the eyes, instantly bursting them, and medusa proceeded to crawl its way into the empty eye sockets.

As I crashed to the floor below me, I saw 2 fists and 2 feet plummet towards me. I felt calm as I knew I gave my absolute best in this fight, but the terrain was just not to my advantage.

"MISTRESS!" I hear my maids shout, and when I turn my head, I see them running towards me while the gargoyles who chased after them started to drift into dust slowly.

As if they were snapped out of existence.


My maids blocked the incoming limbs, with Bella taking on two of them.

Their legs seemed to shatter under pressure, but they kept pushing on as they defended me with their lives on the line.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" My maids shout as their bodies were probably creaking from all the weight.

Ah, so we're all going to die together… How unfortunate… The inner demon is probably crying and shouting at me to get up and move, but my body is so broken now.

From what I could tell by just using my weakening senses, both of my feathered wings had fractures everywhere, internal bleeding somewhere as I continued to cough up blood, and definitely a few broken ribs.

Of course, there is no need to sense any injuries in my legs as they looked to be flattened like a pancake… pancakes… I want a pancake right now. That fluffy circular breakfast item that I could eat any day of the week… maybe if I get out of this, I can try and make pancakes.

I chuckled to myself even in my final moments… or so I thought.

The hands and feet that pressured my maids suddenly started to fall apart, lightening the weight that made my maids' legs shake.

And once the pieces of the limbs started to fall apart, upon hitting the ground, they instantly turned into dust, making my maids breathe a sigh of relief.

They were gone. The limbs had disappeared, but I was in a fatal state.

[HP: 1/700  MP: 0/500  SP: 12/500]

Shit… I survived, but I'm actually going to bleed to death? How unfortunate…

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