After Being Reborn and Regaining Her Identity, the True Heiress Is Spoiled in the Seventies

Chapter 190: Encounter with the Deceased

Chapter 190

The two-year-old little kid was able to speak quite fluently. When they started a quarrel, it really looked authentic.

Zhi Xia and [Pei Jing] didn't worry at all. Anyway, it was always like this - in the next second before they managed to advise them, the two had already gone to play together again.

One could only say, once used to it, things become alright.

After they finished quarrelling, [Pei Wanqing] was taken by Zhi Xia to the bathroom. She was responsible for bathing the kids while [Pei Jing] was responsible for washing her dirty clothes.

There was mud plastered all over them that could only be scrubbed clean with a brush.

After washing, she was thrown back into the room for confinement and given a penalty to count from one to a hundred while [Pei Chenye] conducted the supervision.

After dinner, when [Pei Jing] and Zhi Xia returned to their room, they saw [Pei Wanqing] also sneaking in.

"Mom, Mom, would you sleep with me and brother tonight?" [Pei Wanqing] pouted her little mouth pitifully, pulling at Zhi Xia's hand, refusing to stop shaking it, "Your two babies miss you so much, please accompany me and brother..."

Seeing this little monster proficient in messing with the world, [Pei Jing] directly pulled her to him and asked, "Wanqing, do you still remember what you said last night? You and your brother are big kids now, you need to learn to be independent. Go back to your own room and sleep right away."

[Pei Jing] also felt helpless. Other families' little daughters were all little darling girls yet his always felt kind of leaky.

Ever since he had let them sleep in separate rooms at the beginning of the year, every other three to five days his wife would get robbed. Recently it had become even more blatant.

"No no, Dad is older than me and Dad hasn't become independent ..."

The little fellow made [Pei Jing]'s veins bulge out. It was unreasonable to reason with her. She was simply an abrasive little monster.

Zhi Xia helplessly surrendered, carrying up the child, "Forget it, I'll accompany them to sleep."

It was always said like this, but every time the kids fell asleep, she fell asleep too.

In the middle of the night, in a daze, Zhi Xia felt herself being carried up.

A strange sensation rose up. Only then did she open her eyes. Her body had already been stripped naked.

He gave a muffled laugh, the warm breath spraying beside her ears, reminding her, "Zhi Xia, Chenye and Wanqing are over two years old now. [Zhao Xin] is already expecting a second baby. Shall we have another one too?"

"OK." Zhi Xia was also thinking they should have another one. He was already twenty-nine. To have children later would also impact the quality.

At this moment, having only two kids was still too few. Whether boy or girl, giving birth to one more, when the second child grew a little bigger and policies were expected to loosen, it would be just right.

Starting from that day, [Zhao Xin] felt like he had triggered a Hell mode.

Whenever there was free time, [Pei Jing] would teach him how to cook while supervising at the side. If it was done just a little poorly, it would draw a flood of criticism and he couldn't fight back.

His wife was pregnant. Obviously they couldn't count on his mother-in-law. Having known [Pei Jing] for not a short time, [Zhao Xin] could probably understand what he meant.

When [Pei Meng] gave birth last year, she had depended on her aunt's deliveries for meals during confinement. Now expecting the second baby, [Pei Jing] couldn't bear Zhi Xia taking care of the kids while still having to serve others. Naturally [Zhao Xin] would have to take over this responsibility.

After he learned how to cook, it could be considered a once and for all matter.

Getting tested pregnant in June led Zhi Xia to suspect she really had a legendary easy-to-conceive physique.

From deciding to have the child until now, it was less than two months in total. Calculating by her menstrual period, she was already one month pregnant.

Eldest Brother and Eldest Sister-in-law had started preparing since she gave birth the first time. Their twins were already two and a half years old but still hadn't conceived so far.

Of course, that was also related to them being apart more and together less.

By October, Zhi Xia's stomach had already slightly bulged.

And [Pei Meng], carrying her seven month belly, finally decided to take [Zhao Yue] back to Jin City to await giving birth.

Although Zhao Mother was unreliable, her own birth parents were still there. She had also discussed with [Zhao Xin] beforehand that she would be staying at the Pei family residence and would never live alone at the Zhao family residence. As for the Zhao family side, [Zhao Xin] could explain it himself.

[Zhao Xin] took leave to send them back, needing to make the round trip journey of a few days. This was equivalent to, when [Pei Meng] gave birth, he would have no way of returning.

In the twelfth lunar month, Zhi Xia was over seven months pregnant. Originally when she first said she was pregnant, the two kids didn't have much awareness.

But as her stomach grew bigger, they suddenly realized they were going to have a younger brother or sister. Even the mischievous [Pei Wanqing] suddenly became well-behaved and obedient.

Sometimes she would even act like a little adult, insisting that Zhi Xia lie there while she lie on the stomach talking to the baby inside.

Zhi Xia hung the washed clothes out to dry in the yard. [Shen Hongxing] passed by from the side, stared at her stomach for a long time, then suddenly asked her, "Zhi Xia, your seven month belly looks almost like someone about to give birth. Could it be twins again?"

Zhi Xia smiled. "I also have this suspicion. I'm just waiting for him to make time to take me to the hospital for an examination."

If it were twins again, it would really be a huge stroke of luck.

It was just more troublesome to raise more kids. She had originally thought just one more would be good.

[Pei Jing] accompanied her to the city hospital the next day, leaving the dragon and phoenix twins for Sister-in-law Fengxia next door to keep an eye on.

They were shocked when they went to check. Neither had expected Zhi Xia was not having twins this time but directly triplets.

Zhi Xia sat on the bench in the hospital waiting for [Pei Jing] to ask the doctor about things. When he came back after asking, even the hand supporting her trembled slightly.

Zhi Xia exhaled with difficulty then heard him ask, "Tired? Should we find a place for you to rest your feet?"

"I'm actually still OK. It's you, aren't you too nervous?" That was the feeling [Pei Jing] gave her.

"It's not that I'm too nervous. I'm just worried about your health," [Pei Jing] frowned. "There are already two kids at home. And now suddenly three more are coming. I'm also afraid I won't be able to cope later on."

He actually wanted to bring up returning to Jin City to give birth but was afraid she would be unhappy hearing it.

Not long after leaving the hospital, a somewhat familiar figure came running swiftly, crashing towards Zhi Xia's side.

Luckily [Pei Jing] moved nimbly, managing to block the child in time.

The child looked at them then suddenly hugged [Pei Jing]'s thigh. "Uncle, save me, uncle save me!"

"Isn't this Eldest Brother Wu's son?" The child looked similar but after all not having seen him for two years, Zhi Xia didn't dare confirm it was him.

[Pei Jing] also discovered this child who had nearly crashed into them was precisely [Wu Lei]'s son, much taller than two years ago but his looks hadn't changed much.

"What's going on? Why are you running around alone? Where are your parents?" [Pei Jing] looked at the child's outfit. The padded jacket he wore was old and dirty, full of patches. The sleeves and trouser legs were short and old and small, completely unlike the only child treatment that should be given in a well-off family.

Could it be [Wu Lei] was unemployed?

That was [Pei Jing]'s first impression.

It shouldn't be so bad, right? The mung bean cakes were very popular at the supply and marketing cooperative where [Wu Lei] worked. And there were now other filling flavors too. Even if [Wu Lei] didn't rely on these to get pay raises and promotions, given his position and business capabilities, there was no way he would be fired to such an extent, right?

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