After Being Bent by Reader

Chapter 49: Pt.2

Chapter 49: Pt.2

Xu Chuanchuan couldn't fall asleep no matter what. Then, when it was close to midnight, she suddenly heard loud crashing sounds coming from the living room outside. Then, she heard Little Yan exclaiming. Thinking that an accident had occurred, Xu Chuanchuan hurriedly dashed out of the room.

When Xu Chuanchuan found Murong Shi lying on the sofa, though, she paused.

Little Yan had gone to great lengths to settle Murong Shi on the sofa. While she was crouching down and picking up the trash can and drinking cups she had accidentally knocked over, she caught sight of Xu Chuanchuan. Then, she hurriedly said, "Chuanchuan, did I wake you up?"

Xu Chuanchuan quickly returned to her senses and said, "It's okay. I haven't slept yet. What's wrong with your shirt?"

Hearing Xu Chuanchuan's question, Little Yan pointed at her dirtied shirt and said, "I spilled some red wine just now. It's so disgusting."

"Then, hurry up and take a bath first."

After taking a glance at Murong Shi, Little Yan said, "I'd better wipe her off first."

Xu Chuanchuan couldn't help but turn to look at the person on the sofa. Currently, Murong Shi had her hair loosely spread out. Her eyes were also shut, looking like she had already fallen asleep.

While Xu Chuanchuan was in a daze, Little Yan said to her, "Chuanchuan, help me keep an eye on her and don't let her fall. I'll go get a tub of water."

"Oh, okay." Xu Chuanchuan quietly made her way to the sofa.

Meanwhile, Little Yan hurriedly made her way to the bathroom.

After switching an angle, Xu Chuanchuan looked down at Murong Shi's pale face. Then, she muttered to herself, "You actually drank until this late of an hour? It seems you can hold your alcohol quite well."

As if having heard Xu Chuanchuan's voice, Murong Shi suddenly opened her eyes.

Caught off guard, Xu Chuanchuan ended up meeting Murong Shi's eyes. Then, she hurriedly stepped back in a panic.

The next moment, Murong Shi suddenly said, "Little Yan, pour me a glass of water."

Did she mistake me for Little Yan? It seems she's pretty drunk after all. Clearing her throat, Xu Chuanchuan said, "There's no water for you to drink."

Murong Shi frowned. Then, she shut her eyes again.

As it so happened, Little Yan came walking out of the bathroom at this time, a tub of water in her hands. Having overheard Xu Chuanchuan's words, Little Yan asked, "What are you two talking about?"

Then, Xu Chuanchuan shifted her gaze away and said, "She wants to drink water, but we don't have any boiled water. Why don't I boil a pot for her?"

"No, I have a bottle of leftover mineral water in my room. It's on the bedside table. Can you get it for me?"


When Xu Chuanchuan returned with the bottled water, Little Yan had already started wiping Murong Shi's face with a wet towel. While wiping, she complained, "I told you not to drink so much, yet you still insisted on drinking."

Now that Xu Chuanchuan knew about the relationship between Murong Shi and Little Yan, she felt that she no longer needed to avoid the two of them. So, she walked straight toward them and handed the bottled water to Little Yan.

"Thanks," Little Yan said. Then, she twisted the cap open and pushed the bottle against Murong Shi's face. "Water's here. Do you still want to drink it?"

Murong Shi opened her eyes once more. However, she didn't move her mouth to the bottle's mouth. Instead, she stared at Xu Chuanchuan and asked, "Who is she?"

Xu Chuanchuan: "..."

Little Yan was also rendered speechless when she heard Murong Shi's question. Then, she said, "What kind of look is that? She's Chuanchuan."

"Chuanchuan?" Murong Shi suddenly tried to sit upright when she heard Little Yan's answer. Unfortunately, she couldn't put any strength into her body, so she ended up lying on the sofa. And with her eyes still focused on Xu Chuanchuan, Murong Shi said to Little Yan, "Little Yan, go away for a moment."

"Go away? Where should I go to?"

Before Xu Chuanchuan or Little Yan could react, Murong Shi suddenly stretched out her hand and held onto Xu Chuanchuan's wrist.

"I have something to say to her."

You're already so drunk. Can you even say anything clearly? Xu Chuanchuan thought to herself.

Little Yan was still a little dazed by the situation, but sensing the weird atmosphere flowing between her cousin sister and her roommate, she vaguely guessed what was going on. However, she didn't pry too deeply into the matter. After a brief flash appeared in her eyes, she said, "Ohh! I just remembered I needed to take a shower! Chuanchuan, help me look after her first. Thanks!"

Xu Chuanchuan: "..." I didn't agree to this!!!

Before Xu Chuanchuan could voice any objections, Little Yan had already fled back to her room to grab a change of clothes. When she was on her way to the bathroom and passed by the living room again, she deliberately said, "You two take your time. I'll wash up very slowly."

Xu Chuanchuan: "..." I don't think there's anything I can say to a drunk person.

After Little Yan left, the atmosphere in the living room immediately froze. Moving her wrist a little, Xu Chuanchuan said, "Let go of me first."

Unfortunately for Xu Chuanchuan, although Murong Shi had gotten so drunk that the tone of her voice had changed, her mind remained clear. Then, she said, "You're going to run again if I let go."

Xu Chuanchuan awkwardly rubbed her nose at having her thoughts seen through.

Currently, Murong Shi did not show as much aggressiveness as before. Only, she used quite a lot of force when gripping Xu Chuanchuan's wrist as she was worried that the other party would run away once again.

Meanwhile, when Xu Chuanchuan recalled the conversation she had with Ange, she took a deep breath and crouched down, putting herself at eye level with Murong Shi.

Xu Chuanchuan intended to use this opportunity to set things straight with Murong Shi.

However, when Xu Chuanchuan looked into Murong Shi's affectionate eyes, the words she had prepared to say suddenly found themselves stuck in her throat. Even after opening and closing her mouth several times, she still couldn't say a single word.

Maybe the timing isn't right. Forget it. I'll say it next time.

Xu Chuanchuan thought to run away.

However, seemingly having realized Xu Chuanchuan's intentions, Murong Shi further tightened her grip. Then, disregarding Xu Chuanchuan's struggles, Murong Shi said, "There's no one else here now."

So? Xu Chuanchuan was a little slow to react to what Murong Shi was trying to say. When she realized it, though, her face instantly turned bright red as she quietly said, "We can't."

"Why?" Murong Shi said in a soft and aggrieved voice.

The temptation of beauty was simply too powerful. Right now, Xu Chuanchuan was no longer able to think properly. She also dared not look at Murong Shi's eyes, so she turned her head toward the bathroom's direction.

"We opened many bottles of wine later on," Murong Shi suddenly said.

Confused, Xu Chuanchuan asked, "What?"

Murong Shi curled up her lips. Then, a gleam briefly appeared in her dark eyes as she said, "They were all expensive wines. We opened box after box. There were a lot of leftovers by the end of the party, and all of them got wasted."

"Uh, why are you telling me this?" Xu Chuanchuan couldn't help but find Murong Shi's words to be incoherent.

Then, revealing a faint smile, Murong Shi asked, "Don't you want to know how those wines tasted?"


The instant Xu Chuanchuan had her lips sealed, she subconsciously thought to herself, This is the second time.

The same incident had taken place at the same place and in the same drunken state

When Murong Shi's soft tongue came probing into her mouth and Xu Chuanchuan tasted the taste of red wine, only one thought came to her mind, Why does this wine taste like chicken?

While Xu Chuanchuan was in a daze, she suddenly felt her lower lip being gently bit. Then, she heard Murong Shi's hoarse voice saying, "Close your eyes, dummy."

Xu Chuanchuan obediently closed her eyes, only to open them again a short moment later as she finally reacted to the situation.

Wait! That's not right! Why am I complying with her words?!

I need to push her away!!!

Something terrible is going to happen if I don't push her away!!!

Little Yan is still in the shower! If she comes out and finds us like...thiswe'll be finished!!!

Xu Chuanchuan started gathering all of her strength into her hands. Then, she placed her hands onto Murong Shi's shoulders and pushed.

However, Murong Shi did not budge

When Murong Shi enveloped Xu Chuanchuan's tongue and gave it a gentle suck, Xu Chuanchuan's body immediately turned limp...

Xu Chuanchuan did not know how the kiss eventually ended. As soon as she found her lips freed, she immediately fled back to her room. The only thing she knew was that her legs were limp, her tongue was numb, and her lips were swollen. _(:)_

When Xu Chuanchuan threw herself onto the bed, she listened to her thundering heartbeat and dared not think about anything.

Then, Xu Chuanchuan covered her head with her blanket and buried her burning face into the pillow, pretending as if she was dead.

Ring, ring

Xu Chuanchuan nearly got a heart attack when she heard the landline phone suddenly ringing while she was in a daze. Then, picking up the phone in a panic, she said, "Hello?"

"Would you like some milk?"

Xu Chuanchuan's body shook. When she glanced at the caller ID displayed on the phone, she realized that Murong Shi was calling her through the company's internal line. Then, she hung up without hesitation.

The phone didn't ring again. Even so, Xu Chuanchuan could no longer sit still.

The moment Xu Chuanchuan heard Murong Shi's voice, memories of that night promptly flooded her mind.

After their lips separated, Murong Shi had looked at Xu Chuanchuan with a mischievous smile and asked, "Is the wine good?"

"..." Xu Chuanchuan became dumbfounded.

Murong Shi gently scraped Xu Chuanchuan's red and swollen lips. Then, she affectionately said, "So you like to be passive."

Xu Chuanchuan couldn't be bothered to wonder whether Murong Shi was actually drunk or not. After snapping out of her daze, she scurried back to her room like a frightened little rabbit.

The following day, Xu Chuanchuan received a text message from Murong Shi, saying: "I will give you two days to consider."

Consider what?

Xu Chuanchuan felt that she must've been possessed. She had clearly made up her mind to make things straight with Murong Shi, so why did she still end up getting kissed in the end?

Xu Chuanchuan was also the first to flee the scene. Though, she had no choice but to run, as she truly did not possess the moral high ground this time. After all, their kiss had lasted a full five minutes, yet not once did she successfully push Murong Shi away...

Xu Chuanchuan regretted her decision to confront Murong Shi so much that she banged her head against her desk.

Meanwhile, when her colleagues noticed her strange behavior, one of them asked, "Little Xu, are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine..." Xu Chuanchuan said dizzily.

I need to wash my face and freshen up.

Using her desk as support, Xu Chuanchuan slowly got up from her seat. However, before she could take even one step away from her desk, her department chief suddenly approached her and said, "Little Xu, Miss Murong has something she needs your help with."

Xu Chuanchuan's spirits sharpened instantly, and she blurted out, "I'm busy!"

"What did you say?"

Hesitantly, Xu Chuanchuan said, "I...I feel uncomfortable. I have a headache."

"You're holding your stomach," the department manager said, frowning.

"Y-Yes, so I need to go to the toilet right away!"

Xu Chuanchuan had defied her superior's orders for the first time since she started working in this company.

However, after lying and successfully avoiding a face-to-face meeting with Murong Shi, Xu Chuanchuan eventually came to regret her actions.


During the lunch break, Xu Chuanchuan returned to the dormitory to rest after finishing her lunch. When she opened the front door and stepped into the apartment, she immediately saw Murong Shi sitting on the living room sofa.

Xu Chuanchuan: "..."

Before Xu Chuanchuan could turn around and run away, Murong Shi strode forward and held down the door behind her. Then, Murong Shi looked down at Xu Chuanchuan, her eyes filled with concern as she asked in a gentle voice, "I heard you were feeling uncomfortable, so I came up to take a look."

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