Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

YanXu sat beside him in a trance. He was not interested in the looted things. However, when Tang Dynasty was looking for cards, he threw all the broken animal skins, animal teeth and stones that he couldn't see. YanXu picked up a piece of animal skin and looked at it. It was irregular in shape, dark in color, old and broken. He didn't know what the ape man was doing to collect these things. He waited for YanXu to turn it over A look, suddenly surprised.

The animal skin in his hand was covered with dense lines, like a design of something.

YanXu quickly picked up another one with the same lines, but the two designs were obviously different.

Yan Xu turned over the animal skins thrown over, and there were different shapes on each one. Yan Xu thought about it, and folded the skins one by one in the same direction. He found that these skins were neat as long as the direction was adjusted!

This It's probably a design book of something!

YanXu picked up the teeth again. These teeth were very big, not like the teeth of ordinary beasts. He turned them around. Sure enough, he saw another article on it. Every tooth was engraved with symbols. These symbols were very similar to the runes on the horns of the ox horn ape man. There were many kinds of symbols. YanXu couldn't distinguish them. He felt that every figure was almost the same.

In front of him, he turned over the white paint and looked at it again. This kind of stone is very familiar. YanXu is sure that it is the same kind as the one in the middle of the road, and the same kind as the one thrown on Qin lie. It's just that some of the stones here have not been activated, otherwise they will be miserable.

Tang Dynasty held the yellow and green crystal in his hand excitedly. The crystal was only as long as an adult's index finger, two fingers wide and thick, one yellow and one green, and the middle color was transitional. It was very beautiful. There were many such crystals, and Tang Dynasty was almost crazy.

Qin lie picked up two crystals and knocked them, making a "Ding Ding" sound. "What's the use of these things? I don't think it's useful. It's better to give some gold coins. "

When Tang saw that he took two crystals to knock each other, he was so scared that he yelled, "don't move! You don't move!! Put it there. Don't touch any of them! These are all babies! You don't know the goods

Qin lie was startled by the roar of the Tang Dynasty. Since he was a treasure, it must be very valuable. So he carefully put it on the ground. Fortunately, it wasn't broken, otherwise the Tang Dynasty would have eaten him raw.

Qin Li put down the crystal here, and picked up a crystal ball like bottle on the other side. The outstretched bottle mouth was made of unknown gold metal. It was very delicate, and was even more beautiful than the women's advanced perfume bottle.

Qin lie raised his head and looked into the air. There was nothing in it. It was an empty bottle. Then he picked up another one. There were some dark yellow turbid things in it. He didn't know what it was. Some of the other bottles contained something like fire, some contained colored liquid, and a stack of "yellow straw paper".

"Damn, what are these? There is not a card, let alone a jewel. I don't even see a gold coin. The ape man is a poor man. Take all these rags and come back!" Qin lie is angry. He has been busy for such a long time.

Tang Shi was so angry that he slapped him and scolded: "idiot, these things are more valuable than cards and gold coins! These things are treasure that money can't buy! If you don't help to clean up as soon as possible, put each type in one place, these things will be of great use in the future! "

When Tang Dynasty saw that only half of the white liquid was left in a bottle, he was heartbroken. He must have been used by those ape men. It was a waste!

When everything was sorted out, Tang Shi frowned and muttered, "no, there are all these materials. There should be reference runes."

YanXu speechless to those who were thrown away in the Tang Dynasty beast teeth handed over, "here."

Tang Shi took it over and saw the rune engraved on the animal's tooth. He was very happy. "That's right, it's complete!"

"Is that complete? What about these? " YanXu handed over the animal skin that was thrown by Tang Dynasty.

"What is this?" Tang Shi took it over and frowned. After several turns, he was shocked and opened his mouth wide. He said: "this How is that possible? "

When YanXu looked at the Tang Dynasty, he had already guessed that these drawings were not simple.

"What? Is it a baby? " Qin lie also came to see, all are dry, see him dizzy.

"It's supposed to be a drawing of some kind of machinery." In Tang Dynasty, he quickly turned over the skins in his hands with a dignified look, and then looked at YanXu, "do you still remember the mechanical beasts that Tang Qi summoned at that time?"

YanXu certainly remembers that although they were far away at that time, they still saw the wild mechanical beast. If it wasn't for the low level, it would be possible to draw with the frost wolf governor or even kill him directly.

"If those Mechanical creatures want to be made, they must have specific materials and design drawings. I guess these drawings are probably the design drawings for making mechanical creatures!"

Tang Shi was very excited. The harvest this time was too rich, although he didn't get the card Er, there should be one. It's on his left wrist now. There are no gems or gold coins, but these materials are real estate! It's very valuable at any time!Yan Xu was also moving. He was very surprised at the mechanical beast before. He guessed what kind of means it was made by. It was as flexible and brave as a real creature. Even as long as the material hardness was enough, its defense was absolutely more powerful than that of the beast of flesh and blood. Unexpectedly, this time, they got the design of the mechanical creature, which was very valuable. Looking at these things on the ground, Tang Shi hesitated for a moment and said to Qin lie, "these things are very important. They are all used in complete sets, not just one of them."

Tang Shi picked up a delicate bottle, which was only the size of a man's fist, and contained black liquid. "Like this bottle of pigment, only when the corresponding rune is drawn on this parchment, can the effect be produced. Just like the ape man threw a stone at you, and the rune was painted on the stone with a certain pigment, so there were so many snakes in an instant. "

Qin lie was surprised. "Are these pigments written in runes?"

"Yes, but first you have to remember how to draw those runes and what their functions are."

In the Tang Dynasty, he picked up a piece of yellow and green crystal, "this is the necessary material for making energy drill."

Then he pointed to the pile of bottles and jars on the ground, "the things here are reserved for making Rune source drills, but they have to be refined with source drills. The process is complicated. French energy drill and rune source drill can be loaded on the corresponding card, which can add attributes to the card. For example, if the card of our black moon Hunter leather armor is loaded with a spirit Royal energy drill, it will not be attacked by the spirit of the spirit beast. "

Not only Qin lie, but also Yan Xu was surprised. He didn't expect that these things could be used in this way. In this way, the cards they listed as the key training cards could be loaded with source diamonds of any attribute? Isn't that strong enough to be outrageous?!

Awakened heroes, from level 0 to level 9, have 10 chances to get their own life card, but the chance of getting their own life card is still too low.

In Tang Dynasty, if he didn't get the cards by other means (system reward, robbing others, searching from alien race), in fact, he only got his own life card three times. The first time was the "unopened barrel" he got when he just woke up, the second time was the weapon card "sickle of the dead" he got when he was promoted to level 2, and the last time was the "yuanneng protection necklace" he got when he was promoted to level 7.

YanXu's luck can be said to be good all the time. Even so, he only got 4 Benming cards, namely "ice fire devil's heart sword" when he just woke up, the magic card "flame strike" when he was promoted to level 3, the servant card "angry owl beast" when he was promoted to level 8, and the magic card "big fireball" when he was promoted to level 9.

For example, the luck of the two of them has been regarded as the best among the awakened people, and the chance of getting the Benming card is just the same. It can be seen that the ordinary awakened people will only get less Benming cards, and there are so many opportunities to get the Benming card.

However, after entering the heroic period, it is different. The strength of the heroic period is divided into four stages: primary stage, intermediate stage, advanced stage and peak stage.

If you want to break through each level, you must get the corresponding upgrade card, and the upgrade card can only be "dropped from the sky". Therefore, the primary awakeners who enter the heroic period this time can only wait until the next upgrade card comes. They must get the intermediate upgrade card. If they grab the primary upgrade card, it's no use.

In the awakening stage, the chance of Benming card appearing is very small. In the Hero stage, it is only smaller. For example, when Tang Dynasty and YanXu entered the primary stage, they were very lucky to get the cards of the Hero stage, but most of them entered the Hero stage and could not get Benming card.

When there is a serious lack of cards and the level promotion is not controlled by manpower, it's time to compete for personal strength and the strength of existing cards. Therefore, many famous awakeners are named after their cards. It's very important to have a card representing their identity. If there is a way to arm this card to invincible, it's estimated that all awakeners are willing to do so This is the existence of the Fu Wen source diamond and the FA energy source diamond, which is undoubtedly shocking to YanXu and Qin lie.

Tang did not wait for them to finish their excitement. A basin of ice water poured over, "these are all the theoretical knowledge I heard before. I heard that an old researcher calculated them. There are successful cases, but because of the huge consumption, the difficulty in refining, and the difficulty in finding materials, it's a big surprise to come out with one."

Those two surging hearts, instantly cooled.

Tang Shi picked up a bottle of black pigment and said, "see, this bottle alone is extracted from several rare plants. Think about how many such rare plants can extract such a bottle, let alone one less plant is a failure."

Tang Shi also said: "the reason why they are very difficult to succeed is that they don't know the material formula, and the other part is that it's really difficult to get every material, and they are groping every step. It takes time, so there are few finished products. But we have a lot of materials that they can't get. "

Qin lie's heart went up and down, whining: "please finish it in one breath!"

Tang Shi said with a smile, "I have finished. Well, you can choose. Do you want to use paint to draw runes, or do you want to make Rune source drills and French energy drills? "

Yan Xu didn't ask about it in Tang Dynasty. Yan Xu's things were his. Yan Xu didn't share them with him and kept them with him. But Qin lie was not the same and couldn't be unfair to him.When Qin lie heard that Tang Shi meant this, he quickly waved his hand and said, "don't be polite to me. Don't come to me for such a brain wasting thing. Just give me two when there are finished products. I don't want these. I can't play with them."

Qin lie felt that he was not helpful at all in this matter. In the end, he had to rely on YanXu's servant card to protect him. Besides, if it wasn't for the Tang Dynasty and YanXu, he would have died in Qi county. What treasure would he have. Qin lie is also very clear that if it is something he can really use, he will give it to him directly instead of asking in the Tang Dynasty. This time, he also wants Qin lie to choose for himself. If he wants it, he will give it to him. If he doesn't want it, he will keep it for research in the Tang Dynasty.

Sure enough, the Tang Dynasty did not refuse, "OK, I'll take it back and study it slowly. The materials are all ready. The probability of making it should be a little higher."

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