Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1720 - Suzaku (3)

Chapter 1720 “Suzaku (3)”

Suzaku’s expression got quieter after their little play: “Queen, now that they have returned, we can also carry out the contracting ceremony with me. Afterwards, we need to go to a specific place.”

“Okay, let’s being then.” With a serious face, Bai Yan nods in agreement.

This time the bonding went as smoothly as things like this could go. Bai Yan herself still didn’t unlock the past memories through this ritual, but Suzaku on the other hand got a total makeover in her whole appearance. Before she was like a waning beauty at the end of her ropes, but now she’s glorious and shining, truly a scourge to all men alike since she could practically enslave those whom she deem a prey.

“The contract is completed Mistress, please come with me now. The rest of you need to come too, I will need your help in what’s to come...” With a charming smile, she transforms into a bright red light and flew towards the peak of the mountain.

She has been waiting here for them over a span of a millennium, it’s time she brought this long journey to an end now that her three peers have returned. Nobody likes being stuck on a single spot and unable to leave.


At the peak of this sacred mountain, there lied a strange alter like gate. From above high nobody would be able to see this since it’s covered in a shielding barrier, but once up close, those who come would be welcomed with a grand arrangement with four giant statues representing the four sacred beasts: White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Black Turtle, and Vermillion Bird.

“Mother...” Bai Xiachen found this setup to be a bit discomforting so he anxiously grasped onto the demon queen’s hand, his eyes vigilant and alarmed towards area.

Bai Yan on the other hand didn’t feel any danger or unease, rather her heart inwardly trembled once she laid her gaze on the construct. Without effort, her feet began to walk towards the giant bronze door in front.

“The reason I guarded this place for so long is for this very gate. To open it, us four sacred beasts must stand at the specific spot indicated by the statues.” After saying that, Suzaku’s body gradually enlarged and took on the form of a giant flaming bird to whisk through the air in a circling ark.

Little Rice became ecstatic at the thought of taking his tiger form. He lost the bet with Black Turtle so he had to keep being a boy, but now he’s free. With a roar, his mighty form returns to stand guard at this mountain like an invincible war god.

At the same time, Azure Dragon and Black Turtle also transformed, but unlike the majestic and searing heat of the bird and tiger, their bodies exuded a big puff of mist and watery droplets across the ground. All are equally majestic and mystique in their own right, just unique in regards to their own elements.

However, in comparison to their individual might, the following disturbance after they took their respective spots were astronomically loud. The sky burned red it’s been lit aflame, a crimson blood color that boomed and rocked the ground like never before seen. It’s as if someone or something powerful has been born into this world as a result of their actions.


Not far away in the palace, Di Cang had been discussing various matters of the realm with his subjects when this huge rocking quake brought them to attention.

“Majesty,” said First Elder who was the closest to the throne, “I remember State Teacher mentioning Suzaku and the others are not ordinary demons, that they’ve existed since the beginning of our world. I’m sure the queen will be fine so you need not worry about the disturbance.”

“Mmm,” Di Cang makes a thoughtful face, “I know they are not ordinary, there’s no need to mention that to me. I have full trust in my wife’s ability.”

Slightly startled by that response, First Elder quickly bent his head in apology. Didn’t State Teacher say the king lost his memories, how come I got the feeling he’s known about those four all along or something?

“First Elder,” Di Cang paused for a good moment before suddenly speaking, “In the following ten years I want you to pay attention to the human world. If there is any exceptional human that is born, bring me their details immediately.”

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