Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1650 - Bai Xiao (4)

Chapter 1650 “Bai Xiao (4)”

“Wait!” Bai Yan attempts to stop her husband’s advances by pressing the palm of her hand against that big powerful chest, “I still have other things I want to ask you, hold it!”

Di Cang stopped his ill behaving hands at the order, staring down at the panting woman beneath himself: “Of course my dear wife, I will answer anything and everything that you wish of me.”

“Have you gotten any news about my brother Bai Xiao’s whereabout? Now that peace has returned to the Celestial Realm, I want to bring him home with us. It’s also the reason why I made such a big fuss before, it’s to let him know what I’ve done...”

She did not forget the bothered face of her brother’s when they met over at the demon city. Originally Bai Yan had wanted to get the details and help, sadly, the following fighting and such went out of her hands and caused her to miss that opportunity.

“I’ll send someone to look for him. Don’t worry, he’ll be all right.”

Bai Yan moved her mouth to say something else but quickly stopped midway since there’s nothing else they could do at the moment: “I hope you’re right...”

In this world, aside from her husband and children, Bai Xiao would be the demon queen’s closest family. If anything happens to him without her knowledge, this lady would never be able to forgive herself.


To the north of the Celestial Realm, there lies a frostbitten region of mountainous terrain – more commonly known as the Snow Realm. This part of the world never gets to see the light of spring, nor the greens of nature, only the snowy white landscape of ice and cold. Even so, life persists here in where it shouldn’t and a city had sprouted out from the grounds suitable for human inhabitants.

Of the several clans making this frost-bitten field their home, the strongest would be none other than the Snow Clan, a suitable name considering the climate and environment. Normally there wouldn’t be anything special to be of note in this frostbitten region where survival was a constant challenge for mortals, mostly just the occasional traveler or scuffle between clans. However, something major did occur in recent days.

According to the rumors, the Snow Clan’s greatest treasure the Millennium Ice Lotus had merged with an outsider after coming into contact with him. The person had no relationships to any clans so this scandal took headline news among the residences of this city. Even more astounding was the consequences of this merger, it had sent the young man into a comatose state!

Naturally the Snow Clan’s leading chief wouldn’t be pleased at having their greatest treasure stolen by an unknown stranger that came out of nowhere. To remedy the situation and without the consent of the person itself, the Snow Clan decides to take in this young lad and have him marry into the clan. That way they would retain the Millennium Ice Lotus without it being lost.

“Snow Lotus, I have decided in this matter, that teenager must marry into our family. Of the girls in our family, only you are the most suitable of age. I’m sorry but you must do this...” Speaking this inside a grand estate was the current chief of the Snow Clan, Snow Hawk.

Biting her lip in grievance, the girl by the name of Snow Lotus angrily lashed out: “I don’t want to! I refuse to marry some unknown boy that came out of nowhere. What if he’s just some random nobody from the mountains? So what if he fused with the Millennium Ice Lotus? We can just kill him and pluck it out from that body afterwards, why must we do this?”

That guy is just some nobody, how can he compared to my big cousin? And the Millennium Ice Lotus, it should’ve gone to Big Cousin instead. I was just about to take it to him from the vault when this bastard came out of nowhere and ruined everything....

Snow Hawk frowned: “My dear, how can you be so shortsighted? Father only wants the best for you. The Millennium Ice Lotus recognized him as the host because of his constitution, he’s bound to achieve greatness in the future. I’m not just marrying you to him in order to keep the lotus within our clan’s control, but rather also betting on the young man’s future. Perhaps somewhere down the line he would be able to bring great wealth and power to us if he becomes a member of the family, do you understand?”

Snow Lotus simply snickered a sneer at her father’s wishful thinking: “Father, you are putting too much hope into some stranger you never met. He’s just a nobody, I suspect the guy came specifically to scheme after our clan’s wealth. Why else would he show up out of the blue? Also, which part of him look amazing? I can’t sense an ounce of strength in his body.”

He’s nothing like Big Cousin who’s big, strong and manly.

“Enough!” Snow Hawk snaps and gets serious in his voice, “I’ve decided on the matter and that’s that. You will marry him on the prenuptial day set by the matchmaker! From this day forward you are not allowed to step one foot outside the estate, I will be ordering the guards to keep a close eye on you so don’t try anything!”

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