Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 182 - Please Apologize

Chapter 182: Please Apologize

Xia You frowned when she heard Chunsi’s uncouth words.

“What are you two bickering about?” Zhou demanded.

Chunsi answered. “Mother, he’s not sharing his good food with me.”

“I spent three days memorizing the Analects before I get to eat this cake,” Chunguo retorted. “I already gave you half of it. You’re the one who tried to take my portion when you finished yours.”

“I only got half of a half! He has already eaten half of it and is still so petty,” Chunsi argued.

Zhou scolded, “It’s just food. I’ll buy you one later, you don’t have to snatch it from others. Acts like this will just tarnish your reputation as a child born by the first wife.”

Xia You was aghast upon hearing her words. It was no wonder Chunsi has spoken those rude words. His mother was teaching him by example!

“Third Aunt, this pastry is not sold outside, it is made by Second Sister-in-law. I heard that it costs a few tens of taels to get one. I haven’t even tried it yet,”?Qiao said bitterly.

“See.?Your Second Cousin-in-law knows how to make it, she’ll make some for you later,” Zhou told her child.

Ye Jiayao smiled and responded, “This cake is not easy to prepare. I rewarded Chunguo with it only after he memorized the Analects. If Chunsi wants to eat it, he has to memorize the Analects as well!”

Chunsi rolled his eyes and said, “You wanted money when my mother asked to try your cooking. Now, you’re giving me a challenge before I can eat a cake? You are a bad woman!”

Ye Jiayao’s brows raised.?Why, you insufferable brat.?

Qiao was secretly rejoicing at how things have taken a turn.

“You are the bad one!” Chunguo refuted, wanting to defend her sister-in-law. “You?cheated my mother into refurbishing your house and you didn’t even return the money for the furnishing. Now you are here to cheat off of our food.”

“Chunguo, what nonsense are you saying? Quick, kneel and apologize to Third Aunt,” Xia-You reprimanded sternly.?This damned child! Where did he hear all this stuff?

Chunguo stood obstinately and refused to kneel, water welling up in his dark eyes.

“Older sister-in-law, did you make the child say it? If you have something to say, say it to me. You don’t have to use a child to make things ugly.” The fats on Zhou’s angry face jiggled. She couldn’t afford to be humiliated like this with all of her children present.

Xia You said lightly, “Third Sister-in-law, you’re being too sensitive. He must have heard some servants’ gossip. Don’t put too much thought into a child’s words.”

“Servants wouldn’t only gossip about that if they haven’t heard their masters talk about it. What sin have I done, huh? I came here excited and full of joy to be reunited with my family again, and yet here you are, pressing me for payment? Is this how families treat each other now?” Zhuo pulled out her handkerchief and pretended to wipe away tears that were definitely not there.

Xia You might be an expert in homemaking, but she doesn’t know how to fight. She was at a loss on how to deal with Zhuo’s confrontation. She was not going to apologize, though, that’s for sure.

“Yes, our Old Master is useless. He’s still just a prefectural magistrate even after so many years and is looked down at by his brother. Just tell us if you don’t like us, there’s no need to hide your hate behind a smiling face...” Zhou cried even harder. She was putting her all in this performance.

The three young ladies looked down at their laps, feeling awkward.

“Third Sister-in-law…” Xia You began.

“Stop being a hypocrite. I know what you think of me and my family now. You can’t wait to get rid of us just so you can have the inheritance all to yourself!” Zhou accused.

Chunguo was horrified at the trouble that he caused and immediately kneeled in front of Zhou. “Third Auntie, I was ignorant and was just spouting nonsense. Third Auntie, it’s my fault, punish me. Please don’t malign my mother.”

Zhou refused to give in. “I have finally seen your true colors, Older Sister-in-law. You wanted us gone, right? Well, don’t worry because we are leaving. Jinlian, Yulian, Yilian,?go get your father and older brother, we are packing up and leaving. We’re not staying in a place where we’re not wanted.”

Her daughters stood up to follow her order.

Ye Jiayao looked at Xia You and saw that her mother-in-law was at a loss of what to do.


“Hold on!” Ye Jiayao yelled. She turned to Granny sun and ordered, “Granny Sun, close the door. No one is to leave this room.”

Since Xia You didn’t say anything in protest, Granny Sun followed Ye Jinxuan’s orders.?After being by Madame’s side for so many years, she knows just how much she’s at a disadvantage with Zhou. Today, Lady Xia You would need to depend on the Second Young Mistress.

Zhou was taken aback by Jinxuan’s action. “Why? Do you want to silence us?”

Ye Jiayao simply smiled and said in a collected voice, “Third Auntie, please apologize to Mother for your words just now.”

“Apologize?” Zhou laughed in anger.?“Did I hear you wrong or is there just something wrong with your brain?”

“If Third Auntie apologizes today, we’ll put this incident behind us. Mother is not a petty person and I’m sure she won’t take this to heart.?If Third Auntie refuses to apologize, then we’ll have to clear all things up once and for all.”

“Who do you think you are? Who are you to head the family?” Zhou demanded.

“I am a young mistress of the Jing An Marquis’ mansion, it is my duty to protect the name and the honor of our house. If I have to play the bad guy to do that, then so be it. Now, apologize to Mother.”

“Bite me,” Zhou spat venomously.

Ye Jiayao snorted. “Bite you?” She shook her head and continued slowly, “I don’t eat shit.”

Everyone froze.

Xia You almost busted out laughing. Jinxuan has some fire inside her!

Zhou’s face was mottled red with fury. She stomped over to Ye Jiayao and raised her hand to hit her, but Ye Jiayao grabbed her wrist just before her hand connected. Ye Jiayao might look weak and delicate, but her daily practice with knives made her stronger than she looks.

With her wrist incapacitated, Zhou glared furiously at Jinxuan and demanded, “Is this what this mansion teaches their younger ones? Disrespect their elders?”

“Oh, you want to talk about upbringing? Okay. Why don’t we reflect on your upbringing, Third Auntie? First, you were disrespectful to your older sister-in-law. Second, you owe them thousands and thousands of money and not only have you neglected to pay your debt, but you also refused to acknowledge it.?We helped you renovate your house according to how you want it and yet, you claim that it was all your son’s doing, immediately absolving yourself of the debt. You want to leave? Go ahead. If you are trying to threaten Mother to give in to you, you can forget it. Tomorrow, the entire city will know how you reneged on your debt.

“Third, Third Auntie keeps complaining about being poor, so poor that you are unable to afford decorations that’s why you wanted to take things from our storage. Why don’t we go to your new house this instant and take a look at what’s in there? Let me guess, maybe a whole 15 carts full of heavy chests that even four strong men found difficult to move? If word gets out, do you think the people from the imperial censor would go to Jing Zhou to investigate about your ‘wealth’? What do you think they’ll uncover?”

Zhou’s heart skipped a beat. How did the Second Daughter-in-law know about that?

Xia You was stunned. This was news to her. Immediately, her anger rose. Xia Zhuofeng’s brother was merely pretending to be poor to extort money from them.

“Third Auntie, no one knows the truth better than yourself. If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper. Everyone knows this principle. However, if there is a shrew in the house, then it is necessary to tidy up the family. You weigh the consequences of going against us, Third Auntie.”

With that, Ye Jiayao flung Zhou’s hand away.

Xia You was amazed at how bold and daring Jinxuan was. The Old Marquis told her what happened when Jinxuan and Chunyu met with the Emperor, but she didn’t believe it until now.

Qiao, on the other hand, was sufficiently frightened. She didn’t realize how ruthless her new sister-in-law could be. From then on, she vowed never to cross Jinxuan again.

As she stared at Jinxuan’s cold eyes, Zhou started sweating. All that display of power coupled with all the things that Chunwen told about her, she couldn’t help but be afraid.?She never imagined that she would fail so miserably today, at the hands of a young lady nonetheless.

“You… You are being disrespectful and unfilial,” Zhou stammered, her lips quivering.

“When you’ve settled this matter, I will go seek forgiveness from the ancestors. Until then, don’t try to use your status as an elder to control me, Third Aunt.?I only give my respect those who are worthy of it,” Ye Jiayao declared with a cold smile.

She knew that she might get in trouble for this, but she was past caring. Ye Jiayao knew that if she didn’t do anything, this vicious cycle would just continue. Xia You was her mother-in-law and she was determined to protect her dignity. Of course, she also knew that for someone as shameless as Zhou, one lesson is not enough. She knew that Zhou would hate her after this.

“Elder Sister-in-law, are you really going to allow your young mistress to be this savage?” Zhou criticized Xia You, not daring to go directly against Jinxuan again.

Xia You merely laughed at her. “I think Second Daughter-in-law is right. Third sister-in-law, aren’t you betting on the fact that I am afraid to air the family’s dirty linen outside? I have thought things through. If you have grown sores on your body, you cannot avoid seeing the physician for fear of pain and shame. If there is an illness, you should treat it.”

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