An Extra's POV

Chapter 709 The Great Elven War [Pt 5]

Chapter 709 The Great Elven War [Pt 5]

[A Few Moments Earlier]

"Looks like the plan is working, and Adrien is keeping to his end of the deal."

U'riah was the first to speak up after all three Generals keenly watched the footage that was displayed before them.

The semi-transparent holographic screen before them—similar to a Status Window in certain regards—showed the implementation of their strategy in real time.

As the Undead attacked from the front, their Dragon Army, led by Adrien, would come from behind.

Then, there were also the Commanders who would emerge from both flanks. No matter how one sliced it, the Elves were bound to be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the assaulting army, as well as the many angles they were attacking from.

"Spatial Magic sure is useful…" R'azak commented, chuckling to himself as he caught glimpses of Rey and Adrien commencing their battle.

"So that's the benefactor of the Elves…"

All went silent as the voice of C'ephas echoed among them. They could sense the rising tension in the space where they floated.

The intensity was so palpable that they could almost taste it.

"I want to fight him."

The two other Generals—R'azak and U'riah—stared at each other and slightly shook their heads.

"Adrien is taking care of that." The latter of them said with a sigh.

"If you want to face him, then maybe we should wrap things up early here. What do you say to that?"

The moment C'ephas heard this, he brightened up just like a child.

"Alright! Let's do this!" He grinned maleficently.

Relief spread on the faces of his colleagues at that point.

"Before we start anything, though… we should report this to the Lord. It's a new finding, after all." U'riah added, to which R'azak agreed with, but C'ephas groaned about.

"Can't we wait until we return?"

"You know how our Lord can be sometimes. Let's just get it over with now." U'riah said with a somewhat exhausted face.

They hadn't even begun their mission and he was already feeling drained.

"I agree with U'riah." Thankfully, R'azak backed him up.

As crazy as Ce'phas was, he usually respected their joint decisions. This time appeared to be no different.

"Tch… fine, fine…"

As U'riah used his communication device to connect to their superior, R'azak and Ce'phas kept watching the thunderous fight between Adrien and the one known as Rey.

Their display of swordsmanship skills and raw power felt unbelievable for humans. It even caused R'azak to get chills in his body.

He hadn't really seen Adrien fight before, so he was amazed by his display of ability in the fight.

But… Adrien wasnt the highlight of all this.

"That Rey… he's very strong."

"Indeed he is." Ce'phas responded, his eyes still glued on the screen.

"I think he could be stronger than I am… based on Combat Expertise alone." As R'azak muttered this, he half looked at Ce'phas, whose eyes remained glued on the screen.

"Yeah. He'd definitely beat you…"

The bluntness and certainty that Ce'phas employed when addressing the issue slightly offended R'azak.

He couldn't believe his own comrade was so quick to dismiss his strength and not regard it as tentative.

Perhaps it was because of some sort of revenge, or maybe it was merely curiosity, that R'azak directed a question similar to the proposition towards his comrade.

"What about you? Do you think he's stronger than you are?"


With no response gotten, R'azak decided to go one step further and ask the question that would definitely get a reply.

"If you and him fought… who would win?"

It was at this point that Ce'phas finally took his eyes off the footage and gazed upon his fellow General.

He had a flawless smile that encapsulated everything about his position.

"I'd win."


"Why don't we kick things off with a big one?" R'azak raised his hand to the sky, a swirling pool of energy oozing out of it.

His broad smile was accompanied by crackling of energy that danced all around his body.

All in response to his starting Skill.

"[Absolute Thunderbolt Strike]."

This was a simple Skill with a rather straightforward function.

A bolt of lightning would descend from the sky as a result of it, and only one would manifest per use of Skill.

But… what made this Skill so deadly was the quality of that bolt of lightning.


Not only was the level of damage it could wreak out of this world, but it moved ao fast that it practically bypassed most defenses anyone could muster.

Before most could even realize what was going on, this Skill would have ended their lives.

It's Area Of Effect ranged from 500 Meters to 5,000 Meters, depending on how much energy was put into its activation.

And so, just because he could, R'azak set it to the maximum.


It descended only a second after activation.


The flow of electrical currents rebounded loudly, as if signalling the demise of the unsuspecting Elves.

They would all be dead before they even heard the sound of the thing that would kill them.

It was too late.


The rush of crimson lightning scattered just as it was about to reach the point of impact, which would have caused the devastation to spread far and wide within the community.

At the very least, a third of the land would have become completely pulverised.

But… the attack never landed.

"A barrier… huh?" R'azak commented, his eyes wide open as he witnessed a transparent foil of energy being unwrapped after the strike of his Skill.

"Seems It could only handle one of your Skill, but still… impressive." U'riah mumbled, observing as the rest of the barrier dissolved into thin air.

"Yeah. But who could have been fast enough to—"

"It must have been set up preemptively. Probably in preparation for a surprise attack like this."

"Yeah… yeah, I get it." R'azak appeared disappointed, and rightfully so.

The good news for the Generals was that, since the pesky defense was gone, they could finally attack the Community with full force.

The bad news, however, was…

"Here they come."

… They had lost the element of surprise.





Thanks for reading!

Nothing like a proper interaction between the villains before the main show…

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