Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 169

Blue and his group stopped just next to our allied forces. With Aisha and the rest, we formed something like a very small and tight circle around the device.

Then he stepped out. He was focused, very serious.

- I heard there was a fight between our men - he turned to Hatta. - I would like to know the details.

- We also would like to know the details - replied Hatta. - Does anybody can tell me tho started this?

- It started over a spilled drink. Your guys were just eager to turn this into a fistfight. They demolish my club. I want repayment for that.

- I heard one of my men died. Is that true? - Blue kept asking like he didn't hear Aisha's demand.

- We stopped the fight, but some of your men just wouldn't back down. They attacked us, and I killed one of them - said Nobuo.

He was surprisingly calm, with one hand on the handle of his katana.

- Who was the one to spill that drink? - Blue turned to Aisha.

- One of your guys. At least that what I've been told.

I was unsure if she was lying, or not. She definitely could be. Probably only those who witnessed it with their bere eyes could tell, but nobody shouted anything. Nobody tried to deny her words.

Blue looked down, on his feet, thinking. It took a moment. A moment of complete silence. Something unbelievable. It made me realize that this guy, right then, was the most important person in the whole city. He had the respect of everybody around.

- Very well. - He spoke, as he looked up, facing Hatta again. - We will pay for the healing of your men, as well as the damages to Velvet Lotus. I can only hope that something like this never happens again.

Aisha's face told me that wasn't enough for her. She was about to say something, but she wasn't just fast enough.

- What?! - Williams yelled. - We lost one of ours, and you are backing down again?! I'm done with you! I'm done with your pointless plans! You used to be a great leader. Brilliant, caring for you soldiers, but not anymore. You are no longer a leader. You are a joke. You are not alfa. You won't be leading our pack anymore.

Blue turned slowly to face him. I saw those slight changes in his demeanor, that indicated he was furious. The white knuckles, and lips pursed in a narrow line. Frowned eyebrows.

- You dare to betray me? - he drawled through his teeth.

- Yes. And I'm taking those who had enough of your weakness with me.

- You are not taking anything from me. I've gathered those men. I've given them strength.

Willims turned around, to face the hunters.

- Brave soldiers! Hunters! You who risk your lives every day! You who this city belongs to! Come with me, and I'll give you what's yours. And you weaklings, who agree with him, who wants to bow down to others, you can go.

- We should give them space - Will whispered, looking at me.

I nodded. Hatta whispered few orders, and all of the allied forces quietly gave ground to werewolves. Seeing what we do, the rest also stapped back.

There was a moment of hesitation within Blue's men, but eventually, one person split from the group and stood behind him. More followed, but Williams still got plenty. More than a half.

They stared down at each other. None of them willing to back down.

- I made you, and you are betraying me? Me?!

- Once you were a great leader I was willing to follow, but you changed. Now you are just a coward. Go bow down. Go, and lick their shoes. Go! I'm willing to fight for what's mine.

- You are stupid Stephen. You can only see what's in front of you, and not what lies ahead. We have a bigger mission to accomplish than just this - he wawed his hand around. - Cant you see? This is just a big piece of rubble, while out there are full, beautiful cities. And you want to settle for just this?

- Leave your empty words for yourself. I'm taking those men with me. We are done with you.

- You will be done with me when I say so.

- I said I'm done, and I am. What are you gonna do? Stop me? You are a weakling, and your forces are smaller. Be happy that we just let you go with those cowards of yours.

- I said you will be done when I say so! - he yelled, and transformed into a beast.

His bones started cracking like they were breaking. His back bulked up, as he curled up, fighting the pain. He growled, and his clothes shattered, ripped by rapidly growing body.

And then he stood up. A towering half-wolf, half-man build of tangled muscles. He had beautiful, snow-white fur.

Williams did the same the very moment Blue underwent his transformation. His leather armor gave up under immense pressure of the beast's body. The belt with sword fixed to it fell down. He was even bigger. Towering over his former leader by a whole head. Black just like the night.

- I need popcorn - mumbled Will, bringing a smile to my face.

- We need to make sure to not get involved in this - said Hatta.

- It's not our business - Nobuo agreed.

- Yeah, let's allow them to kill one another - said Boris.

We have up more space, as two werewolves starred each other down. There was a visible tension among their men. Former comrades, now facing each other. With a full-on battle hanging on a single thread. They knew it might happen just like the rest of us.

Blue growled at Williams and moved to the side. Stephen did the same, and they made a full circle eyeing each other. Paying attention to the move of every muscle. Anything that would indicate a possibility of attack. There was a moment when I thought one of them will back down.

I was wrong, as Blue suddenly leaped at Williams.

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