Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 184 Training And New Punishment

Chapter Tag: S&M


Samantha shivers slightly from her mistress's cold words and eyes before raising her body slightly while still on her knees. She brings her hands to beside her chest and sticks out her tongue while panting.

What the fuck. I thought she would've had to use her words… but I guess that's to be expected of a sadist... kinda weird if I had to say so myself... but I won't say that out loud.

"Good girl, it seems you really do want to stay by my side… then Oliver, you will replace her," Aika says, shoving 2 fingers into Samantha's mouth.

"Lick it," Aika says before adjusting her eyes to Oliver, who bowed deeply.

Samantha proceeded to lick and suck on Aika's fingers.

It was pretty lewd...

I could even see slight hearts appear in the center of her eyes as she took the task more seriously.

"Master, I'm back," Ava says, appearing right next to me.

I looked behind me and saw Ava kneeling on one knee and presenting a gold necklace that looked like a sleeping medieval dragon. It was beautiful, and it had hundreds of small gems planted in the necklace, radiating a slight sparkle.

I immediately grab it, and I could see Aika smile as I placed it around my neck.

"How do you like it?" Aika asks.

"It's gorgeous,"

"Well, I'm glad you like it…." Aika responds, still having Samantha suck on her fingers, causing saliva to drip on the floor as she gagged each time.

"Okay, Ava, go back to the dungeon… I'm going to hand out your punishment as I train Alexa," I say, standing up from my chair.

"I'll tell the children that you'll be there soon," Kumo says, immediately standing up.

"Thanks… oh, Yin, come out,"

"Yes, Master,"

"Tell Aiso to make a ring for Treyni and me. He can use whatever gem he would like," I order.

"As you wish," Yin responds, sinking back into the shadows.

This is so satisfying. I don't need to do all the errands myself now that I have a few personal pets that can do it for me.

After a few minutes of walking through my castle, Ava and I finally arrived at the dungeon. Ava was visibility shaking at what was to come, and once I opened the doors, I saw Alexa sitting in the center of the room, shaking in fear as well.

"Alright, Ava, you stand here while Alexa you follow me," I order.

"Yes, Master," both of my pets say in unison.

Alexa follows me to the cold stone wall as I gesture for her to lean against, which she immediately follows.

"Strip," I say with cold eyes.

Alexa jolts at my words, and her eyes seemed to beg for mercy… but I just sat down on the only wooden chair as I waited for Alexa to follow my order…

Alexa was still hesitant, so I used the influence of the collar to choke Alexa. She immediately fell to the cold stone floor, clawing at the collar while trying to beg for mercy.

"Don't make me repeat myself," I say after deactivating the collar.

"Y-Yes, Master," Alexa says, immediately jolting up and stripping before pressing her body against the wall.

She was completely naked, but I felt nothing as I clipped the chains to her limbs. Her body flinched at how cold it was in here, and goosebumps were visible whenever my hand only slightly brushed against her skin.

I then grabbed the blindfold from the table and wrapped it around her eyes, causing a feeling of discomfort to settle in.

Normally I would leave the dungeon after I finished these steps, but I still needed to give Ava her punishment.

"Hmmmmm… now what should I do for your punishment," I mutter to myself while gesturing for Ava to stand in front of me.

Even though she was much shorter than me, she looked so much smaller as her body was shrunk back and head lowered. Tears were forming in the corner of her eyes as she anticipated the same punishment that she always had.

"Oh, I know… hands on the table," I order, which Ava immediately follows.

As Ava pressed her hands against the stone table in the center of the room, her bottom and back were presented to me.

I walked around the room, eyeing Ava, who was clearly too nervous to even look at me.

As I grabbed a leather whip from the stone table, Avas eyes widened. I then proceeded to walk behind her and tear off her clothes, exposing her naked body, but just like with Alexa, I felt nothing from her almost seductive curves.


I whipped the air once, getting a flinch out of Ava and Alexa, who was on edge.


This time I cracked the whip even closer to Ava, who was shivering in fear.


And without warning, I cracked the whip against Ava's bottom, leaving a red mark and a whimper from Ava's mouth.


Another whip caused Ava to drop to her knees, but she immediately stood up with one more whip on her back.

A rush of ecstasy and pleasure-filled my mind as the only thing I could feel were the endorphins taking over my brain.


Ava whimpered once again as I cracked another whip on her back. Tears flowed from her face as my smile only grew wider.


"How about three more, and we're done… okay?"

"Yes, Master," Ava says with a sliver of hope appearing on her face.


Ava whimpered but stood her ground as she waited for the next one.


This time I did 2 whips in a row on her bottom, leaving even redder marks. Ava didn't move as I didn't give the order to stand up, but I could see her face was filled with relief that I had stopped… but I actually didn't stop.

I just said that so I could get the best reaction from her.


Ava fell to the ground as I whipped her bottom once again, leaving a red mark and confusion to sink in.

"Get up," I say coldly.

"Y-you said 3 more times," Ava stutters, looking up at me with begging eyes.

"Did I? I don't remember saying that?" I say, tapping my chin with my finger.

Despair set in as Ava looked up at me with fear. I could see her slowly nudge towards my leg before lunging towards my ankles.

She grabbed onto my feet, hugging them as she repeated the same phrase over and over again.

"I'm sorry, I'll do better… I'm sorry Ava will do better… I'm sorry… Ava will be a better girl," Ava says.

"*sigh*... It seems I went too hard. Stand up," I say.

"Y-yes, Master," Ava replies.

"Go change into some new clothes. We're done here," I say, opening the metal doors once again.

"M-MASTER! WHAT ABOUT ME!" Alexa yells, but I ignore her as both I and my pet leave the dungeon.


"You know a lot of our citizens evolved overnight. You should maybe check on them later," Aika says as my wives, and I walk down the hallway.

The 5 resurrected heroes were following behind us as Sophia had left already. After seeing her mother alive, she decided to keep working as commander and accepted to receive a new house outside the castle.

"Okay, the 3 that I named earlier will hide in the shadows right now. You will monitor Hades at all times since you don't need sleep, okay?" Aika says to the 3 men behind her.

"Yes, Mistress!" They all shout before sinking into the shadows below us.

The 2 girl heroes continued to follow behind us as we soon entered the training room.

Our children were already sparring each other, and it seems they were trying to improve their basics. My daughters worked on slight strength training and high flexibility training, while Hades was working on high strength training and slight flexibility training.

"Oh, speaking of sons… I wonder where Zehar is? Yin," I call out, immediately summoning Yin beside me as we watch our children spar.

"Yes, Master,"

"Where is Zehar?"

"He is currently still sleeping. Would you like me to wake him up?" Yin asks.

"No, let him sleep," I say.

Hmmm… oh yeah, I also need to ask how to remove these stupid titles… I'll ask Paimon later.

"Alexandra, come here; you'll be my chair," Aika says, pointing at the dirt spot behind her.

The Dark Hero, Sophia's mom, or Alexandra, immediately got on her hands and knee behind Aika as she sat down on top of her. Alexandra was blushing slightly but interrupted by 2 fingers that were shoved into her mouth.

"Lick it,"

Alexandra immediately melted in pleasure, but it didn't last long as Aika pulled them out. She then ordered Samantha to come towards her, which she then lifted her by the armpits before setting her down on her lap.

And just like before, she shoved her fingers into both of her pet's mouths, making them instantly melt in pleasure.

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