Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 231 I’m using unorthodox means to control class?

Chapter 231 I'm using unorthodox means to control class?

(POV: Lumiere)

As I stood before the class, feeling a mix of frustration, I couldn't help but wonder why these students were being so difficult.

I mean, this was a school that was sponsored and reopened thanks to Lucretia.

If that was the case, then shouldn't they be more eager to learn.

Or was I the problem?

"Could you all please just listen and cooperate?" I implored, my tone tinged with exasperation.

Suddenly, a girl with vibrant green hair and calm brown eyes spoke up.

"Well, first of all, Professor, you don't exactly look the part," she declared, she didn't seem to care in what manner I viewed her reply. "And secondly, you were late... I think that's more than enough reason for us not to listen to you."

I sighed, partly annoyed but also a little amused by how she was able to sound so disrespectfully respectful.

She spoke in a respectful manner, but her message was disrespectful.

Strange girl...

"And you are?" I asked, my frustration not completely hidden.

She casually leaned back in her chair, her gaze remaining solemn. "Lumila Belforte," she stated.

As Lumila settled down in her seat, I noticed that her breasts seemed to vibrate with each movement.

"It's settled, you're not worth our time," she said.

Those breasts of hers were one of my biggest frustrations currently.

And I mean... they were big.

Lance chuckled as he continued to fuss with his perfectly styled hair in front of a small handheld mirror. "Well, were you ever worth our time to begin with?" he quipped, his gaze fixated on his reflection.

I rubbed my forehead slowly, attempting to contain my annoyance.

"So, you're all really not going to cooperate?" I asked, looking at each of them in turn.

There was no response, just a collective indifference that seemed to hang in the air.

I nodded, accepting their defiance.

"Very well then," I said calmly, my smile radiant as I rolled up the scroll.

Placing it back on the table, I turned to face the class once again.

"You know what?" I kept on smiling. "I think it's actually really awesome that I have such interesting students. I've always wanted defiant people like you.."

Their stares turned from an indifferent one, to a confused one.

With a sly grin, I extended my hand, palm open, ready to unveil my game changer.

These guys weren't really bad people, right?

They just needed... the right motivation...

I used [Curse Magic], conjuring a Rank B curse to materialize at the back of the classroom.

Bausterbuste was what it was called.

In a grotesque display, a fat, repulsive worm-like creature emerged, adorned with a multitude of mouths oozing saliva. The revolting sound it produced was enough to make even the strongest stomach churn. However, being positioned at the front of the class, I was spared from the putrid stench that filled the room.

Anastasia, seated closest to the cursed monstrosity, couldn't help but shiver and whimper from the discomfort.

Serves you right.

Sensing the growing unease among the students, I flashed them a reassuring smile and nonchalantly informed them, "Oh, don't be scared guys. That... thing's just a dear friend of mine. You needn't worry."

Confusion and panic spread among the class, but I remained unfazed.

This was definitely going to get their attention and cooperation.

I picked up the scroll and announced, "Well then, let's begin with a simple roll call, shall we?"

It was like the class was starting afresh.

Silence hung in the air, an uncomfortable tension palpable.

The curse monster let out a thunderous gurgle.

"Y... Yes," the entire class stammered.

"Oh, good." I smiled even more.

My eyes went back to the scroll, rather than reading in the normal order, I read it in the order of the ones who frustrated me the most.

"Anastasia Clive," I called.

She didn't respond, her pride didn't let her.

its grotesque tongue gently caressing Anastasia's neck, causing her to swallow hard before stuttering out a hesitant "present".

It was hard not to chuckle and relish in their discomfort.

"Oh, how absolutely delightful!" I exclaimed, my amusement shining through.

"Luna Mercurius," I called.

"P... Present," her pride, the hardest to swallow.

Gaining momentum, I continued with the roll call, each student offering a reluctant response under the menacing presence of the curse monster.

Their stuttered replies echoed through the room.

After the roll call had been completed, I took a moment to relish in their cooperative fear before turning my attention to the task at hand - teaching the class.

I decided to maintain the presence of the curse monster, ensuring that any slip-ups wouldn't go unpunished.

"So guys, I'm Lumiere Del Silva, your professor for Magical Engineering."

Sighing with an air of forced respect, Luna, seated at the front of the class, spoke up. "Professor," she began, sarcasm was the foundation of her tone, "perhaps you didn't get the memo, but we already have a Magical Engineering professor."

Aidan, his glasses always perched perfectly on his nose, added with a sigh, "It seems you don't even know what course you're supposed to be teaching."

Chuckling at Aidan's remark, I replied, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get what you said, come again?"

The curse monster sprouted three tongues from its multitudes of mouths and then these tongues rolled into the clothes of Aidan and gently licked his chest and neck.

Everyone else got grossed out.

"Ugggghh," they all said, their faces twisted in disgust.

"Apologies sir," Aidan said, his body silently vibrating with irritation.

I laughed. "That's fine, I just didn't hear what you said earlier."

Anastasia, discontented, interjected, "There should be laws against this."

"Honestly," said Lumila.

Elise, the scarf girl, nodded slowly. Her own silent way of agreeing with Anastasia.

With a sly smile, I responded, "Well, Anastasia, those laws don't exist yet, do they?"

My attention went back to the class.

"I'm well aware of the course subject. It just so happens that I have a special arrangement with Miss Lucretia, your usual professor. We'll be covering for each other when needed, depending on our individual schedules."

The self-absorbed Lance chimed in. "Aunt Lucretia didn't mention being busy today, though," he stated.

"Aunt?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Lance chuckled, his confidence apparent as he checked himself out in the mirror. "You wish," he taunted.

With a snap of my fingers, I dismissed the curse monster, its gelatinous form vanishing in an instant. "Now then," I said, enjoying the unease in their faces, "let's begin this magical engineering class in earnest, shall we?"

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