Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1708 - State Teacher’s injury (3)

Chapter 1708 “State Teacher’s injury (3)”

Tears continued to drip down onto the man’s face, yet it could not awaken his consciousness.

“State Teacher, I am afraid of the dark...”

Will you come back, okay?

She sat on the ground, holding the man’s head like she’s caressing the most precious treasure in the world.

“In this life it was always you who did the chasing and accompanying me... so, if there’s a next life, I will be the one to watch over you...”


When the elders of the demon council arrived on the scene, this was the tragic picture they saw of the princess. Then their hearts tensed into a ball upon realizing how lifeless State Teacher lay on the ground. They’re shocked, but also angry beyond belief.

“What happened to State Teacher? How is he? Who came to cause trouble in the Demon Realm? Who killed him?” Fourth Elder was the first to come forward to ask the questions they all had, he’s grieving as much as everyone else.

In the Demon Realm, if there’s no Di Cang around to act as their backbone then it’s State Teacher who holds that position.

“My State Teacher is not dead, he will never die!” As if triggered by the truth, Di Xiao Wan angrily snapped back at the old elder, his eyes filled with a sense of madness that sent shivers into those who met her gaze.

I won’t allow anyone to smear my State Teacher! I won’t let them say he’s dead!

“Princess...” Fourth Elder wanted to say something then but knew its futile.

Then without any signal, the demon princess suddenly drew a dagger from her storage ring, which scared the daylights out of all these demons.

“Princess, what are you trying to do?!” The group exclaimed, panic increasing to the upper limit.

They already lost one of their backbones, they mustn’t lose the princess as well.

“Don’t come near me!” Di Xiao Wan warned those who attempted to grab her dagger, “This is my business, none of you are allowed to come near, otherwise.... I will follow State Teacher to the afterlife!”

Her words frightened the living souls out of the demon elders. They didn’t dare to move an inch and could only watch with fearful eyes at the princess.

“State Teacher, I want you to never forget me even in the next life....” That said, the girl immediately stabbed the dagger into her own chest, letting the blood to bleed out from the wound.

“Princess!!!” Red in his eye due to the urgency, Fourth Elder could tear his own hairs out at the situation.

What to do! If this continues then the princess really will die! We can’t lose two of them in one day!

Despite the outcry, the princess merely ignored their words and pulled the dagger out from her chest where a round golden bead rolled forward as a result. This object was similar to a Dan pill yet the glossy shine on it told everyone it wasn’t.

“Beast Pearl?” The gathered crowd flew into an uproar at the sight.

Demon kind are a known hierarchy specie. The lowest of the low could only stay in their beast form despite their strength growing stronger over time, rarely do they have the opportunity to gain another form unless they come across an opportunity. For example, the demonic beasts in the human world was the perfect example of this. They are able to communicate and grow with age, but they are not able to take on human form unless they come to the Demon Realm and be guided through the process of evolution.

As for the higher tiered species like that romping tigress who went to the Celestial Realm with Chu Yi Yi and company, she’s inherently able to transform into her human form with age, all because of her superior bloodline.

In regards to Di Xiao Wan’s action here, as the ruling class in this realm, she has a third ability and that was this golden beast pearl. Unlike all demons who hold a core within their body, which houses their life essence and would die without the thing, the princess here could manifest her powers into a second object to give others. So what does that mean? She wouldn’t die of course, but she would revert to being a powerless demonling and need to start from the very beginning of her cultivation.

Leaning down with the beast pill in her mouth, Di Xiao Wan lets her tongue do the work of giving the guy her all: “State Teacher, no matter how many times you are reborn, you will always be within my grasp. And from now on your path to cultivation will be....”

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