Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 219 Arrival at Argentia?

Chapter 219 Arrival at Argentia?

I'm preparing to do a mass release soon.



They had arrived. Their location: Argentia.

The Efistes Viscounty was the general name for the three viscounties under Lugnar?s rule.

There was Argentia, Obsidia and Ivory.

Lumiere possessed [Telepathy], a skill that allowed him to transfer memories to others.

And thanks to Lucilia's recollection of Efistes Company and its location, Lumiere could successfully transmit those memories to Stellaria.

Stellaria could only teleport to places she had been to before.

It was a task originally meant for Isadora, but her increasing fatigue due to her pregnancy made things difficult.

So currently, Lumiere's [Telepathy] had gone from Rank C to S.

Umbra turned to Lumiere. "So master, what's our next move?" he asked.

"I think it's time we paid a visit to the Efistes Company," Lucilia suggested eagerly.

However, Lumiere raised a hand, urging her to relax. "Hold on, Lucilia. We need to gather our thoughts first. Chill out will ya...?"

Stellaria, visibly exhausted, chimed in, her words slightly stifled by a yawn.

"I agree with Lumiere on this one... I'm exhausted honestly, I don't know where you humans get the strength to work so tirelessly."

Lumiere's eyebrows twitched, annoyance clear on his face.

"Always the lazy one, aren't you?"

Frowning, Stellaria let out a deep sigh.

"It's not laziness. It's a dislike for unnecessary effort."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Lumiere was exasperated and at the same time amused.

"Oh, the excuses you come up with..."

"Uh, wait, you humans?" Lucilia mentioned, repeating a statement made by Stellaria.

Naturally, Stellaria wasn't one to hide who she truly was.

"Yes, you heard me right... I'm a Go—"

Quickly, Lumiere interjected, "She has a god-complex!"

"What—?!" Stellaria's features became more pronounced. "No I don—"

"She does, and it's sad sometimes," Lumiere added.

"Uhhh... okay..." Lucilia replied, heavily confused.

"( Honestly... it's like Stellaria wants everyone to know about the Trifects. I can't deal with this for goodness sake... )" (Lumiere)

Lumiere's gaze shifted from the lively interaction of people in Argentia and towards Umbra.

"Umbra, I've been thinking of registering with a merchant guild... so I can obtain certification as skilled merchant."

"Why would though?" Stellaria asked, uninterested.

Naturally, Lumiere missed her sarcasm, much like before, at the Delia Manor.

"By acquiring certification, I'll unlock a world of invaluable resources and connections. It also establishes me as a legitimate entity within the vast web of commerce. It opens up a multitude of opportunities, allowing us to navigate this realm easily."

Fatigue tugged at Stellaria's tired form, her yawn escaping involuntarily.

"Couldn't you have just said it was important without the long ass explanation?" she muttered.

Veins pulsating on the side of his forehead, Lumiere's frustration bubbled to the surface.

"It's too early to get me frustrated, Stellaria."

"I don't get it though," Lucilia interjected.

Their attention turned to her.

"Get what?" Lumiere asked.

"My father could easily arrange for your certification. He holds considerable influence within the merchant guilds."

Lumiere's tension visibly melted away, his voice softening as he replied, "I'm aware of Viscount Randolph's connections. However, I prefer to earn my place through my own abilities and efforts."

"( I haven't been doing much of that lately... )" (Lumiere)

Umbra chimed in. "Master, do you require assistance in finding the right merchant guild?"

A reassuring smile graced Lumiere's lips as he responded.

"Nah, it's cool. I'll use my 『Beginner's Luck』 skill. It might as well let me stumble upon the perfect guild."

"So, what do we do?" Lucilia asked.

With a thoughtful pause, Lumiere regarded his companions.

"First, you guys need to find a suitable place to reside in Argentia. I'll keep in touch via the Summoning Delivery Subsystem... For now, I should see what guilds I can find here. If the Efistes Company was opened in Argentia then there has to be one or two merchant guilds here."

His words earned a thoughtful nod from Lucilia, "Alright, that works."


After they parted ways,

Lumiere's leisurely stroll through the bustling streets of Argentia Viscounty was interrupted by a sudden commotion.

People scattered, making way for two exquisitely dressed young women who sauntered through the crowd with an air of regal grace.

"Is it an event?" said Lumiere, unaware.

As Lumiere continued his observation, he heard a voice behind him - a princessly voice, if he had to guess.

"Celese, you worry too much! I can handle walking on my own," the voice insisted, filled with a playful tone.

"Hm," Lumiere rubbed his chin. "I know that voice..."

Curiosity piqued, Lumiere turned around to see Celese, the first princess of the Shield Kingdom, gently urging her sister, Aurora, to be cautious.

Aurora, undeterred by her concerns, flashed an elegant smile.

"Don't worry, Celese, I've got this!"

The people of Argentia were drawn to the unmistakable presence of royalty.

They kept their distance, whispering excitedly among themselves as they marveled at the sight.

Aurora glided through the crowd with an elegance befitting a goddess.

In that very moment, Aurora's gaze landed on Lumiere in the distance, recognition dawning on her face.

"Wait a minute," she murmured to herself.

"Oh," Lumiere's eyes widened a bit. He waved from afar.

"I know him," she said.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

As Aurora took another step forward, her foot became entangled in the folds of her dress. With a gasp, she lost her footing and tumbled to the ground, her grace momentarily abandoned.

The onlookers erupted in surprised gasps, unable to contain their astonishment.


Lumiere, eyebrows raised in mild disbelief, watched as Aurora lay sprawled on the ground, her ass pointing skyward and her face buried in the dirt.

His eyes widened as a thought crossed his mind.

"S-she's still falling down...?" he remarked under his breath, fighting back an incredulous chuckle.

Concern overriding his amusement, Lumiere rushed to Aurora's side.

Just as he arrived, Celese, with a worried expression, hurriedly questioned.

"Aurora, are you alright?"

Just then, Lumiere noticed the resemblance between the fallen princess and the illustrious Celese.

"Hm?" he uttered. "You're Princess Celese, the first princess of the Shield Kingdom.."

Celese, her attention entirely focused on Aurora, waved a dismissive hand.

"That doesn't matter now," she replied. "We need to help her up."

Before the curious onlookers could rush forth to offer their aid, Lumiere extended a firm hand, signaling for them to hold back. Lumiere gently lifted Aurora's face from the dirt, revealing a smudge of earth across her delicate features.

"( Still as clumsy as ever I see. )" (Lumiere)

Quickly producing a handkerchief from his pocket, Lumiere turned to Celese.

"May I use this to dust off her face?" he asked.

Celese nodded approvingly. "O... Of course, no problem," she replied.

Carefully, Lumiere began to wipe away the dirt from Aurora's face.

As he did so, a small trickle of blood caught his attention, coming from one of Aurora's nostrils.

"Princess Aurora... you're... bleeding..."

Lumiere wasn't shocked when he said this, at this point she'd fallen down almost everywhere he'd met her.

"Where does it hurt?" he asked.

Aurora, already sniffling and slightly tearful from her embarrassing tumble, nodded sheepishly. "It hurts everywhere," she whimpered.

The once-enthralled onlookers began to whisper among themselves, their previous admiration waning. "Is this the elegant princess we've all heard about?" they wondered aloud.

Unfazed by their comments, Lumiere decided to employ [Water Magic].

Placing his hand before Aurora's face, a surge of blue light radiated from his palm.

He easily healed her small wounds, leaving her feeling no pain.

Blinking several times in surprise, Aurora stared at Lumiere with gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you, Lumiere," she said.

"Oh? You remember my name?"

"Yes, you helped me when I was lost in the forest."

"Wait," said Celese. "You were lost in the forest?"

"Eeeeeh, long story," said Lumiere.

And that was how Lumiere met two of the nine princesses of the Shield Kingdom.

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