All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 86 [Bonus ] Facing Joffrey, Again

"What do you mean, you paid him? I thought he was supposed to be dead. DEAD!" Joffrey said, yelling at Jared.

They were both inside the little room in a reunion which Jared had to explain to him how he could not kill his target.

"I don't know how, but he survived the lizard men down the sewer, and probably killed the two men we sent," Jared said.

Joffrey was as red as a cherry, and he wanted to find something to punch, but restrained himself from venturing his anger on Jared's face.

He breathed deeply, trying to reassess the situation, "right, Damian got me that time during the tournament, so he is not as simple as he looked. Our prophet warned me, saying I should not mess with him, but who cares? It is not like he is the chosen one!"

The first attempt may have failed, but Joffrey was ready to do many more, at least during the time he had a vacation.

"Look for him again, but this time, don't fail me."

With a nod, Jared left the room, the building, and the harbor itself, ready to use all of his contacts to find Damian.


Damian spent the night in that cheap hotel, hidden from everyone. He even denied the room maid, afraid his location might be exposed by that.

He did not want to do next. Was going after Joffrey the right move? Wouldn't that bother his family even more? It was impossible to know, but Damian was not feeling like leaving Joffrey without a lesson.

"Should I kill him? No, that would only make me more of a wanted man. Maybe I should beat him up? Yes, that would feel good."

After doing his morning routine, Damian went to a nearby fast-food restaurant, ordering a burger and a coffee because why not?

"Yummy, but unhealthy."

Damian felt bad for a moment as he was not doing the proper diet and gym workout as he did back when he had his bro Magnus helping him out.

"How are they?"

It was a mystery to him how Aurora and Magnus were doing. Damian wanted to message them, but if he did that, then Garmony would track him down, and Darius was still pissed Damian did not give him the blood stone.

So the risk was too much, "now that they are on vacation I could try to talk with them? But I don't know their numbers."

Garmony Upper School gave the cellphones to the students with a preset number. It was not their personal phone, so even if Magnus and Aurora were now on vacation, Damian could not contact them.

Damian felt bad about that, but then he thought about him beating Joffrey up, and that brightened his day. He finished eating, and then he left, looking for Joffrey, who would presumably be in that harbor area.

Once he got there, it looked the same as it did last night, and the same level of security was still present. Damian walked in without using his invisibility cloak, stopping before the gate.

The thugs that were protecting quickly noticed his presence, and they were not dumb to not recognize that was the man their boss was talking about these past days.

"What are you doing here? Are you lost?" one thug said.

Damian only stared at the man, and used his mental control ability, making the thug pass out, falling on the ground.

The others who were watching the scene could not understand what was happening, but Damian did the same to them, passing through the gate with many thugs on the ground, unconscious.

For him, it was hard to get inside the head of powerful beasts or powerful superhumans, but normal thugs? They were nothing to Damian, and all he had to do was enter inside their mind, and shut it out, making them fell unconscious.

He continued having many thugs coming in his direction, some even shouting using their guns, but the bullets could not pass through the black slime armor Damian had all over his body.

"Just give up," Damian said, waving his hand, making all the weapons fly from the hands of the thugs, and then all knocking them out using his mind.

In a few seconds, all the security around the harbor — something Joffrey was proud of — was out and cold, and Damian barely moved his hands to do all of that.

Then, he stepped inside the building where Joffrey and Jared met last time. Sure thing, there were some men inside, waiting for him with their weapons aimed at him, but they did not shoot.

They had seen what happened with the others who tried to shoot Damian, so they only waited for their boss' orders.

Speaking of the boss, Joffrey came out of the tiny room, staring at Damian as if he was seeing his worse nightmare.

"Why are you here? How did you find me?"

Joffrey knew Damian's identity, and they lured him to Jake Paul City, but he did not know the exact extent of Damian's powers, especially about the items Damian had.

The divination the prophet from his family got was subjective, and it did not give all the answers he wanted. Also, Joffrey was going against his family, chasing Damian. They had strictly said, 'don't mess up with this man.' Joffrey ignored it.

Damian slowly walked toward Joffrey, passing through the thugs who had their weapons at him. "it was easy to track you. You smell like shit, so I just followed it."

​ "YOU! Who do you think you are by saying this to my boss?"

One thug got angry after hearing that, and despite the warnings of all the others, he still shot Damian, but it was useless.

He did not even wait for his slime armor to stop the bullet. Damian stopped it himself, moving his hand, using the Telekineses to stop the bullet in mid-air.

"Do you want me to send this bullet back to you now?" Damian said with a smirk.

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