Alchemy & Martial Supreme

Chapter 24: Qin Ming's domineering

Chapter 24: Qin Ming's domineering

With his hands dirty, Qin Ming kicked his face with his feet all the way, and the Chen family servants' faces were all kicked and swollen.

Qin Ming stood and clapped his hands. Now all the Chen family servants have fallen to the ground, and Miss Chen family looked at him in shock and anger.

"Sister, look at them, I'll avenge you." Qin Ming turned around and said to his sister Qin Qing.

Qin Qing looked at Chen's family members, her face was swollen, much worse than him, especially the house servants who had their teeth knocked out and were looking for teeth all over the floor.

"Puff......" Qin Qing couldn't help laughing when she saw the tragedy of the Chen family.

With Qin Qing's laugh, all the people watching also laughed out loud.


"Look at that Ms. Chen's family, she was ugly, but now she is beaten into a pig's head and is even uglier. If I have such an ugly daughter, I won't let her go out."

"And these servants, weren't they fierce and wicked just now? Why are they lying on the ground now? It turns out that these people are bullies and hardship masters."


Where did Miss Chen's family suffer such insults? Pointing at the onlookers, she cursed:

" all wait for me, our Chen family will not let you go."

As soon as the voice fell, those onlookers also reacted. Don't look at the Chen family being beaten so badly, but after all, they are the Chen family, and they are the existence they can't afford.

"Run..." With this shout, the crowd of onlookers ran away instantly.

Ms. Chen's family felt better now. She seemed to have regained a little confidence again, and pointed at Qin Ming fiercely:

"There is a kind of report, I want you to walk around."

She had already planned, and after returning home, she would find her brother to avenge her.

Her brother is the eldest son of the Chen family, and now his cultivation has reached the level of a martial artist.

"Qin Family, Qin Ming!" After Qin Ming finished speaking, holding Qin Qing's hand, he strode towards Jueming Pavilion.

Seeing that Qin Ming left after speaking, she didn't worry about her revenge at all, Miss Chen family couldn't help being even more angry.

"Let's go, let's go back to Chen's house, I will go to my brother now, and let my brother hold justice to me."

On this side, Qin Ming and Qin Qing have already walked away, and Qin Qing couldn't help showing a happy smile looking at her brother walking in front.

She likes the feeling of her brother protecting herself, and her brother's protection makes her feel safe and the whole world is full of sunshine.

However, today my brother beat Miss Chen's family because of her, she was a little worried.

"Brother, if you beat Miss Chen's family, will she retaliate? I heard that she has an older brother who is very talented. Moreover, the Chen family is still one of the four big families, not one of the three big families. From..."

Touching his sister's head, Qin Ming comforted:

"Don't worry, the Chen family is nothing."

"Yeah!" Qin Qing showed a sweet smile, and her brother said it was all right, so it was all right.

Seeing the red mark on his sister's face that hadn't faded, Qin Ming's face became cold.

Chen family, good you Chen family, this matter is not over yet.

Dare to beat my sister of Qin Ming, the whole Chen family is damned.

At this moment, Jueming Pavilion arrived.

"You are here, please sit inside." The maid looked at Qin Ming and Qin Qing coming over and greeted them politely.

Qin Ming stopped the maid who wanted to call Guan Shi Li, and said, "Give me some kinds of Lingzhi, don't call Guan Shi Li."

The maid hurriedly stopped calling Li Guanshi, and said, "I will get the spiritual plant I want."

"Bing Lipi, Bing Xin Cao..." Qin Ming said a few spiritual plants.

These spiritual plants are first-grade spiritual plants, very common.

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