After Defying the Villain’s Fate for Nine Lifetimes, the Heroines Turn Mad!

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Jiang Chen, having heard his master’s words, was still persevering in this life.

The same was true that he was still misunderstood. The difference was that he no longer bothered to explain his actions.

The phoenix blood had repeatedly devoured her heart, and the damage was irreversible.

Although Xiao Hongyi could still speak and was conscious, she could only cry and smile when it came to matters involving Jiang Chen.

But in her eyes, there was only Jiang Chen, as vivid as ever.

Her expression was indifferent and numb to everyone else as if she were a soulless shell.

The familiar scenario played out once again, and Jiang Chen was expelled from the sect once more.

And Xiao Hongyi, once again, set out on the road to find Jiang Chen.

She no longer visited the Red Jade Pavilion, and since she couldn’t go to the Upper Domain, she could only wander around like a lost soul in places where Jiang Chen might appear.

After searching for many lifetimes, she kept learning from her experiences.

In previous lives, she would go to places where he might appear early to find Jiang Chen, but even when they were close, they would always miss each other, never able to meet.

Xiao Hongyi knew that the unknown force was still punishing her.

Although she was nearly driven mad with longing and frequently broke down, she never gave up, nor did she want to.

Searching for Jiang Chen seemed to have become an instinct for her. Only on the road to find him did she feel alive.


Hengduan Mountain Range.

After searching him for many lifetimes, she was very familiar with this place.

In previous lives, she had learned from other cultivators that Jiang Chen would appear here, causing trouble everywhere with a three-tailed white fox.

She passed through dense forests and floated over mountains, her figure checking every corner of the Hengduan Mountain Range.

Still, she did not find the person she longed for.

Calculating the time, she prepared to head to the Ghost Ridge Soul Abyss.

But just as she was about to leave the deepest part of the Hengduan Mountain Range, a conversation drifted from the dense forest ahead.

“Jiushuang, you should be ready to advance to a demon king, right?”

“Mmm, I don’t know why, but I’m a bit scared.”

“Don’t be afraid. I’m used to it.”

“Used to what?”

“Nothing, I should also be leaving soon.”

“Leaving? Where are you going? Once I become a demon king, I can leave this place and go together.”

“Jiushuang, this might be the last time. But I still want to remind you, don’t take the surname Bai because being a Bai makes you stupid.”

“I already have a name, so why would I take the surname Bai?”

“You’ll forget even if I tell you. Anyway, take care.”

“Jiang Chen, come back!”

With the last shout falling, a man in white emerged from the dense forest ahead nad passing by Xiao Hongyi.

Although it was just a fleeting glimpse, Xiao Hongyi was overwhelmed with joy.

The ninth life…

She had finally found her disciple.

Without hesitation, she hurriedly followed him.

She followed Jiang Chen out of the Hengduan Mountain Range to another place.

During the journey, she revolved around Jiang Chen, occasionally poking his cheek with her finger, then smiling silly like a fool.

Though she felt no sense of touch, the Jiang Chen before her eyes felt more real than ever.

Together, they traversed every corner of the Central Domain.

Ghost Ridge Soul Abyss.

Xiao Hongyi wanted to fight that female ghost, but the ghost couldn’t see her at all.

Ancient Pill Tower.

Jiang Chen sneaked into it, and with nothing better to do, she memorized all the pill-refining secrets of the Ancient Pill Tower.

Soon, with Jiang Chen intentionally making enemies, five Grandmasters from the Seven Luminaries Sword Pavilion arrived.

During the great battle, she cheered like a little fan from the sidelines.

And when Lin Feng and others appeared and defeated Jiang Chen, she began to think about how to kill this Son of Destiny.

Afterward, Jiang Chen self-destructed his life-bound spirit sword to escape.

He was so fast that Xiao Hongyi had to exert all her effort to barely keep up with him.

Finally, the two landed on a perilous peak miles away.

Before them were still the Red Jade Pavilion, the spiritual pond, and the spiritual fields.

Nine lifetimes of reincarnation.

Since Jiang Chen was expelled from the sect, this was the only place where Xiao Hongyi could see Jiang Chen until the end.

Upon arriving here, Jiang Chen was severely injured and extremely weak.

But he did not enter the Red Jade Pavilion. Instead, he stood on the edge of the cliff while gazing into the distance.

“What are you looking at?” Xiao Hongyi asked, puzzled as she gazed in the same direction.

Soon, she understood. Because that was the direction of the Myriad Dao Demon Sect.

In previous lives, Jiang Chen became enemies with the Seven Luminaries Sword Pavilion because an enchantress from that Demonic Sect had abducted the Sword Maiden, intending to make her his concubine.

But in this life, Jiang Chen was the one initiating enmity, and not only that, he deliberately avoided any place where the enchantress might appear.

Xiao Hongyi thought that Jiang Chen must be trying to make a deal with fate.

In his nine lifetimes, this was the only time he actively pushed the plot forward and committing evil acts.

His purpose was to prevent the enchantress from appearing and dying for him.

He knew very well that in nine lifetimes, he owed nothing to anyone except to that enchantress. And if he wanted to save the enchantress, he had to stay away from her.

Because the enchantress didn’t die because of Lin Feng but because of him…

Perhaps even fate grew tired of it, or maybe as long as it didn’t involve Lin Feng and didn’t change the course of the plot, the life and death of the enchantress didn’t really matter.

In the ninth life, the enchantress really didn’t appear and didn’t die tragically.

This was the only person Jiang Chen managed to save in his nine lifetimes.

“In previous lives, I always hoped she would turn to goodness and avoid her death through this method, but the result was always the same. I should have understood earlier that I am the main culprit behind her death,” Jiang Chen sighed bitterly before heading to the Upper Domain.

The ninth life ended with the same conclusion.

Witnessing Jiang Chen’s death once again, Xiao Hongyi’s heart was still in agony. She broke down, crying uncontrollably, went mad, and again attacked others in a frenzy.

Indeed. No matter how many times she went through it, she could never accept Jiang Chen’s death.

【Tenth Life】

Xiao Hongyi found herself back at the beginning.

At the summit of a perilous peak, the boy was still fishing, and the woman stood behind him like before in front of the red jade pavilion.

The scene was the same as always, but the boy was now dressed in black.

Seeing the boy in black’s mind was not on fishing, the woman behind him frowned.

She stepped forward and flicked the boy’s forehead and showed a stern Master’s tone: “Jiang Chen, fishing can cultivate your temperament and patience. If your heart is not right, then your path will not be right. Lacking patience, you will prefer shortcuts! Throughout history, those who have fallen into evil did so because they were too impatient and sought shortcuts. You must…”

“Stop! Stop!”

Dropping the fishing rod, the boy in black propped his hands behind his head and counter-questioned: “Master, do you know how to fish?”

“Of course…” the woman replied instantly.

“Master, you shouldn’t lie,” the boy interrupted.

“Alright,” the woman said with a slightly embarrassed expression, speaking softly.

“When I was young, my grandfather taught me how to fish. But I couldn’t catch anything when I tried…”

“Then, Master, have you ever seen the Supreme Great Elder fish?” the boy asked again.

“Uh… I don’t think so.”

“Have you ever seen the Old Ancestor fish?”

“That, neither.”

“Master, this is quite unreasonable.”

The boy stood up, shaking his head: “It is said that the Supreme Great Elder was personally taught by the Old Ancestor, and you were taught by the Supreme Great Elder, yet none of you fish. What does this prove? Think about it, think hard!”

“Are you saying…” the woman frowned, and after a moment, she spoke, “We’ve been deceiving each generation? That fishing can cultivate temperament is actually false?”

“True or false, I do not know, but how can you expect the disciple to know something even the Master doesn’t? Think about this, Master.”

“I understand.”

The woman realized, her expression firming: “You go rest, and once I learn how to fish, I’ll teach you.”

With that, the woman picked up the fishing rod from the ground and began to fish.

She sat by the pond while gripping the rod tightly, her beautiful eyes fixed on the spirit pond, not blinking for a long time.

So it continued for a full hour.

Suddenly, the spirit pond stirred.

“Jiang Chen, Master has caught something! Come quickly!” the woman excitedly jumped up while reeling in the line.

Then she caught nothing.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chen was lying lazily on a recliner behind her.

He turned over, picked up an almost core-only spirit fruit from the wooden table beside him, took a couple of bites, and then said:

“Master, fishing can cultivate patience and temperament. You must not be impatient. Throughout history, those who have fallen into evil did so because they were too impatient and sought shortcuts. You must not make the same mistake!”


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