Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 187 Luna And Freya's Training

I decided to train my daughters once again for the rest of the day. During the afternoon, their other moms came by only to see me forcing them to stand before forcing them to stay in the perfect swinging stance.

And then, once I felt the stance was right, I made them continuously swing the scythes without any buffs.

Even as they started to cry and complained that they were hungry, I fed them food as they continued to swing the scythe and practice all the moves that I taught them.

During dinner, when we actually took a break for the rest of the day, Luna and Freya begged their mom to tell me to stop, but since my wives knew this was the best for them, they obviously declined.

"How's collecting your skeletons coming along?" I ask Aika and Hades, who seemed exhausted.

"I finally took Hades to go hunt some Snow Drakes but just like with your spar yesterday, he underestimated them and almost got himself killed… what an idiot," Aika says, slightly giving the stank eye to Hades.

"Tch… I could've killed them easily. It's just I wanted to give them a slight advantage so the fun wouldn't end so early," Hades says, crossing his arms.

"Uh-huh… so did you manage on collecting some skeletons?" I ask Hades.

"Yeah, but the monsters that I have right now are so weak that I might as well just use [Domain of the Necromancer]," Hades says.

"Do you want to tell your mom the full story? Or do you want me to?" Aika asks Hades, causing him to flinch slightly.

"Y-you can tell her,"

"Okay then… First of all, I wanted to get him some lower-tier skeletons to start working our way up the ranks… but Hades has absolutely no patience, so he ran towards the strongest-looking place, which was the snow-covered spire thing… And guess what happened?" Aika asks me.

"He ran towards one of the drakes, sent his fresh skeletons, they all got wiped out, and when he tried to face it on his own, he got clapped by it?"

"Yeah, that pretty much what happened… do you have anything to say for yourself, mister? If I weren't there to kill that thing, you would've been dead," Aika says, glaring at Hades, who tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible.

"N-no… I-I'm sorry…." Hades apologizes, hanging his head.

"*sigh*... don't worry, I'm sure your mom was just worried, alright. Don't be so down and just follow what she wants you to do. I'm pretty sure it's the most efficient and least stupid method that has the lowest chance of getting you killed… alright?" I say, seeing Hades put down his fork and knife.


"Good, now finish up your dinner as we're going back tomorrow, but I hope you'll listen to your mom's words," Aika says, hugging Hades before continuing to eat her dinner.

I nod my head in approval after seeing Hades' aura slightly change. It was still wobbly, but it would solidify into a good, strong, kingly aura after a while.

Ah, I think I know now who I want to inherit the throne… cause I don't want to lead this kingdom… it's too much work, and I want to explore more with my second life… but winning this war comes first...

[Day 66]

"Report," I say as I watch my daughters continue to struggle with their training.

We were still doing the same stretches and exercises, but when we started to practice the different stances and slices with the scythe, I gave them a weighted scythe, so when they use an actual scythe, it'll feel like they're holding a cloud.

"Report, the Uxtan Kingdom has still currently not made a move yet, but from what I've observed, the king is making some suspicious movements. Apparently, he is trying to find an orb called a Nether Stone.

He's been trading with many other kingdoms, which we have successfully tracked down, but no kingdom has given a supposed Nether Stone yet. I've also learned about the existence of an Aether Stone, which is essentially the opposite of a Nether Stone," Yin says, slipping out of the shadows and appearing right next to me.

"Good girl," I say as I lightly stroke Yin's hair.

She moves her cheek upwards to where my hand was holding it and then starts snuggling her face into the palm of my hand.

"Do you want a reward for being such a good girl?" I ask Yin, who was currently on her knees, trying to snuggle her cheek and face farther into my hand.

"C-can I?" Yin asks.

"Of course, you've been such a good girl- oh wait, I forgot about Alexa… Whatever, I'll check on her tonight," I mutter as I create a type of hammock-like chair with [Thread Manipulation].

I ordered Yin to turn around, which she followed instantly, allowing me to pick her up by the armpits and place her on my lap.

"Good girl…" I repeat over and over as I stroke Yin's hair, causing her to become sleepy.

Her eyes were droopy, and even though she knew she had to stay awake, she couldn't fight the instinct. And after a more few minutes of me stroking her hair, her head went limp as it lay against my collar bone.

"Mom! I don't want to do this anymore!" Luna shouts through tears.

"Sweetie, if you want to become strong, then you'll follow this training program for 2 more days after today… okay? But even then, I might still put you through some more training," I say.

"FINE! I'LL BEAT YOU ONCE I'VE BECOME STRONG ENOUGH AFTER THIS TRAINING!" Luna shouts in anger while swinging ever harder.

You'll need to train for at least another month to get almost to my level…

The rest of the day went smoothly as my children continued to complain about their muscle aches and sore body, but I just ignored it as I continued to stroke Yin like she was a cat. And, Alexa... well, let's just say I also forgot about her.

Finally, once the sky had darkened, a few maids called us for dinner. Freya and Luna dropped to the ground, completely exhausted while Yin had just woken up.

"Mmmm… Master… please don't leave me…." Yin says, snuggling into my chest.

"Yin, I'm going to eat dinner, go back to work, and maybe you'll get another reward," I say, stepping out of the webbed hammock.

"Okay, Master… bye, bye," Yin says, giving me one more hug before leaving, still sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"So, did you manage to find some good skeletons this time, or are you still climbing your way up the ranks?" I ask Hades.

"We got through like 3 levels today, so my skeletons right now are pretty strong, but still not as strong as the ones summoned from my domain," Hades says.

So they aren't that strong.

"Tomorrow, we should be about halfway through the strength of this mountain, and then he'll basically be on par with me. I haven't had much time lately due to organizing some things with my new arena and preparing for the war," Aika says.

"Oh, you're making an Arena?" I ask.

"Yep, and it's nowhere near done as I'm still trying to hire some employees… I also want to create some classes at the arena where older citizens can come to train if they wanted to… you know, just for some basic self-defense or exercise," Aika responds.

"That's pretty cool. Can I get a membership then?"

"You gotta pay for it if you want one,"

"Damn, well try to reserve me a spot when I'm bored. I'll make sure to pay,"

"Alright then,"


[Name: Luna]

[Race: Sealing Lamassu]

[Status: Exhausted]

[Level: 31/100]

[HP: 600/600  MP: 600/600  SP: 192/500]

[Strength: 100]

[Defense: 100]

[Magic: 180]

[Speed: 180]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 25]

[Skills: [Spider Leg Manipulation] [Spider Leg Spikes] [Summon: Berserk Crawler] [Grand Thread Manipulation] [Chain Creation] [Grand Chain Manipulation] [Summon: Chain Imp] [Fire Control] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa]

[Body Modifications: [Cursed Eyes] [Cursed Spider Leg Wings of the Sealing Lamassu] [Cursed Tail of the Sealing Lamassu]

[Mastered Weapons: [Scythe (Partial)]

[Titles: [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Crawlers]


[Name: Freya]

[Race: Blue Sun Lamassu]

[Status: Exhausted]

[Level: 32/100]

[HP: 800/800  MP: 500/500  SP: 197/700]

[Strength: 160]

[Defense: 160]

[Magic: 110]

[Speed: 150]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 25]

[Skills: [Blue Fire Magic] [Forbidden Magic: Ra] [Feral Claws] [Beastly Vision Enhancement] [Sunlight Magic] [Domain of the Sun] [Air Shattering Claws] [Air Destroying Claws] [Fire Absorbing Claws] [Petrification] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus]

[Body Modifications: [Cursed Eyes] [The Eyes of Ra] [Blessed Blue Fur Wings of the Blue Sun Lamassu] [Blessed Tail of the Blue Sun Lamassu]

[Mastered Weapons: [Scythe (Partial)]

[Titles: [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of the Sun]

"HAHAHA! NICE, YOU GIRLS FINALLY GOT PARTIAL MASTERY! WE'LL EAT ALL YOU WANT TOMORROW!" I laugh out loud after checking my daughter's status.

They really were geniuses with the scythe since it only took a couple of days of practice...

"M-mom, how about for our reward… can we change it to no training tomorrow?" Freya asks, slightly raising her hand.

"Nope, you'll still be training, but you can pick whatever you want to eat tomorrow,"

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