After Being Reborn and Regaining Her Identity, the True Heiress Is Spoiled in the Seventies

Chapter 146: Look Too Bold

Chapter 146

Pei Jing seemed not to need it at the moment.

The snow crystal fruit itself also has restorative abilities, and she didn't feel any different from usual yesterday, so it can be seen that the snow crystal fruit is very effective.

She suddenly thought that she could also give some to Pei Jing to nourish his body. It is still necessary to maintain health.

Hu Niu said that this is generally eaten by females. In case he becomes like her after eating it, with snow white translucent skin, tender skin that hurts with a touch, it doesn't seem to suit his identity.

She also wondered if there are fruits specifically for males to eat.

Just ask away, so after asking, Zhi Xia patiently waited for a reply.

In this short time, the crying sound of the child came over again.

As soon as one of the two children cries, the other will surely cry along, and the sound is very loud, as if it could collapse the roof.

Obviously, the diapers had just been put on, but when she went to check, it turned out he had soiled himself.

Zhi Xia was busy changing his diaper again, holding them one by one to put them back to sleep. She had just soothed this one when she couldn't soothe the other one. She was experiencing for the first time what it meant to be rushed off her feet.

After finally finishing up, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Niu's message had already come over, "Little rich lady, the males here drink beast blood to improve their physique. Beast blood contains very pure energy. Do you need it?"

Zhi Xia: "No need, no need."

If she dared to give Pei Jing beast blood to drink, wouldn't that expose everything?

However, Zhi Xia had a flash of inspiration, "Hu Niu, if beast blood has energy, then beast meat should too, right? Also, do you have any live herbivorous beasts over there? I want to bring some over to breed."

The plants in the beast world are relatively large, so the animals should be similar. Zhi Xia knew her own appetite for meat. She didn't dare raise any meat-eating beasts. If the space was occupied by them, wouldn't she be very troubled?

Hu Niu: "Yes there are, but beast meat doesn't have energy as pure as beast blood. It can supplement the salt needed by the body. You know, before getting to know you, our tribe could only go to the seaside to exchange for salt, which was very dangerous."

"There are also herbivores. Just let me know what kind you like next time we hunt and I'll have them keep some for you."

Hu Niu was clearly very interested in the idea of breeding mentioned by Zhi Xia. Zhi Xia knew they relied on dangerous and arduous hunting over there, so she readily imparted knowledge to Hu Niu. The two chatted endlessly until the child cried again.

Zhi Xia: "Hu Niu, my child is crying. I have to go take care of him. Let's chat again next time."

Hu Niu: "Okay, go quickly then."

When Zhi Xia came back, she found that Hu Niu had sent over a beast, unprocessed.

She was afraid there would be bloodstains inside the house, so she put it in the space outside.

At a glance, the two-meter hairy beast lying on the ground, with long thick fangs in its mouth and two long horns growing from its head, looked ferocious and frightening, though she didn't know what kind of creature it was.

Zhi Xia shivered instinctively. Fortunately, she had just asked Hu Niu for herbivores. If she had suddenly raised several heads of meat-eating beasts like this in the space, she herself would have been scared to tears.

Wanting to eat meat means having to skin it first. Zhi Xia controlled a knife with her mind, but didn't know where to start.

Without any experience the first time, she had carved out a nice hide with sleek fur, making several gashes in it, which looked rather a pity.

But it wasn't much of a pity either. No matter how nice the hide was, she didn't dare use it outside, and the suitable temperature inside the space meant she had no use for it either. Its biggest use was for trade.

It took up most of the afternoon before she finally finished processing the beast, dividing it up, putting it into boxes, and storing it in her storage space.

The large iron basin on the ground was filled with a basin full of tallow. She estimated there was enough just from rendering fat to last the two of them a year.

The only pity was they couldn't eat it today.

After looking around the trading device again, she spent 1000 star coins to buy two baby care robots. Although they couldn't be used outside, they could help her care for the babies inside the space, considerably reducing her burden.

Calculating when Pei Jing would be back, Zhi Xia took the children out, only to find they both had their eyes open, occasionally laughing a little, looking a bit silly.

Since they weren't crying or fussing, she didn't need to keep them company the whole time.

When Pei Jing came back, it was just in time for dinner.

"Why so late today?" Zhi Xia looked at the dark sky outside and asked him.

"Something came up with the troops. I came back after dealing with it," said Pei Jing, helping to serve dishes and arrange bowls and chopsticks. "You've been cooped up at home for over a month. Do you want to go out for a walk? I happen to be free tomorrow to accompany you."

Zhi Xia's eyes lit up. "Of course I want to. I've been cooped up for more than just a month. Since last winter I could only go around the vicinity. Let's go to town tomorrow?"

She had lived in the city for half a month but hadn't gone anywhere, just wandering around the residence, pregnant.

She had always heard it said only children could tie down a woman. Now she thoroughly understood. From getting pregnant to giving birth until the children were born, she was like a kite held by a string, unable to fly high no matter how she tried.

Thinking there were still several years of this to go through, it really was a bittersweet pain.

Right, she suddenly remembered, she and Pei Jing being matched and even having twins must be because of her fertile physique. Even if they could be together later, they would have to take precautions. She didn't want to give birth here then immediately get pregnant over there.

"Alright, whatever you say," Pei Jing indulged her.

Perhaps because she was so excited to go out, Zhi Xia woke up early in the morning.

After getting ready, she saw Pei Jing bring back a pole with two bamboo baskets hanging from each end.

"What's this for?" She could guess his intention and found it quite novel.

"Of course it's for holding the children. Otherwise with each of us carrying a child, how could we buy anything?" said Pei Jing, going into the room. He padded the baskets with small blankets before placing the little ones in them, and said to Zhi Xia, "Also, bring more money. I ordered a bicycle for 175 yuan and a fan for 20. I'm picking them up today and paying."

Pei Jing now had two empty pockets. He had given all his savings account to Zhi Xia. He only kept a little cigarette money for himself each month. And he had been smoking less and less since getting married, especially after the children were born, sometimes going three or two days without a single puff.

Of course, the household expenses now could only be asked from Zhi Xia, even just to buy a few yuan worth of things in town he had to ask for money.

It felt very unfamiliar at first, but gradually became second nature. He found he quite liked these days.

A wife with children and a warm kang stove, a joy that many men envied but could not obtain.

"Alright, I'll go now." Hearing there was a bicycle and electric fan, Zhi Xia was overjoyed.

She had wanted to buy them, but supplies were tight in town. It was hard to place orders for big items like these without connections.

Although it was hot, the roadsides in the countryside were planted with tall, thriving trees. Their branches and leaves shaded the entire road, so it wasn't hot but rather a bit cool.

They didn't have to walk far before running into an ox cart, which was convenient.

Compared to the cold winter days, the town was clearly much livelier now.

The line at the supply and marketing cooperative was also divided into two waves, one wave going in to buy things, the other bringing their farm goods to exchange for cash, whether eggs or vegetables, along with some home-picked dried wood ear mushrooms.

Pei Jing found a cool place for Zhi Xia to watch the children while he went to the supply and marketing cooperative to fetch the items.

Zhi Xia sat on a rock under a tree, patiently watching her twins. She was suddenly patted on the back from behind.

"Zhi Xia, what a coincidence. Are you here alone with the children?"

The cheerful voice didn't give Zhi Xia the delight of running into an acquaintance. Instead, she felt a bit helpless.

Turning her head, she saw Shen Hongmei at a glance. Behind her stood a man, tall and thin. His expression held a hint of impatience, but also obvious amazement when he saw Zhi Xia.

Shen Hongmei didn't mind Zhi Xia's aloofness, and proceeded to introduce them to each other.

Fu Yunqi actively extended his hand to Zhi Xia, "Hello, I'm Fu Yunqi, the magician with the cultural work troupe. Very nice to meet you, Comrade An."

Zhi Xia didn't even want too much contact with Shen Hongmei, let alone someone she brought along.

Just then the child whimpered, so Zhi Xia hurried to soothe him. "Nice to meet you, Comrade Fu."

Although a handshake was understandable, the gaze of this gentleman she had just met was far too brazen, which made her very uncomfortable.

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