Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 208 I’ve finally started Viscounty developments?

Chapter 208 I've finally started Viscounty developments?

(POV: Lumiere)

I prepared to embark on the next step of developing the Delia Viscounty.

The mere thought of it was exciting.

Clad in my refined aristocratic attire, I stepped out of my room to find Stellaria still peacefully asleep on the bed.

"She never wakes up, does she?" I asked myself.

"I suppose not," I heard Serena's voice.

Serena emerged from the bathroom, her damp hair tied up in a towel.

"You're finally done, do I wait?" I asked.

She smiled gently. "No, I'll stay back to wake Stellaria... then I'll join you right after..."

With a small concern etched on my face I replied, "I hope you guys don't argue, it's honestly stressful.."

"Of course not, my lord."

She tilted her head a bit while closing her eyes. This further accentuated the beauty of her smile.

With Serena's words echoing in my mind, I nodded appreciatively and proceeded to make my way out of the room.


I strolled down the hallway, lost in thought, my gaze caught Bluestella's figure gracefully bowing before me. I returned her greeting with a friendly smile and inquired about her well-being.

"Good morning, Bluestella. You look well.." I said.

Bluestella straightened herself and replied, "Indeed I am, Lord Silva." With a gentle bow of her head, her meaty breasts lowered to fully display her cleavage. Bluestella?s breasts weren't as large as Fasit?s, but I honestly felt like if she bowed any further, her breasts would spill out of her gown.

"I appreciate your concern. And how are you?" she asked.

"Quite excited, actually," I said with evident enthusiasm. "We're about to embark on a new phase in developing the Delia Viscounty. There's pretty much a lot to plan and prepare for yunno."

Bluestella's eyes sparkled, it was obvious her radiant blue eyes earned her her name.

"It sounds intriguing. I'll be honored to assist however manner I can."

Her genuine offer warmed my heart, but then something crossed my mind, although it wasn't a surprise to me— it was her hair.

"I almost didn't recognize you for a second yunno..."


"Yeah, I forgot we decided to make it black so your identity would be safe."

Bluestella's hand instinctively wandered to her hair, and she gave a small nod. "Yes, I suppose it was necessary. It's a change I can manage for a while now." There was a mild smile on her face that made her even more attractive with black hair.

"Not that it's a bad thing. But, I've always been fond of your brown hair."

A small smile tugged at the corner of Bluestella's lips.

"Oh, do you prefer my old hair color?"

"Hmmm," I rubbed my chin, feigning contemplation.

From the corner of my eye, I could see she was eager to know what I really thought on the matter. However, the answer was simple.

I smiled warmly.

"Regardless of the color or style, that's not what necessarily what makes you beautiful."

"It's not?" she asked, not really in search of an answer.

I shook my head slowly. "It's your eyes."

Bluestella playfully rolled her beautiful blue eyes.

"You flatter me too much, Lord Silva."

We both chuckled.

"I assure you, I'm only stating facts."

When Bluestella's giggles and laughter faded away, her expression turned serious.

She walked closer and confided in me.

"Lord Silva..."


"Well, knowing you... you won't ask me the true reason I accompanied you to the Delia Viscounty. But, I decided I'd tell you myself."

I remained silent.

"I came here because I wan—"

"You wanted to see how Jericho and the others are doing, right?" I interjected.

Bluestella fell silent, her eyes revealing some surprise, and at the same time, deep thoughts.

After a moment, I reassured her, "You don't need to worry too much. I'll make sure no one in the kingdom finds out who you really are. Your secret is safe with us."

She nodded gracefully with a mild smile.

"What you should be more careful of, is keeping your identity a secret."

A faint smile danced on her lips before she placed a hand over her cleavage, her fingers delicately resting between the gentle curves of her breasts. There was loyalty in her eyes, she told me, "I just want to see how they're doing. Nothing more, I promise."

Understanding her desire to reconnect, I deduced that she'd need some assistance with transportation, in other words— Stellaria. I looked directly into her eyes and said, "I'll speak to Stellaria for you. Whenever you are ready, just let me know."

With gratitude in her voice, she replied, "You're too kind, Lord Silva."

A warm smile spread across my face as I walked past Bluestella.

"Happy to help, Bluestella. It's the least I can do for you."

I continued down the hallway, a hint of movement caught my attention. From the depths of my shadow emerged Umbra, but this time there were no horns adorning his head. He sported the attire of an aristocrat, standing tall and exuding an air of elegance.

I asked, "How're you feeling today, Umbra?"

A genuine smile graced his face as he replied, "It's strange to be without my horns, Master, but I believe I will adjust with time."

Chuckling softly, I reassured him, "Don't worry, I'm sure you will."

Just then, Fasit approached, her appearance notably different without her pointy ears, however, if they were to change everything on Fasit, one thing to preserve was the beautiful sight of her face and the luscious meatiness of her breasts. There were very few clothes that could contain her breasts and not show the contour of her nipples.

That was just how big of an asset she possessed.

"I haven't gotten to my ears either.." said Fasit.

I took a good look at her– with or without her ears, she pretty much looked the same. "There's not really much difference, Fasit."

"Maybe for you, my lord, but I don't necessarily like having to hide my Grygan heritage. After all, it's not like I'm ashamed of being one, I love what I am."

"Yeah," I uttered a contemplative hum and nestled my chin between by fingers. "I really need to do something about the segregation between monsters and humans, you guys have part high elven blood... that alone should count as something, especially since you guys aren't trouble in any way."

This was something that could easily be resolved.

But first, I'd have to speak with Beast King Kaelin and hear his thoughts on the matter.

If I could get the Grygans the same level of freedom that the Beastpeople had, it would make things easier.

"I'm sorry," Fasit abruptly bowed her head.


Both Umbra and I were startled by her abrupt apology.

"I shouldn't be complaining so much about this, after all, your kindness is what brought me to this level... I apologize for sounding unappreciative."

"It's okay," I waved her apology away, "you, like anyone else, has that right Fasit, don't forget that.."

"Thank you, Great Lumiere," she bowed her head once more.

I knew Fasit had this perfect figure about her, she was never one to show disrespect or misbehave, but still— I wanted to see a less reinforced side of her.

"Now to more important things, right?" said Umbra.

I balled my fist. "Yeah, Viscounty developments!"

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