Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 223 I’m in the Aldnoah Magic University?

Chapter 223 I'm in the Aldnoah Magic University?

(POV: Lumiere)


We arrived.

The Aldnoah Magic University.

A prestigious institution once widely regarded as the world's largest and most esteemed magical academy. It welcomes students of all races, ranging from humans, demons, and dragons. The university has a diverse faculty which includes the principal of Human descent, the vice-principal of Demon origin, and the director of Dragon heritage - all who have extensive magical experience and are respected in their respective fields of study.

At least, that's what Celese and Aurora told me...

The curriculum at the Aldnoah Magic University is rigorous and well-rounded, where students learn magical theory, application, and history. The university offers a wide range of magical courses, including but not limited to, advanced spellcasting, divination, transfiguration, and alchemy.

Like any other academy, It takes six years to finish the university.

Students also have to pass a series of magical examinations to successfully graduate.

Gazing upon the towering walls of Aldnoah Magic University, I was really impressed.

"Wow, this place is absolutely massive," I exclaimed, my eyes widening at the vastness of the campus.

Sprawling across hundreds of acres, it seemed to be a world of its own.

Celese, always eager to enlighten me, chimed in with her knowledge.

"Indeed, this university prides itself on embracing diversity and fostering cultural understanding," she explained.

The perfect magical institution.

"Can we explore the grounds, then? I'd love to see more of this place," I requested.

Aurora's eyes sparkled with equal enthusiasm, her slight nod confirming her eagerness.

Passing through the colossal gates, we stepped foot onto the hallowed grounds of the university.

As the vibrant campus came into view, my curiosity got the better of me.

"It's strange," I mused, eying the empty pathways. "Where are all the students?"

"They're most likely in their dormitories, preparing for the first day of classes tomorrow," Aurora replied.

But it was my next question that betrayed my true motives.

"And what about Lucretia? Is she here as well?"

Celese's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but she offered a reassuring smile.

"Oh, she's definitely around, though perhaps she's busy with her own preparations. We'll surely see her tomorrow when classes begin."

The mention of "classes" triggered a surge of excitement within me, and I just had to blurt out my next inquiry.

"Speaking of classes, what subject does Lucretia teach?"

Aurora wasted no time in responding.

"Magical Engineering. She's quite the expert in that field."

I exchanged a surprised glance with Celese, unable to fathom the coincidence.

"Magical Engineering? That's the subject I'll be teaching too?" I asked, my tone equal parts disbelief and excitement.

It makes sense honestly.

Integrators had a natural sense for Magical Engineering.

It's a fascinating field that combines the principles of traditional engineering with the mystical elements of magic. It involves the application of magical techniques and spells to design, create, and improve various structures, devices, and systems. Through the use of spells, enchantments, and magical materials, magical engineers are able to achieve remarkable feats that would be impossible with conventional engineering alone. From floating castles to self-repairing bridges, magical engineering has the potential to revolutionize the way we build and interact with the world around us.

We already had a rich knowledge of the technology from the "other" world.

Adding that to the magical elements of this world, we could combine them to make technology that transcended the normal scope of possibilities.

"Oh, yeah, I noticed there's no security...?" I pointed out.

"The university has undergone some changes recently. While the original staff stayed, some of the non-teaching staff members, who were easily expendable, decided to leave. That's why it may seem a bit deserted right now."

Celese gave an easy answer.

If she knew this much about the university, how much did Lucretia know?

Taking in this new information, I nodded in understanding.

"I see," I said, a thoughtful expression crossing my face. "So, where are we heading to first?"

"We're actually going to see the principal. His name is Simon Smith," a quick reply from Celese.

Surprised by the omission of this crucial detail, I raised an eyebrow.

"You haven't told me anything about the principal yet?" I pointedly asked Celese.

Celese's face flushed slightly with embarrassment, yet she quickly recovered. "Oh, my apologies," she stammered. "Principal Smith is a human, and he also teaches Magical History and Advanced Spellcasting."

My eyes widened in fascination. "Wow, he must be quite the skilled mage," I commented.

I mean, I'm sure he has nothing on Fasit, but he's a human so...

We made our way towards the Administrative Building.

There, we encountered several professors along the way.

They all cheerfully waved at us, and I waved back with a calm demeanor, though my heart raced with excitement.

Finally, we arrived at the entrance of the principal's office.

Celese raised her hand to knock, but before she could, a gentle voice spoke up, stopping her in her tracks.

"I'm afraid the principal isn't in at the moment," the voice said.

Recognition flickered in Aurora's eyes as she greeted the woman.

"Professor Alice Johnson, how are you doing?" she exclaimed.

Professor Johnson gracefully bowed her head, her voice carrying the utmost reverence.

"Greetings, Princesses Celese and Aurora.."

"Ah, no need for that," Celese gently waved dismissively. "We're on school grounds, you don't need to address us like royalty."

"Humble as always, Your Highness," Alice replied.

I stood before Professor Alice Johnson, her brown skin radiant in the sunlight, her long white hair cascading down her back, and her piercing green eyes filled with warmth, I was easily captivated by her beauty. Her smile was infectious, and her serene aura put me at ease.

Alice faced me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Alice said, her voice as melodious as a songbird. "Are you a student here at Aldnoah Magic University?"

A grin stretched across my face as I replied, "Eeeeehhh, not really."

Alice extended her delicate hand, and I eagerly shook it, only to be met with a surprising comment. "My, my. You have such smooth and well-oiled hands," she exclaimed. "What do you use? Some special moisturizer?"

I chuckled at her remark. "Actually, it's a little something I make myself," I confessed.

Alice's eyes widened with curiosity. "Is it anything like the ones sold by the Efistes Company?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on me.

"No, it's my own unique formula," I proudly declared. "I can give you more details if you'd like."

A playful twinkle gleamed in Alice's eyes as she leaned closer, her breasts almost grazing my face. "Oh, please do," she urged, her smile ever present. "I'm always open to beauty tips."

My face flushed with embarrassment as I found myself caught in a misunderstanding. "Actually, I don't use cosmetics," I hurriedly explained, desperately trying to suppress my laughter.

Alice's laughter tinkled like a gentle melody, filling the air with joy. "No woman can live without cosmetics," she playfully insisted.

"Eh?" Aurora interjected, heavily confused. "But Lumiere's actually a guy."

"Eh?" said Alice, she turned to Celese for confirmation.

Celese nodded solemnly.

"Yes, it's true, Alice. Lumiere's indeed a guy."

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips as I interjected, "Sorry to disappoint you, Professor Johnson."

Alice quickly waved off my apology, a warm smile gracing her face. "No, no, the fault is mine," she insisted. "I should be the one apologizing."

"Nah, it's fine, I get that a lot."

"I suppose you would," she mentioned.

Celese's voice echoed through the corridor, putting an end to our lighthearted banter. "Alright, enough distractions, let's get back on topic," she declared, a serious tone lacing her words. "Where's the principal?"

Alice's emerald eyes flickered with remembrance as she replied, her voice filled with nostalgia. "He's not here at the moment," she explained softly. "He actually left earlier with Professor Efistes to retrieve the new shipment of books for the students. They wanted to ensure everything was ready before classes fully resumed tomorrow."

Aurora's brows furrowed in concern as she processed the information. "So, what do we do now?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Alice's lips as she gently shook her head. "No need to fret," she assured. "The vice principal?s in her office."

The vice principal?s a she...? Interesting...

From what Celese told me, the vice principal was one of the founders of the university.

Abaddon Dark, an Archdemon.

"Excellent," said Celese. "Then let's go and speak with her."

Alice turned her attention to me.

"I can't wait to see you in my classes," she told me, her pearly white teeth on full display.

Caught off guard, I quickly interjected, "Oh, um, actually, Professor Johnson, I need to tell you something. I'm not actually a student."

However, as I opened my mouth, ready to clarify my misunderstanding, I noticed that Celese and Aurora had already started making their way down the corridor. Realizing that I couldn't keep them waiting, I hastily added, "We'll talk about it later," before rushing forward to catch up with them, leaving Alice slightly bemused by the turn of events.

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