Apostle of the Void

Chapter 11 - Short-Term Contract Worker (3)

[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]

Chapter 11 - Short-Term Contract Worker (3)

For Arzen, the summer of the year 1529 in the Tersia Calendar wasn’t just about cleaning the sewers.

Twice a week, as a contracted worker for the city hall, there were mandatory workdays he had to attend.

In order to improve his rapport with others, it was essential for him to show dedication at all times, every single moment.

"Arzen~ Hi!"

Thanks to this effort to build rapport, Arzen was gradually becoming friends with Milbiet, the nagging supervisor of the Sewer Maintenance Department.


"How’s the sewer work going?"

"It’s the same as always."

"Oh my, a young boy like you catching slimes in those sewers... Want a cookie?"

Since he had already succeeded in earning her favor early on, getting a free cookie had become a regular occurrence.

"This is delicious. Where did you buy it?"

"Buy it? I made it myself."

"Homemade cookies, really? I’m so touched, I could cry..."

Reacting properly to the kindness of others was crucial in every interaction.

One must never take kindness for granted, or worse, treat it as a right. Such a mistake would instantly render all the rapport he had built up meaningless.

"I made plenty, so eat as much as you like."

Of course, he didn’t have much time to chat idly.

Being the City Hall of a major metropolis, the number of complaints reaching the Sewer Maintenance Department was staggering.

Most of the complainers were old folks grumbling things like, “How are you going to compensate me for rusty water coming out of my tap?”

Arzen's job was to direct these people to the Water Supply Department.

"This way, sir."

"Oh, you’re working hard for such a young one. All right, I’ll head to the Water Supply Department."

"Yes, please go."

Arzen was dressed in a city-issued public official’s uniform.

Karsico, a metropolis often called "The Green City," had a distinct city uniform where the green and white color scheme gave off a fresh, clean feeling.

Since they didn’t have a men’s uniform in Arzen’s size, he had to wear a women’s uniform.

But with his pretty face, it didn’t seem out of place at all.

As a half-elf, Arzen wasn’t a classically handsome man, according to Lok. He was more of a pretty boy who looked like a beautiful girl.

Since he was still young, his appearance made even adults want to dote on him.

"Thanks to you, Arzen, things have been going much smoother. Plus, since you’re young, the old folks don’t make as many rude remarks."


"Yeah, whenever it was just Samson and me, we’d always end up in shouting matches... That, and there’s something about you—something mysterious. Maybe that’s why."

Hearing compliments like this made him feel proud inside.

‘This feeling of being praised and adored!’

When his mother was still alive, he used to receive such affection even for the smallest things...

But ever since she was sent to the Divine Guillotine, even the smallest missteps led to constant berating.

The flood of emotions swept over him.

If he felt this good now, how would it feel to be revered by everyone once he reached the Gold Grade?

"I used to think civil servants were a bunch of lazy bums with guaranteed jobs, but there’s actually quite a lot of work."

“We’re actually doing pretty well compared to others. See over there? Do you see the Welfare Department? Most of the people going there are really upset, so their work looks really tough.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. Right now, the person that just came in is young, so that’s a bit better… Oh, it’s Sora. She’s calm and well-behaved, so it should be fine.”

Arzen couldn’t see her face clearly from where he was sitting, but he did notice the children playing quietly nearby.

No, they weren’t exactly playing.

They were behaving quite maturely, making sure they weren’t disturbing anyone, which was impressive in itself.

“Do you know her?”

“Don’t even ask. A few years ago, her parents died in an accident, and she’s been raising her three younger siblings on her own, without sending them to an orphanage. She’s incredible.”

Curious to get a better look, Arzen lifted himself slightly off his seat to catch a glimpse of her face... Wait a minute.


A neatly tied ponytail, a serious expression, but if you really knew her, you'd recognize that she was far from that impression…!

‘No way, that woman…!’

It was the same crazy woman who kept talking during that first sewer extermination mission!


Did she sense his gaze because she was an archer?

Sora’s expression changed rapidly as her eyes met Arzen’s.

At first, she was expressionless.

Then one eyebrow shot up... and once she realized who Arzen was, her face flushed as red as a beet.


Arzen subtly mimicked her exact reaction, as if letting out a breath.

‘I, Arzen, will not let this slide!’

Considering what she put him through, this was just a playful payback.

Too bad he couldn’t openly tease her because he was in the middle of building rapport.


Suddenly, Sora sprang up from her seat and bolted outside. Escape!

“Sora? Sora, where are you going? You still need to finish filling this out!”

Her siblings and the bewildered city official were left staring at the empty seat.

“Big brother, where did sis go?”

“She probably needed to use the restroom urgently. Let’s just wait here.”

“I want to eat soon. I’m hungry.”

The youngest sibling yawned.

The eldest gently wiped the younger’s mouth and handed them a toy.

“Just hang in there a little longer. Sis said she’d buy us something delicious today.”

Taking advantage of the break, Milbiet approached the children and handed them some of her homemade cookies.

“Wow, cookies!”

“Don’t eat yet! You have to say ‘thank you’ first!”

“Thank you!”

The eldest handled the younger siblings with great care.

As the kids bowed politely, a warm atmosphere filled the room.

Others around them started rummaging through their pockets, as if looking for snacks to share.

“My goodness, how cute. You’re seven now, right?”

"Yeah, I'll be starting school next year. But I don’t really want to go. I’m worried it’ll be too much for my sister. I’m also worried about my younger siblings."

"Don’t worry about it~ The city will provide all the support you need. You don’t have to worry."

At that moment, Arzen felt a pang of guilt as the last remaining shred of his conscience kicked in.

‘I was planning to tease her since I still hadn’t let go of what happened last time…’

But seeing her siblings like that made him feel a bit of remorse.

‘What the heck…’

He had thought she was just a selfish, heartless adventurer, but there was clearly more to her situation.

‘If I stay here, she probably won’t come back in because she can sense my presence. That’s just the way she is.’

Arzen checked his watch.


Realizing it was time to clock out, he took off his uniform.

He put on his cherished "Akahelu Hide Robe," which he had been wearing sparingly lately, stamped his time card, and left work.

Samson, the department head, was dozing off, his face tilted back and covered by a book.

When Arzen said goodbye, Samson lazily waved his hand without even opening his eyes.

‘Sleeping so well during work hours… what a scumbag. But you know, sometimes you can actually trust scumbags because they’re consistent!’

Arzen found that he could trust people like Samson more than hypocrites who pretended to be nice.

‘They’re always true to their own interests, and as long as you don’t go against those interests, they’ll show you goodwill in return.’

Arzen first headed back to the Adventurer’s Guild to change clothes.

After that, he stopped by the medical supply shop to buy a Level 2 Odor-Blocking Mask…

Next, he’d eat lunch at his now-favorite spot, Olive You, and then he’d be fully prepared.

At this point, Arzen could deploy up to eleven Voidlings.

Today, he aimed to break through the limit of twelve and unlock a new technique.

"Kaz Tu Arcturus. First-Bee, come forth."

Buzzzzzz… The sound of wings was now so familiar, it was almost comforting.

From beyond the dimensional rift, the creatures of the Void tore through the veil of perception and appeared!

Leading them, as always, was First-Bee, the most trusted servant of the Apostle.

"We finished up the north-west section yesterday, so… today we’ll push straight ahead, right up to the edge of the central district. Sound good?"


"Two of you, guard above my head. One behind me. You take the rest and lead the charge forward."

Buzzzzz… At this point, there was no need to micromanage every little command.

After about two weeks of sewer cleaning, Arzen had realized something—First-Bee was learning how to fight.

It commanded the Voidlings efficiently, adapting its tactics, and it even remembered all the previous commands Arzen had given.

"Su Ja Kunia! Combine."

The two Voidlings that had been guarding above Arzen's head merged into one stronger mid-tier Voidling.

No matter how fast they dealt with the falling slimes, the fact that they were so close meant they’d still get splattered with that sticky mucus.

But with a five-meter gap, the mid-tier Voidling was perfect for taking them out from a distance, giving them enough time to avoid the mess.

‘Good, the formation’s set. Now I just need to…’

Arzen took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand, once again issuing commands to the Void as the Apostle.

"Kaz Tu Arcturus."

He had already deployed 11 Voidlings, which had drained all his Void Energy (as defined by the scriptures, this was the power needed to wield the Void’s strength).

‘But... now I must break through this limit!’

Reaching toward the dimension of the Void!

Calling out to the beings that dwell within!

As the Apostle, he had to proclaim his intent to push beyond the current boundaries of this realm!

"Ugh, uh... uuuuaaah...!"

The intense heat swirling within his body exceeded even the suffocating summer heat of the sewers.

Cold sweat poured down like rain.

Despite the overwhelming pressure, Arzen could see it—the slow, steady encroachment into the dimension his hand was extended toward.

The Void was being infiltrated.

‘Come out, come out, come out!’

How long could he hold out? This was no ordinary struggle—this was a battle against the primal laws of creation.

A fight to see whether the providence of the universe would seal the rift first, or if Arzen could force it open and keep it stable.

‘It’s getting harder to breathe. If you’re coming, hurry up! You, the 12th Voidling!’

At that moment, First-Bee, who had been leading the slaughter of the slimes, looped back and flew toward him.

It hovered in front of the dimensional rift, wings beating steadily in place.

Its antennae twitched several times, and then... the legs of a new Voidling emerged from the rift.

With those legs, it began to pull its body out, the 12th Voidling slowly inching free from the dimensional tear.

First-Bee carefully assisted, tugging the new Voidling’s body with the care of a mother bird tending to a hatchling.


A painful burst of congestion erupted from within Arzen’s chest, the kind that only happens when someone pushes themselves to their absolute limit.

But for some reason, he couldn’t stop now.

"First-Bee, faster…!"

It wasn’t that he was afraid of failing to unlock the new skill.

He would have more chances later.

But if the rift closed now, the body of the 12th Voidling would be severed in half, and that... well, that would be a pity.


First-Bee’s wings flapped with a newfound ferocity.

And suddenly!

The ten Voidlings that had been busy hunting slimes stopped what they were doing and flew to First-Bee’s side.

It was a bizarre sight.

As they gnawed at the edges of the rift, the gap slowly but surely widened.

“Two seconds… one second… no more than that!”

Just as Arzen feared he would collapse from the internal pressure, the 12th Voidling finally emerged from the other side of the rift.


The tension drained from his body, and his legs gave out beneath him.

He collapsed to his knees, gasping for air, his mask slipping down as he struggled to breathe.

First-Bee, ever vigilant, arranged the Voidlings into the optimal formation to protect him.

Arzen slumped against the sewer wall, not caring that his clothes were now filthy. They were second-hand anyway, and he didn’t mind tossing them after this.

Arzen hastily opened the chained grimoire.


His fists clenched tightly on their own, filled with a surge of uncontainable satisfaction. The sheer euphoria of the moment was indescribable.


There was no one around to hear him.

He yelled triumphantly into the sewers, and the slimes, startled by the sudden noise, scurried off in a panic.

Of course, it was probably the Voidlings that scared them off, but that didn’t matter.

First-Bee gently landed on his hand.

It looked as though it was about to transform into a key, but Arzen shook his head, lightly stroking the fuzzy head of the creature.

"No, no, we can’t complete this important task here. Let’s finish what we started and return to the inn afterward. First-Bee, lead the Voidlings and charge ahead. We’ve got to complete today's objective."

With renewed determination, Arzen gave the command, and the swarm of Voidlings surged forward, ready to clear the rest of the sewer.

[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]

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