Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 210

I woke up kinda depressed. I slept badly, and when I got back on my feet all I could think of was the Followers of Divine Tree. I kept playing those stupid scenarios in my head. In some of them, I would follow Amit's advice and deal with the problem from the inside. In a few, I even allowed myself to give up to the sensations, and ended up as some sort of a king, with a harem full of gorgeous women.

Mainly, though, I dismantled the whole damn thing. Sometimes peacefully, other times blood was shed. There were also those stories, where I refused to join them, and had to deal with the problem from the outside. There usually was a lot of killing involved. Another conflict between us led to a second invasion and a terrible mess.

I thought them all through while taking a bath and then eating a meal in the cafeteria. I kept going when I got outside, and dint really knows what to do with myself. Then I decided to get few crystals and spend my day at the pub since I didn't have occasion to check it out.

I ended up heading to the goblin territory and spending some time walking around, looking for a group to kill for some crystals. Instead, I met few teams of hunters. They didn't approach me, just like I didn't approach them. Until one squad of three actually started to follow me. I stopped, allowing them to catch up.

They consisted of a tall brown-haired, bearded young man in his, probably, early twenties. There was also a shorter, a bit older-looking guy with black hair and a less magnificent beard, and finally a girl. Blonde with long, straight hair, blue eyes, and a pretty face.

- Morning! - shouted the tall one from afar.

I waited a bit with my answer, cause I didn't want to yell.

- Morning. I noticed you are following me, do you want something?

- Are you the famous Peter? - asked the girl.

- Define famous.

- It's him. I'm telling you - said the shorter guy, as he finally stopped in front of me and extended a hand. - I'm Bård. This is Urho and Ylva.

He pointed at the bearded guy, then at the girl.

- I'm Peter - I shook his hand. - So... What do you want?

- We were just curious if it was really you. We saw you few times with carts full of crystals, and it seemed ridiculous to meet you here, so we actually had a little argument about it, and decided to check - explained Urho.

- Oh... - It was so ridiculous to me, that I just had to smile. - You got your answer then.

- But what are you doing here? We never saw you hunting goblins - said Ylva.

- I need few crystals. I wanted to check out the pub in the city center, but they won't give me drinks for free, so I came here.

- Ok, we just have to see it - Bård seemed excited for some reason. - Can we follow you?

- See what?

- You fighting - answered Ylva. - You are the strongest person who did so much crazy things... How could we not want to see you in action?

- Ok... Are you one of those Followers of Tree?

- No. We are not, but we know rumors about you - Urho explained again.

- Fine then - and I just turned around, and kept walking.

They just flooded me with questions about how do I hunt, and where do I go, how many points do I usually ern et cetera. I answered a few, and a bunch of others just ignored.

At some point, we finally encountered a group of five goblins. I immediately summoned my shadows, and they just demolished them thanks to the overwhelming advantage of numbers. It left the group of newcomers speechless.

- What the heck are those things? - asked Bård. - I thought they just pull the carts for you.

- They are so... brutal... - said Ylva.

- They are shadows, and they are hungry.

I made my minions pick the crystals for me, and bring them straight to my hands. When they got closer newcomers actually stepped back a bit.

- Don't be afraid. They are harmless unless I tell them to attack.

- S-so you fight with those things? I thought you fight with your own two hands, and can teleport snd stuff... - said Bård.

- I do. Just not with goblins.

- That's actually soo cool. You can make them pick up items, and do other things for you.

That's really useful. What class allows you to do that? - asked Ylva.

- Combination of classes. One of them you can't even access, so the information is pointless for you. Ask me when you pile up ten class points, then I'll give you an answer.

- Oh, come on, Peter. We are friends here, don't be a dick - said Urho.

- I'm motivating you. Now you have a goal you can aim at - I was actually half-joking.

The real reason was they were a bit too friendly and I was afraid that soon they might ask me to help them hunt or something.

- Ok. I like that - said Ylva while nodding. - But when we do have those points, you have to tell us.

- Find me when you have them - I said, and just started to heading back.

They didn't follow me and returned to their hunt. With that answer from the girl, I actually regretted my words. I was a bit too much bitter, which was probably caused by Maia. I still didn't know what to do with her and her ridiculous idea of making some stupid chosen one out of me.

After a couple of hours of walking, with my head full of thoughts about the Followers of Divine Tree, I finally reached the city center. There was a bunch of people around, walking with purpose. Some even heading in the same direction as me. To the pub.

I stopped in front of it, to check the establishment out. From the outside id dint look too big, nor too small. Rather peaceful.. I decided to come inside.

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