Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 235 Telestia’s an anomaly?

Chapter 235 Telestia’s an anomaly?

I didn't think I'd be getting up to 100 golden tickets and 300+ power stones a month, so 10 hours from now I'll be posting the goals, hence a way to pump out more chapters.


(POV: Akashic Records)

Isadora's weakened body made its way through the grand halls of Delia Manor, her thin frame swathed in a comforting blanket.

Serena spotted her and hurried over, carrying a tray of steaming tea cups and pastries.

"Isadora, are you feeling any better?"

Serena's face wore genuine concern.

Isadora managed a weak smile.

"I'll be fine soon, hopefully," Isadora replied, her voice strained.

It was no secret to them that Isadora's delicate state was the consequence of a unique circumstance. Lirien already explained that it was a natural occurrence when one sought to give birth to a Demon Lord. Lumiere possessed a remarkably potent magical semen, and as a result, the seed of the Demon Lord within her was rapidly evolving. To sustain its growth, the seed required a continuous supply of mana from an external source – Isadora herself.

Demon Spirits, such as Isadora and the unformed Demon Lord seed within her, were comprised of nearly 60% mana. Essentially, they're beings made entirely of energy, feeding off magical sustenance. Consequently, the seed was steadily siphoning Isadora's vital essence to nourish its rapid development. It paralleled a human mother's constant need for sustenance during pregnancy – a double portion of food for two lives.

"I know you're way better than before, but still..."

Before now, Isadora couldn't even leave her bed.

Isadora gently shook her head.

"Don't worry about me, you should focus on developing the Viscounty."

"I suppose you're right, Lord Lumiere and Lady Lucilia aren't around to make things easier..."

"Hopefully, he'll be back before we give birth to Telestia."

Serena raised an eyebrow having heard the unfamiliar name.

"Telestia?" she repeated.

Isadora realized on her knew about her daughter's pre-existence.

"Ah, yeah, I was thinking if I give birth to a girl, I'd name her that.."

"Oh, I was actually thinking you'd name her that... what a coincidence!"

A warm, sincere smile accentuated Serena's features.

"Uhhh, sure, coincidence..."

Isadora knew it was no coincidence.

There was a high chance that Telestia had the potential to become one of the most powerful beings in the 'observable portion of existence'. Because of that, there was every possibility that Telestia 'set the foundation for her birth'. In simpler terms, she didn't exist but wanted to exist and the catalyst to make that happen was Lumiere, while the one who would start this was Vyndariel— the Demon King of the 4th Layer of Hell <Abyssal Heights>.

Isadora stifled a yawn, exhaustion etching lines across her delicate features.

"Serena," she murmured, her voice weary, "I think I'll retire early tonight."

Serena's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"But it's not even halfway through the afternoon."

Isadora nodded, rubbing her temples gently.

"I know, but my body feels drained. I just feel like resting for the day."

A small smile tugged at Serena's lips as she placed a comforting hand on Isadora's shoulder.

"Very well, I'll inform one of the maids to stay by your room in case you require anything."

"Thank you, Serena. Your support means a lot to me."

Serena tilted her head slightly, her warm smile never faltering.

"No need for thanks, Isadora. Your child is also my child. It's my duty and privilege to ensure your well-being."

The two women parted ways, Isadora gently making her way towards her room as Serena continued down the hallway, faithfully carrying the tray of teacups and kettle. Serena's footsteps echoed softly as she passed by the diligent maids, exchanging waves and greetings with a nod of her head.

As she reached a secluded part of the grand halls, Serena felt a sudden rush of blurred images flood her mind.

Dragons soaring through the skies, their fiery breath scorching the Human Continent in a chaotic display of destruction. Kings of the Shield and Cross Kingdoms kneeling before a figure, their crowns cast aside in homage. Stellaria stood with a tall mysterious being adorned in long, white hair and majestic purple-scaled dragon wings, their pristine beauty mirroring that of the Imperial Dragons.

Startled, Serena stumbled backward, the weight of the visions overwhelming her senses. She clutched her head, trying to make sense of the fragmented images that had infiltrated her mind.

A red dragon and green dragon came to mind as well.

To Serena, they were strange dragons she'd never seen before.

But to the Akashic Records, these were Draknis and Barin.

The two subordinates of Barodius.

"Wow, I guess I've been taking too much tea..."

Serena forced a smile, her head still aching.


Isadora returned to her room.

After closing the door behind her, she sank onto her large bed and allowed herself a moment of respite.

"So tired.."

With a sigh, she closed her eyes, knowing all too well what awaited her in this state of tranquility – her entry into the dream world.

As Isadora's consciousness drifted into the realm of dreams, she found herself surrounded by an ethereal landscape.


The colors were vibrant and otherworldly, like a painting come to life.

The only reason this world was so colourful was because of Telestia.

While children used paper and crayons to make drawings, Telestia did hers in her own scope of reality.

Isadora looked around in search of her daughter.

And then, she heard a young child's voice utter a friendly "Hi mommy."

Turning to find the source of the voice, Isadora saw the little girl — Telestia perched on a thick tree branch, swinging her legs playfully.

Isadora's face brightened with a smile, and she greeted the young girl warmly.

"( What do I say to her...? 40% of my conversation skills are wasted on dirty talk... )"

"How're you doing?" she asked.

Telestia nodded energetically, her purple eyes shining with excitement.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you," she replied. "I'm just playing a little before I go meet Vyni."

At the mention of Vyni's name, Isadora's voice softened with curiosity.

"Vyni again," she said in a gentle tone.

Isadora observed the little girl for a moment before voicing her question.

"Why isn't Vyni playing with you, Telestia?"

With a contemplative look on her face, Telestia responded, "Oh, Vyni doesn't play around much. But he does like to tell me fun stories." The young girl paused for a moment before continuing, "I felt like stretching my legs a bit, and Vyni told me to return when I felt it was getting late."

Understanding, Isadora nodded in comprehension.

"I see," she murmured softly.

Telestia, always eager to share her world, then offered Isadora an enticing proposition.

"Would you like to meet Vyni?" she asked.

Caught off guard by the sudden invitation, Isadora stuttered slightly before composing herself.

"Sure, I'd love to," she replied.

With a snap of Telestia's small fingers, the sun in the dream skies transformed into a radiant moon, casting an enchanting glow on her world.

Telestia floated down from her perch on the tree branch and stood beside Isadora. With a sweet smile on her face, she extended her tiny hand towards Isadora, urging her to take hold.

"Won't you hold my hand, Mommy?" she asked.

Isadora, taken aback a bit, replied, "Of course, my dear."

All this was new to her.

Unlike Serena and Fasit, Isadora didn't have the motherly instincts they used to approach Lumiere.

She reached out and clasped Telestia's hand in her own, their fingers intertwining.

Together, they began to meander through the dense forest.

Telestia turned to Isadora and asked, "Mommy, how's Daddy?"

Isadora, keeping her voice steady, answered, "Lum— Daddy's well, my love. He's working hard as always."

Telestia wrinkled her nose slightly, "But Daddy's a terrible person, isn't he?"

Isadora, choosing her words carefully, replied, "No, sweetheart, that isn't true. Your Daddy's kind and loving."

A frown marred Telestia's delicate features as she continued, "But he left you and went to be with another woman, didn't he?"

Well, technically, he did.

Isadora, feeling a twinge of sadness, explained, "It's complicated, my dear. Sometimes, circumstances change, and people make choices that are difficult to understand."

Telestia shook her head, her confusion evident in her voice, "It doesn't matter, Mommy. Daddy will be killed by the dragons, and then Vyni will become my new Daddy."

Isadora's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Vyni.

"What'd you mean, my love? Why would you say such a thing?" she questioned anxiously.

Telestia raised an eyebrow, "Oh, Mommy, don't you know? Daddy's time is running out."

Isadora's eyes widened, "No, my love, I... I had no idea."

Unfazed by her mother's worry, Telestia nonchalantly replied, "Well, that's a good thing, isn't it? Daddy deserves to die."

Isadora's grip on Telestia's hand tightened.

"Telestia, don't say such a thing!" she raised her voice a bit.

Before Isadora could say anymore, her eyes opened and she woke up again.

Panting a bit, she looked around and saw she wasn't in the forest anymore.

"What did she mean by that...?"

Isadora asked no one in particular.

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