Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 70 The Unison Government

Chapter 70 The Unison Government

With the increasing number of Players, a troubling undercurrent of problems began to seep into every corner of the globe.

It was as if a dark shadow was cast across the world, and no place was immune.

Reports detailing these issues flooded in relentlessly, sparing no country from their reach.

From the bustling metropolises to the remotest villages, the problems manifested themselves in various forms.

Social unrest, economic challenges, environmental crises, and political turmoil were just a few of the many issues that had taken root.

Nations found themselves grappling with these newfound challenges, their leaders facing difficult decisions to address the mounting problems.

It was a period of uncertainty and upheaval, as the world struggled to adapt to the changing landscape brought about by the surge in participants.

Theft became rampant as players exploited their newfound abilities, infiltrating homes and businesses with ease.

Invasion, on a scale never seen before, saw players encroaching upon territories, challenging even the most fortified borders.

Property damage was widespread as superhuman powers wreaked havoc on urban landscapes.

The most distressing reports were of murder and rape, as some individuals with newfound abilities turned to violence, leaving a trail of victims in their wake.

Terrorist attacks, too, became a global concern, with rogue players wielding their powers for sinister purposes.

The world was in turmoil, and the emergence of players had unleashed a wave of chaos and destruction that spared no nation, creating a grim and uncertain future for humanity.

Criminality rates skyrocketed to levels unseen in centuries, leaving countries grappling with problems they seemed powerless to solve or prevent.

The situation spiralled out of control, and despite being only a week since the emergence of these players.

Signs of unease and even hints of civil unrest began to manifest among the residents.

"The government is urging citizens to stay indoors as much as possible, and the president has decided to indefinitely close all schools"

The news reports echoed, each country offering its version and choice of words but sharing a common message.

The global news landscape mirrored the same grim narrative, highlighting the growing chaos.

In the country where Daniel once resided, a pivotal meeting was underway.

It draws together all the top ministers and the president to deliberate on their future.

The President, seated in the centre of the round table, addressed the room with a tone of gravity.

"I'm sure we're all keenly aware of the current situation, and if we allow it to persist without a comprehensive plan in place, the consequences will be dire"

"Not just for our nations but for the entire planet."

Nods of agreement rippled around the table, signifying a shared understanding of the urgency of the matter.

Another minister chimed in, expressing a growing concern.

"Indeed, the sudden appearance of the unknown Divine entity has sown doubt among religious groups and their followers"

"There are even extremist cults propagating the idea that Gresaia is a devil in disguise, further exacerbating our problems."

The room fell into contemplative silence as the weight of the situation settled upon the gathered leaders.

It highlighted the complex challenges they faced in these uncertain times.

Minister Luke, responsible for Social Affairs, further voiced his concerns during the critical meeting.

"Furthermore, we can't ignore the fact that some religious factions have seized upon the Divine Entity's arrival to bolster their beliefs"

"They're proclaiming the Entity as a Prophet, Apostle, or Messenger of God, promising salvation to their followers who are already in distress."

His words underlined the intricate social dynamics at play, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

As the person responsible for the well-being of the country's residents, Minister Luke understood the gravity of the challenges they faced.

He sighed deeply, his expression reflecting the weight of his responsibilities.

"If the powers within modern fantasia are allowed to remain unchecked, there's no denying that our nation will descend into chaos"

"Especially among the youth who are deeply immersed in their fantasies"

"As we speak, there are reports of illegal gatherings and disturbances cropping up everywhere"

"If this continues unchecked, countless cities will be brought to ruin."

The room was fraught with tension as the leaders grappled with the grim prospects that lay before them, knowing that decisive action was imperative to prevent further deterioration.

The Minister in charge of National Security spoke with solemnity, addressing the assembly.

"I agree with Minister David's words, but it's equally challenging to disregard the advantages that this modern fantasia offers us"

"Their technological advancements have outpaced our own, and our military capabilities are increasing exponentially as we speak."

Minister Cho, responsible for Defense, supported this sentiment.

"I align with Minister Cho's perspective, but I also share Minister Luke's concerns"

"The more power residents gain, the more likely they are to transgress our laws"

"We need to tread carefully to avoid harming either side."

Minister Freia, who headed Law Affairs, weighed in, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

"I'm acutely aware of how dire our predicament has become, and the audacity of secret societies is on the rise"

"If we don't act swiftly, reclaiming control of the country will become nearly impossible."

The President, holding everyone's attention, unveiled a potential solution.

"That's precisely why I've been in discussions with major countries and our supporters about establishing a new form of governmental control"

"Thanks to Minister Aisya's efforts, we've secured the support of 8 major nations, while the rest have yet to respond"

"We simply await the opening in a month to initiate our plan."

Curiosity spurred a question from one of the ministers.

"Who are the 8 major votes?"

The President answered, "They include the United States, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, and Australia. The remaining nations, primarily from Brazil, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia, have yet to decide"

"Nevertheless, we have the necessary manpower to launch our project with the support of those who have already committed to it."

"Ah, I see, we're referring to the 'New Generation' Project, aren't we?" One of the ministers sought clarification.

The President nodded, confirming, "Yes, but it's important to understand that the 'New Generation' Project can only be implemented years from now"

"For the time being, all the voters have proposed creating a group of Players named 'Deviation,' and only the most exceptional among them should be selected."

Another minister expressed curiosity, "While all of this sounds promising, how did we manage to gain the agreement of these major nations?"

"I mean, countries of their stature should have the resources and stability to handle the problems we're facing."

The President's response shed light on the unexpected alliance.

"The primary reason they've heeded our call is thanks to the involvement of a group of individuals we once despised—the Bell Organization. I'm certain you all recognize that name."

A collective frown settled over the room as some ministers gritted their teeth in anger.

Their memories were still fresh of the moment their names were sullied and their closely held secrets nearly revealed.

The Bell Organization's influence remained a contentious point in their discussions.

"First, I used their invention that thrust me into the centre of their attention," the President continued.

The President's grin held a hint of satisfaction as he prepared to reveal the intricacies of his strategy.

In the hushed atmosphere of the meeting room, curiosity ran high among the ministers, eager to grasp the full scope of his plan.

"Well, the reason they listened is because I put forth a proposition," the President declared, drawing the undivided attention of all present.

He took a moment to let the anticipation build before unveiling the crux of his idea.

"Given the numerous enemies that the Bell Organization had unwittingly amassed over the years," he continued, "I shrewdly redirected every one of those antagonistic forces towards the Bell itself."

A collective murmur of realization and astonishment swept through the room as the ministers grasped the brilliance of his manoeuvrer.

The implications of this calculated move were profound, and it left them contemplating the far-reaching consequences it could have on the Bell Organization and their shared objectives.

In the middle of the president's speech, his words hung in the air, filled with a sense of something important about to happen.

He said, "Because of that, they allowed for someone like me to take the lead," sounding both serious and a bit scary.

When he talked about dealing with Leila and her group in the future, it made the room tense.

It was clear that the president had secret plans for them.

It felt like a situation where things were about to get tricky.

The president's grin added a strange feeling to his words like he had a hidden plan.

The ministers, not knowing the deeper meaning, stood up and started clapping.

They seemed to be showing their support for the president's words, but there was more to it than met the eye.

But in the shadows, behind the president, there was a hidden shadow soldier.

Just for a moment, their eyes shone white, and then they disappeared back into the darkness.

This hidden shadow was secretly recording everything that was being said in the room.

They were watching the president and the ministers closely, even though they called them "clowns."

In this room full of politics and secrets, something mysterious was going on, and this hidden shadow had all the information, waiting for the right moment to reveal it.

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