Amelia the Level Zero Hero

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

“Here it is,” a raspy voice said, followed by a puff of smoke.

A bearded man sat atop an armored horse, overlooking the farming village in the distance. He was rather old with more wrinkles than hair atop his head— looking like he was in the transitory period between middle-aged and elderly. Perhaps somewhere in his mid-fifties.

He lifted an ornate helmet to his head as a second man spoke up behind him.

“Sir Rowland, if I may interject, this is Wolfwater— a village known for its plentiful farmlands. But a village nonetheless. This hardly seems like the location of a supposedly popular restaurant.”

The second man was also seated atop a four-legged animal, however it was no white stallion. Instead, he rode on a black, burly beast. One with a pair of crystalline horns and no armor. He shook his head at the bearded man.

“Your nephew must have been misinformed. Our destination has to be in Whiteridge.”

“My nephew may be a fool, but I highly doubt he would mistake a bustling city like Whiteridge for Wolfwater.” Sir Rowland tugged the reins of his horse as the sun began to rise over the horizon. “Come now, Sir Wyn. This is where we will find her.”

And with that, on this peaceful morning, the two knights descended upon the quiet village of Wolfwater, bringing with them trouble.

All because of Amelia, of course.


The launch of the malim juice was a massive success, just as I anticipated. It quickly became my most popular drink item on the menu. Before that, most people simply drank ale or water. I did have cocktails and a few other alcoholic beverages, but since Arthur wasn’t actually a [Bartender], even if he was my bartender, those drinks weren’t really well-received by most of my customers.

Anyways, while I was glad that my malim juice didn’t turn into another burger-situation where nobody liked it even though it was popular back on Earth— well, the malim juice was similar to soda, although it wasn’t exactly the same thing— but I was starting to get concerned that the supply wasn’t going to keep up with the demand.

Which wasn’t the worst problem for me to have. The reverse would be much worse. I would have to tell Nolan and Dorien to get rid of the malim fruits they spent the better part of a month planting at the former’s farm.

“Now I just have to somehow get them to grow the malim fruits even faster…” I muttered under my breath as I casually continued chopping some vegetables.

It was another busy day today since Jax was still working at the restaurant. He was upset about it— especially since I hadn’t given him the duel I promised just yet. I was going to have to deliver on it soon, but I was also going to exploit his labor for as long as I could.

He was an SS-ranked adventurer, so money was no object to him. All he wanted was to… get himself killed or whatever.

And while I wasn’t going to kill him, I was going to beat him up a few times so he would be satisfied for now.

“I feel like he might be a masochist…” I shuddered at the thought, before quickly dismissing it. I shook my head as I wondered aloud. “Maybe I should visit Nolan’s farm. I haven’t been there for a while. I can check up on the malim fruits too.”

With that decided, I continued cooking for the day. Since it was just me working in the kitchen now— because Xakor was gone— I was left to my own contemplations except for when Jax, Arthur, or Harlan poked their heads in to either do the dishes or serve some dishes.

It was rather monotonous. But I didn’t mind it. It was relaxing and peaceful. I would have preferred if nothing notable happened to interrupt this ordinary day.

Unfortunately for me, that was never going to happen. I heard a commotion going on outside which I tried to ignore at first, but it only grew louder. I pursed my lips as I glanced out of the kitchen.

“What is going on?” I asked with a frown.

And Arthur’s head poked into the kitchen. “Uh, Amelia.”

“Yeah?” I stepped forward, lowering the frying pan back to the stove. “What’s going on?”

“We have a problem.” He shifted uncomfortably. I watched as he thumbed towards the entrance of the restaurant. “A few guys are here for you, and they aren’t taking no for an answer.”

I sighed as I hung my head. I took a step back, before walking up to the sinkt. “Of course they are… let me go wash my hands.”


Noele sat with Garron at Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant. The two of them were basically regulars at this point— although the former certainly visited more often than the latter. Initially, the blonde girl came just for her master.

It was Amelia’s restaurant, and Noele had to show up for support. But nowadays, it was for the food, drinks, or the spectacles, rather than out of any obligation. So that meant she actually liked coming here to wind down. Especially since she had been training with Jax as of late.

The Forsaken Archer was not a kind training partner. He was quite harsh, refusing to go easy on either Noele or Garron. Many times, during sparring, Jax would end the battle in under a minute. And that was only because the Noble Spellsword would run for her life as he chased her down.

Meanwhile, as only a B-ranked adventurer, Garron would have been defeated in an instant.

So they were both here to rest and recover. But Noele also derived some entertainment from seeing the Forsaken Archer dressed like he was a rich noble’s [Butler] while taking her order.

He stood before her table as she stifled a giggle.

“I would like to order a— pfft, I’m sorry, but can you repeat what you just said?” she asked, trying to steel herself.

“Of course, dear customer,” Jax said as he bowed his head. He was gritting his teeth— the expression on his face twisted into a terrible glare, betraying his soft words. “Today’s daily special is a combo of pilaf, kebab, and a glass of malim juice, and just for you, dear customer, it will be twenty copper coins.”

Noele bit her lips to stop herself from laughing, but Garron didn’t have her tact. The burly man guffawed, leaning back in his chair. He shook his head as Jax’s menacing gaze slowly turned towards him.

“I seriously can’t believe Amelia roped you into this,” the burly man said as he leant forward. “Is she blackmailing you? Bribing you? Come on, you’ve got to tell us what she’s got on you.”

“What could you ever mean, dear customer?” The elf smiled, barely masking his murderous intent. “I have been given this wonderful opportunity to serve at this esteemed establishment. How could I ever possibly think of rejecting such an offer?”

“Alright, that’s enough teasing him for now, Garron.” Noele wiped the tears from her eyes. She turned back to Jax, nodding at the menu. “We’ll have one of the combos and—”

But right as she started, a loud voice broke through the clamor of the restaurant. The blonde girl blinked, looking up as three figures stood by the doorway. Heads turned to face the new guests as they marched through the room.

“I take it this is Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant, huh?” a rather large man said, leading the three of figures. He had a long gray beard, and he was adorned in an ornate armor glittering with rubies, sapphires, and all kinds of jewels.

On his chest was the crest of the Astrad Kingdom, so it was clear he was a [Knight] or [Legionnaire] of sorts. Harlan immediately rushed to greet him as Noele narrowed her eyes. But the man just declared loudly for all to hear.

“My name is Sir Rowland Donovan! I am a Captain of the [Knight of the Astral Order]! I am here to speak with the owner of this restaurant!”

Noele winced as his voice boomed, practically shaking the room. He stood at the center of the room with his arms crossed, and Harlan quickly rushed to placate him. But he shook his head, refusing to budge.

“I apologize, sir. But could you come again in an hour? Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant is currently—”

“Are you this restaurant’s owner?”

“No, that would be Ms Amelia. She is also the only chef working at—”

“Then if you’re not her, bring her to me!”

Garron rose to his feet with his brows snapped together, and Noele wanted to help out too. But she recalled Rowland’s words— he was a Captain of the [Knight of the Astral Order]. That meant he had to be strong. A-rank, at the very least.

But that was not all. She heard his name, and she thought it sounded familiar. And that was when she caught sight of one of the two figures accompanying the Captain.

A bruised young man stood there with his arms folded across his chest. He wore a scowl on his face, and he had the pompous air around him of a spoiled noble brat. It took Noele a moment, but she recognized him.

He was Joseph Donovan. A rude asshole who had come to Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant and caused trouble for Amelia thrice now. The first was when the restaurant had just opened, he demanded to meet with Xakor, before getting into a scuffle with Bucky. Things ended with Amelia sending him flying across Wolfwater with the flick of a finger.

After that, he had returned with a group of the top [Hunters] in Wolfwater. But Dorien managed to placate them, before the kretus boar attacked. And the last time Joseph Donovan tried to cause trouble was when the bastion bees were first brought into the village. Fortunately, he was easily rebuked.

Now, Joseph Donovan was back. And he brought with him a Captain of the [Knight of the Astral Order]. Apparently they must have both been related somehow, which led to what was happening at the moment.

“I said: bring her to me. I do not care what it takes. I need to speak with her right now.” Rowland Donovan did not move, and Harlan took a step back hesitantly.

Noele turned to the elf standing next to her, just watching the scene unfold.

“Jax, aren’t you going to be doing anything about this?” she asked with a frown.

“Unfortunately, dear customer, my job description only covers attending to customers. It does not pertain to security for this esteemed establishment.” The Forsaken Archer smirked smugly as he looked towards the kitchen. “I believe that the owner will have to handle this commotion herself.”

The blonde girl stared at him, blinking a few times. “You can’t be serious, right…?”

But he was. He did not move to help Harlan as Noele got to her feet. She turned to Garron who nodded back to her, and the two adventurers were just about to intervene. And Amelia finally emerged from the kitchen.

“Alright, what’s going on?” the brown-haired woman asked as she stepped out to meet the [Knight]. “Who are you? What do you want?”

He looked her up and down, before furrowing his brows. “You are the owner of this establishment?”

“I asked you the question first,” Amelia said simply.

And he nodded. “I am Sir Rowland Donovan. My nephew, Joseph Donovan, has told me about you.”

Rowland glanced back to the young man standing next to him. Joseph was still cut up and injured from the first time they met, and he flinched just from her gaze.

Amelia tilted her head, and the Captain of the [Knight of the Astral Order] took a step forward. He uncrossed his arms, towering over the brown-haired woman.

“I am here because—” he started as he raised a gauntleted hand.

And Noele bit her lower lip. Jax uncrossed his arms as Harlan blinked. They all watched as the [Knight] reached for his side, realizing what came next. A fight. One that would end with an instant— with Amelia victorious, and the [Knight of the Astral Order] aggrieved.

The blonde girl had to stop it from happening. She took a step forward, opening her mouth.

But Rowland just grabbed his nephew’s head, forcing the young man into a bow with him as he spoke loudly.

“I sincerely apologize for my nephew’s actions!”

And Noele paused. Jax blinked as Amelia just stared.

“Uh, what?” the brown-haired woman asked.

But no one had any answers for her.

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