Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

Chapter 240 - 132 Revenge (Requesting Monthly

Chapter 240: Chapter 132 Revenge (Requesting Monthly


The destruction caused by the gorilla zombie was far greater than Wang Tao

had imagined.

Wherever it went, destruction followed; it didn’t care if there were people or not, it simply wanted to wreak havoc.

Some of the smaller Survivor Bases had had terrible luck. They were either inadvertently affected by the gorilla zombie, or almost completely wiped out upon discovery…

Those who managed to survive fled the base immediately.

It had been over two months since the end of the world, and most survivors in

Shuize County had already heard of the Suzaku University Survivor Base.

After all, there were quite a few Hunters in the Shuize Base, who occasionally encountered other survivors, and word about the base slowly spread. The base also broadcasted from time to time through walkie-talkies, and those who had civilian walkie-talkies could receive the signal.

Of course, knowing about the Shuize Base was one thing; whether they wanted to come or not was another matter.

After all, coming would mean abiding by rules, lacking the freedom they once had. Moreover, with so many zombies outside, reaching the Shuize Base involved great risk. Many people felt that as long as they could barely get by, there was no need to take that risk-this was their previous thinking.

Now, of course, it was different. Their small bases could barely count a dozen people as many, and they had no ability to resist risks.

in the past, they could hide from some of the elite zombies, but now, faced with a gorilla zombie, they had no capacity to fight back.

Quite a few small bases were completely wiped out, and the survivors who were still alive had no choice but to flee. Along the way, many more died, and it was no small feat to make it to the Suzaku University…

“Today our base received 32 people, according to their accounts, at least over

50 people died…”

Ren Jie’s tone was somewhat sorrowful.

While it was good to have an increase in population at the base, the death of so many survivors was still regrettable.

With the gorilla zombie wreaking havoc like this, it would probably not be long before the entire Shuize County had only their Shuize Base with any living people left.

“There’s nothing that can be done about it.”

Wang Tao shook his head, then prepared to leave. But as if he remembered something, he asked:

“By the way, among these people, is there a Li Qiu Yu?”

Ren Jie shook his head.

“Li Qiu Yu? No, I don’t recall seeing that name.”

The surname Li is quite rare; if he had seen it, he wouldn’t have forgotten.

“That’s a pity, she once helped me. I saw the gorilla zombie heading towards her house, but I was unable to help her.

Wang Tao shook his head and spoke of the situation at that time.

Although it was regrettable, he had lost hope for Li Qiu Yu.

“Ah… it’s not your fault.”

Ren Jie shook his head. Wang Tao wasn’t yet at Level Two, so he certainly couldn’t contend with the gorilla zombie; going there would have been suicide.

“However, I’ll keep an eye out for you, just in case she didn’t die…”

“Alright. I’ll get going then.”

After Wang Tao left, Ren Jie frowned and thought for a moment.

“There should be no one by the name of Li Qiu Yu…

He took out the previously compiled list of names and checked it carefully, then shook his head.

“Yan Tai, Meng Xiaojun, Wu Fei… indeed, there isn’t.

The teachers’ apartments.

Han Rui woke up and felt slightly disappointed to see Wang Tao was not there. However, she noticed that Sun Weiguang was actually in the living room.

“How come you’re here?”

Han Rui’s face turned cold immediately.

To be honest, she felt quite comfortable when Sun Weiguang was not around.

She now detested Sun Weiguang, believing that even killing him for drugging her would not be too harsh.

Holding back only for the sake of their past relationship, she no longer wanted to see Sun Weiguang.

“Ahem, you’re awake? It’s like this… I’m very thankful for your care over the years. I know I’ve been a lot of trouble, that’s my fault, I was wrong before…” Watching Sun Weiguang ramble on, Han Rui furrowed her brows.

Was Sun Weiguang trying to make amends, or did he want something? in the peaceful times before, when he would come to her asking for money, it resembled the situation now.

Seeing Han Rui’s impatient expression, Sun Weiguang sighed and said: “Alright, I’ll get to the point. I think we should part amicably and live our separate lives, without disturbing each other again, that is… get a divorce. What do you think?”

Is that all?

Han Rui thought about mocking him, but seeing Sun Weiguang’s serious face, she felt he might have truly matured quite a bit. So, she nodded.

“Okay. I agree to the divorce.”

Even though it was the end of the world and these formalities didn’t matter much, the two had once been married-it was best to part on good terms. Seeing that Han Rui agreed without a second’s hesitation, Sun Weiguang suddenly felt a bit sad; he nodded with a bitter smile.

“…Alright. Then… I’ll leave now.”

After speaking, Sun Weiguang stood up and left his key to the apartment behind. There were two keys to the apartment; one for him and one for Han Rui.

“By the way, are you still with Ou Yingying?

Han Rui suddenly asked.

“Yes. Ou Yingying said she was very sorry to you, too ashamed to face you, so she didn’t come over…”

Sun Weiguang paused for a moment, then left.

Watching Sun Weiguang’s retreating figure, Han Rui felt complicated.

It wasn’t about reluctance. But still, having once been husband and wife and now ending up like this, it was somewhat sigh-inducing.

Shaking her head, Han Rui stopped thinking about it. She didn’t have time for sentiments; her top priority was to increase her ability to protect herself I

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